Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yo Estoy Super Bien!

Heeeey Family!

I got your letters on thanksgiving and it made me miss you guys so much ^_^;. Well, Let me start out by telling about my crazy eventful week.

So I'm still language and gospel studying as usual. I'm starting to get a great feel on how to study efficiantly. When you study the gospel the best way to do it is to have a question or pick a topic that you want to learn about and just search the scriptures or use other resources to learn more about that topic. I feel the spirit so strong when I do that.

So on thanksgiving I got to hear from another Apostle! It was awesome. This time it was Jeffery R. Holland! He came by and answered questions that that missionaries submitted to the apostles a while back. It was really cool. Some of the the things that he said I really enjoyed. For example, he told us that if we are feeling homesick then that is a good thing. he said that he hopes that we are feeling very homesick, because it's that love and gratitude for you family or friends that should make you want to to serve the lord and make others have that same love in their lives. I never really though of it that way and it was really neat the way he worded it. I also remember seeing a quote that someone had on their desk. The quote defined missionary as someone who leaves their family for a short time so they can help other families be together forever. That's what I'm gonna concintrate on from now on.

I am also singing in the MTC Choir. Imagine that! Yeah my inate ability to sing by ear really comes in handy. I'm singing the Tenor part and it is really fun. Plus the choir directors are very professional. They know how to prepare people to sing a piece very well. The most recent song that we sang really touched my heart. I'm kicking myself right now because I can't remember exactly what the song was called. I think it's called "Behold the Reedemer" I'll try to tell you what the song is really called, but the last line of the song is "He takes you in his arms and quites all your fears." that image in my head makes me feel so loved and so greatful for the atoning sacrifice my savior made for me. I hope you guys know how vastly Heavenly father and Jesus Christ loves you. I know that he does and that anything that you guys go through he trully is there for you ALWAYS!

So anyway I also have some bad news. My companion developed a cold and he has been in quarenteen for the last week. I've been teaming up with other companionships and just kinda taggin along. I pray for him every night in hopes that he will get better. After he comes back he has to get a Colonoscopy because aparantly he's been having problems with is ulceritis as well. I really hope everything will be ok. It's really crazy! It's not just my companion who is sick. The Flu has been running ramped in the MTC and the MTC is taking every precaution they can. I've been lucky not to have caught it. Also apperently the Swine flu has made an apperance as well. Everyone in my district got a free Swine Flu shot just in case, so don't worry, the MTC has got it covered.

So Dad! I'm glad that I got to hear from you again. Glad that you are enjoying some Gran Torismo action there! Hope you get time to enjoy that whenever possible ^_^;. I'm sorry that you got stuck with a couple of amatures again in your other band. Hopefully you can weasel yourself out of that one ^_^;;. I'm glad that your feeling better from that parasite. Sorry you had to deal with that. Hope everything runs smoothly for you at the stroller biz, and I hope that you can continue to pwn those newbs in ET :P. Also thanks for wishing me a great thanksgiving. The food was delicious, heheh not really. It was pretty much what I expected from the MTC. Also I'm gonna continue to use my smileys :D no matter how much you poke fun at them heheh ^_^. Anyway I love you dad and keep up the good work.

Mom, I'm glad that everything is going alright for you and that you coping with your boss and everything. I hope that you remember that life is merely a state of mind and that if you choose to be happy I know you will. I always get all teary when I read your letters because you always know exactly what to say. When I whispered those things into your ear I meant it. Everything is going to be alright. In fact everything is going to be SUPER BIEN! ^_^. I'm glad you had a great thanksgiving and I hope you know that I love you ver much.

Rachel! I haven't heard from you in a while! Come on! Don't you be jackin my style! I will come get you if you try to copy my swagger! I mean it! Hehehe I actually learned that there is a word in spanish for "swagger" I'll teach it to you later :P. I hope you are doing well in school and that everything is alright. Try not to get in a car wreck while I'm gone either! Remember, merging into people, especially big trucks, is bad :P. Heheh I love you a lot Sis! Always remember who you are, and remember that I will be waiting for the day that I get to see my fellow furry sibling. GLIIIIIIDE! Heheheh ^_^ *wagwagwag*

If you guys want to give me anything here are a couple of things that you could give me. I would really love to get some pictures of the family. The pictures of me and mom or me and Rachel, or whatever would be awesome. If you want to send them framed that would be cool too. I could put them on my desk and look at them whenever I study. If you guys could send pictures of my friends, like the group photos of everyone that I have on my Facebook pictures, that would be awesome too. Also I kinda need a watch ^_^;;. Just a inexpensive one will be fine because I don't want to worry about it getting stolen or anything.

Well gotta wrap things up. Keep those letters coming. They fueeeel meeeeee! heheh. I love you guys so much. Remember to keep praying and to trust in the Lord. I know he will provide. Take Care and live for the day

-Elder Clark

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