Thursday, November 26, 2009

Nov. 26, 2009 - "Week does in el CCM (MTC)

Hey Again Family!

It was sooooo nice getting letters and packages of treats from you mom and dad. It's true what thay say. Missionaries are fueled by letters and packages ^_^. I'm glad you guys are doing well, and things are running smoothly. I'm sorry about dad's "parasite" that sounds pretty intense! i hope he's doing alright now. Mom, I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of your time with your family, and try not to miss me too much, The day I return will come out of no where and we'll all be reunited once again.

Anyway, got to make this quick. I'll try to explain everything that has happened.

This week has been a lot easier than the first. I'm getting the hang of the schedual and how to study efficiantly and trust in the Lord and the Holy Ghost to guide me. I've learned a couple of tasks in Spanish like praying, bearing my testimony, following up on commitments and so forth. It's coming pretty smoothly for me, but my companion has no spanish experience whatsoever, so i'm trying to help him out as much as possible. I was also introduced to the RC (refferal center) which is like telemarkiting for Missionaries. It's pretty cool because it gives you a chance to interact with people online or over the phone just a like missionary in the field would. it's good practice. My companion was lucky enough to get a golden contact and was able to give the whole first lesson over the phone. He was really excited. I got to explain the plan of salvation to someone, but I also had someone calling in for help to change a tire. She was asking for a pasture and stuff, it was so rediculous ^_^;;. Anyway Last Tuesday we got to hear from Dallin H. Oaks It was such an awesome expierience. He gave a lot of good advice on how to become a really good missionary.

So that's pretty all the big stuff. My schedual usually consists of classes, studying and meals. My P-day is on Thursday, and Saturday we clean. It's really cool to see how one's perspective changes in the MTC. I've learned to look at the eternal perspective of things and consintrate on helping Heavenly Father's children. Dallin H Oaks said that it's not often when you get to put full attention on one thing without worrying about school, jobs, marriage or all that other stuff. I'm going to concintrate on that and do my absolute best.

Oh! I've also gotten to know my companion a lot better. He seems like the type of person that if I were to meet anywhere else I would never become friends with him. He's the social butterfly type that thrives on attention and boasting. It was kind of a challange getting over myself, but I did it. I need to have the right attitude and now I've come to really care and love my companion. Right now he is going through some really tough times. He had to talk to the branch president about something, and he's about to get a colonoscopy because of his ulcerities (some type of stignent cancer in his digestive system) I say my prayers every night and ask heavenly father to help him because I can tell that he really wants to serve him, and that's all that matters

Thanks for the mail again guys, I really do appreciate it, and I love the support you give me. Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving, and a Wonderful Christmas. I will be thinking about you guys and keeping you guys in my prayers. Until then take care and live for the day!

-Elder Pyro :D

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