Friday, December 25, 2009

Feliz Navidad

Hola mi familia! Estoy muy famiz por Navidad en el CCM (MTC in english)

First of I want to say thank you so much for the wonderful preasents you guys sent me. I'd have to say my favorite is the family photo of all of us, with the added bonus of the photo of me and Noah. The smile on his face puts me in a good mood every time ^_^.

Anyway things are going pretty great here. This weeks weather is just like how Dad discribed it. Lots of ups and downs. Es muy estrangio (sorry if my spanish isn't as perfect as it should be. I am speaking MTC spanish of coarse ^_^;;) But yeah today (Christmas Eve). It's been flurrying really nice and it's really nice to see snow right before christmas. It's pretty much like a miracle for me. You should see me out there. My companion is walking in this winter wonder land like it's no big deal and I'm jumping around trying to catch snow flakes on my tounge. As Linus would say "Catch a snow flake on your tounge. It's fun!" *charlie brown music plays* XD (in case you are wondering actions are indicated by " * ").

In other news. I got to hear from another apostle last tuesday! It was Elder Andersen and he talked about how the great things in this life are payed in advance. I know that what I'm doing is paying in advance. I'm puting things into my spiritual bank account and those funds will fuel me for my whole entire life. Remember that family. Remember that even though some things may seem as a sacrifice, it's that sacrifice that will allow the heavens to open and pout it's eternal blessings. I'm so glad that I'm serving a mission and I ablsolutely can't wait to do the work of the Lord.

Well, Christmas is pretty much tommarow. I remember the days when Christmas would take FOREVER to come, but it seems that Christmas is here right before I knew it (perhaps it's because I'm so amazingly busy) It's obviously gonna be very interisting christmas. I'm going to miss you guys so much, but the perspective I have on christmas is so much greater. We are celebrating the birth of someone who made it possible for everyone to be resserected! The ability for us to live together with the ones that we love has been given to us because of our loving Savior Jesus Christ! I know that he came to this earth and he performed countless miracles, including his atonement. His atonement is central to God's plan, and I know that without it we would be a lost people. Remember his sacrifice family and remember that becuase he was born we are all saved! I love you guys so much. I can't wait to share that message to other families so they too can be together with thier families for eternity. I love this quote that I saw on someone's desk. It defines missionaries as someone who leave their families for a short time so that other families can be together forever. I trully believe that and I hope you guys know that as well.

Well I think I will address you guys seperately since I got about 15 more minutes

Mom: Well, choir is going great! We got to sing "One small babe" and it was great. I even recorded it with a tape recorder (I felt bad about bringing a camara into the meeting) I'll make sure to try to get someone to film me doing my Tae Kwon Do in the talent show. It's gonna be kinda wierd because I have to do it in my missionary cloths, but it's still gonna look awesome as usual ^_^. I did get my ukulele. Aunt Risa and Uncle Scott where soooooo nice, they even sent me a WHOLE LOT of cookies! More than I think I can handle ^_^;. If you can tell them I can't be greatful enough for all that they have done for me. Tell them that I really love and appreciate the large amounts of kindness and generosity they have given me. They are trully demonstrating the wonderful Christlike attribute of Charity and Love and I hope they know that they have a special place in my heart for them. I know that they will recieve countless blessings for their wonderful acts of kindness.

Anyway I hope that things with your job are working out. I know that if you have the right attitude everything will be alright. Me and my companion don't always agree all the time, but I try to have a good attitude and that has made all the difference.

Thank you again for the 12 days of Danny. It so typical for you to do something like that with the little cutesy cards and cutesy messages about the cutesy gifts heheh ^_^.Those 12 gifts put a smile on my face each day, and I can tell you put a lot of thought in to them. I'll let you know what I think about the christmas gift when I write you a hand written letter on Friday. I love you mom, and I know that if you're strong and have a positive attitude the Lord will love and support you all the way

Dad: Ohhh man! You telling me about bowling night made me miss all the fun stuff I got to do with my friends! I'm glad that you still have that inner child that tells you to do stupid stuff at the bowling allie XD. I thought it was really cool that you got to babtise 2 people on Christmas. I might get to get that same oppurtunity as well! *crosses fingers*. Sorry about the computer. Those trojens are nasty buggas >_<. Anyway, it's true what you say about missionaries on christmas. I do have a great appreciation for families and the birth of our savior Jesus Christ now that I'm on my mission and devoting all my time to the Lord. Well anway I'm glad your doing great and that you get to spend some time with Mom and Rachel for Christmas. That was also really nice of you to give them a chance to have a Girls weekend. Perhaps this will give you a chance to blow the house down with a massive GUITAR SOLOOOO. To bad you don't have me to do a guitar solo in my face to get me to go to bed XD. Ohh man I miss that. Well anyway I love you such much Dad. You have no idea how greatful I am for all that you have done for me. How much you have sacrificed and done to make me happy and to provide so many fun memories of playing tennis and flying kites together. I really love you so much.

On a lighter note I got a couple of spanish jokes of my own. Check this out!

Why are latinos so good at volleyball?
Because they have a lot of Pliyas (beaches. Sorry I can't spell ^_^;;)

Here's another one:

A latino walks into a wal-mart and doesn't know how to speak inglish. He gets a worker there to help him find so socks, but he doesn't know how to tell the worker. The worker gets out the catalog and finally turns to the page where it has socks on it. The latino exclaims "Eso! Si! Que Es!" and the worker responds "Well why didn't you spell it out in the first place!"

haaaaa haaaa haaaaaa *slaps knee* ^_^

Rachel: 2 MINUTES!!! Rachel I miss you so much. I love you so much and I'm glad you are doing so well in school. I know it's hard for you to leave two great people (me with a coolosity level greater to alix's XD) but just know that the Lord will be there for you always, and that if you live life to the fullest you will see me and Alix again before you know it. I'm proud of you Rachel, and you have such a strong spirit and such a kind heart. I will never forget the love and support you gave me in my time of difficulty. I love you sis

I love you family!!!

-Elder Clark

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