Friday, December 18, 2009

Hola mi amoroso famillia! ^_^

Heeeeey Family!

So nice to get your guys letters again. They trully are wonderful. Thank you so much.

Anyway this week wasn't quite as exciting as the previous week. I didn't get to talk to a black guy from Agusta Georgia, but it's alright things are still super bien here at the MTC.

I got to try out for the talent show that they are going to have for Christmast here. I'm of coarse am going to do some Tae Kwon Do. The lady running the talent show was SOOO excited to see something else besides piano or singing. The bad news is that i have to perform in a shirt and tie, but it's no biggie. The Mr. Mac suits are AWESOME. They are so durable and they stay clean so well. One of the people in my district got suits from the Missionary mall. . . Bad idea. . . It ripped within the first 3 weeks of the MTC ohh boy ^_^;;. But anyway, It seems like I am gauranteed a spot because my act is unique. Oh! Speaking of which. I also asked my branch president if I could have my ukulele here in the MTC also for the talent show. He asked a couple of people and contacted my mission president who obviously already said that I could have it and then tolde me yesterday that it was alright to have it. So Mom if you can contact Scott and Rissa for me and let them know that they can send it to me that would be MUY BIEN! Also if you could let Scott know that I am sooooo greatful for his generous offering. The money has served well in buying me study supplies and laundry detergent and such.

So here's the spiritual thought that I'm gonna leave with you guys. Last tuesday we had another devotional and a devotional meeting afterwards (like we always do) we discuss what we learned and bear out testimonies. My companion (who by the way seems a lot more motivated to serve now, it seems that the devotionals and talks that we got to listen too really got him going again, so I'm really happy for him) said that he liked the part where Elder Maynes said that the men are blinded by the craftiness of men, that it is our job to bring them out of spiritual obscurity. I believe that I can not only make an impact now on my mission, but for my whole life. When I bore my testimony I mentioned that as members of the church and missionaries we are responsible for spreading the truth Here, after, and FOREVER! . . . Those words seemed to ring inside my head. It felt as though that they weren't all my words either. It was the spirit telling me what to say, bearing witness of the truthfullness and the blessings that are to come from sharing the gospel. On the same note in class we learned that ward members are soooooo important to a missionaries success. Both in conversion and retention, ward members can help sooo much, so family please make sure to help the missionaries as much as you can. If you have friends do be afraid to share the wonderful gift that you posess. The knowledge that God loves us and that he has given us a plan of eternal happiness with those who we love. Remember these gifts that you guys have and how precious they are. As you ponder about these gifts think about how great it is to share those gifts with others. I know that if we do our best to share our beliefs with others, Heavenly Father will provide a way. One way or another.

Alright time to address you guys individually

Mom: I'm happy that you get to boast about my decision to join MTC choire. I'm sure the bagger at Kroger is so jealous :P hehehe ^_^. Yeah the choir has so much uplifting aspects about it. Especially when the director REALLY loves what he does. He goes so in to the music and he gets so excited. My favorite part is when he explains the song to us. He tells us of the significants of the phrases and really makes us motivated to "Cry mightily unto the heavens, and bear testimony through our song." It's really awesome.

Yes I have seen Travis. It was pretty cool how we saw each other. I was sitting on the couch in our study hall just studying away and I heard some people coming down the hall. It was when they came within 2 feet of me when I looked up. Travis was looking down at the time too, and he looked up. Both of our faces lit up and I jumped up and squeezed the crap out of him XD. It was so great to see him. He hasn't had a chance to go to choir, but since he's in the same study hall as me, we get to see each other a lot. It's so great ^_^. I'm glad you guys got to sing at church, even though it was a bit of a "train wreck". That totally sounds like something rachel would say. Also I'm so happy that Eddie and Gerald are staying in touch with Rachel. I was so suprised to she that she got to go to Gerald's house. That makes me so happy, I hope that they will also be great friends. Gerald is such a great guy. I can't believe that I never told you about Gerald's religion. Yeah, he's jewish, but it's a different sect. He's a jew that believes that Jesus was the son of God, I don't quite understand it, but that's pretty much it. Gerald isn't so into his religion though. Once he's out of the house he's gonna be doing his own thing. I have a feeling that I could have a positive influence on him as well and see if he will be interested in joining our church. Let Rachel know that bearing her testimony even when it seems like she shouldn't is sooo important. Searching and experiencing missionary experiences are so rewarding. Don't let a chance like that pass up.

Dad: I'm glad things are going well for you. I told those aweseme spanish jokes and riddles and they were quite the knee slappers :P. It's amazing how much spanish I am able to retain here at the MTC. I'm learning almost 10 times as fast as I did in school. I'm now teaching lessons only in Spanish. It's quite hectic at times, but as long as I do my best and speak as much as I can, then everything is alright. You still play enemy territory? One of my old roomates was in a clan for Enemy territory and I told him that your clan could wipe the floor with his :P. Anyway thanks for the letters and keep me updated. I hope christmas will be wonderful, even without me gracing you guys with my wonderful presence! ^_^

Well gotta wrap it up I only got 1 minutes left. Rachel you gotta write Elder Lunquiest (don't ask XD) but yeah tell her I love her very much and that I appreciate her and alex's letter (even though alex totally dear johned me >_<) I love you guys, remember to trust in the lord and all will be well

-Elder Clark

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