Thursday, November 26, 2009

Nov. 19, 2009 - Life at the MTC

Hola mi Familia!

I only got 15 minutes to write this e-mail so please excuse me if it's a bit short.

Things at the MTC are pretty good! The first couple of days where quite a shock. Sleeping was kind of rough, and the 24/7 work work work was quite a shock from my lazy summer days of just lying around and doing whatever. At first I felt lots of feeling of overwhelmment, discouragement, and lonelyness. It was quite a hard adjustment. But Tuesday really turning things around. I kinda got a better perspective and I have a better perspective of things now. My main focus is taking care of those who need the message that I am going to bring to them. I'm looking forward to that very much. I also can't wait to get home and share all the wonderful experiences that I had. I am now getting used to the whole schedual, how things are. Right now I'm typing on a computer in the laundry room doing my laundry. Don't worry mom I know how it works, and it's quite easy ^_^.

So MTC life is really great. I got to meet my companion his name is Elder Ellis. He's a farmboy from Logan Utah. I've realized that the MTC is comprised of 80% Utahians. It's pretty funny. But there is a person in my district who is also from Georgia so we stick together with our Georgia bad selves! ^_^. Anyway Elder Ellis and I are getting a long pretty well. We have a couple of differences. For example he liks to rush around, whereas I like to take my time, and he likes to teach by teaching on the spot and I like to have an outline and teach in order. It's interesting how a lot of companionships are like that. I view it as a way to learn from a different perspective and build each other up.

The food is good here and gym time is lots of fun. I get to lift weights and play extreme games of four square! It's pretty awesome

Also the spirit is felt so strong here. The Devotionals and firesides are so wonderful and it makes me even more excited to serve on my mission. My mission president has a huge spirit as well. He talked to us in a meeting last tuesaday and made me feel so wonderful.

One talk that really effected me was when the speaker told the story of a boy who converted to mormonism and his parents did not approve. He also decided to go on a mission and his parents definately did not approve. I couldn't imagine going into the MTC knowing that I wasn't going to have family there supporting me. But he did, and soon after his mother went to the MTC and was able to soon come to terms with the whole situation. It make me realize that my mission isn't going to just effect those who I come in direct contact with, but also my family and friends will be blessed emensely as well..

Well I wish I could say more, but I only got 5 more minutes. I love you guys so much, and I know that if we pray and stay faithful Heavenly Father will bless us emensily. Look forward to what the future holds, and live for the day. Once again, I love you mom dad and Rachel.


P.S. Tell rachel that if she copies my shwagger that she's not gonna get any letters from me :P heheh ^_^

real quick

^_^ - smiley

^_^; - smiley with sweat droplets

^(^o^)^ - guy with hand in the air

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