Sunday, January 3, 2010

Eliz Ano Nuevo!

Hola Familia!

Yes another P-day another letter. This week was such a wonderful one. I got so much to tell you guys and so little time ^_^;;.

First off thanks mom for sending me that letter. It came in yesterday and it was so nice to hear how your guys Christmas went and all the fun things you guys got. Make sure Rachel doesn't accidentlally glue her phone to her hand. I know she will do it. She'll find a way to reason that it's "more convenient" or something XD. Heheheh. Anyway I'm so glad you guys enjoyed your christmas as much as I had. Once again I want to say that Christmas is all about love. Jesus Christ had perfect love for us so he gave us the greatest gift someone could ever give, and I know that if we give that same love to all of those who are around us, we can make a huge difference in this world, and we will be all the more happy.

So anyway Christmas as you may have already known was really awesome. I got to perform my Tae Kwon Do stuff at the talent show. Sadly I was not able to record or take any pictures because they discouraged any pictures or video due to the stage and the place we were in was a dedicated chapel. I did however manage to record me singing in the choir. I did it using a tape recorder. I'll try to find a way to send it home if I can scrounge for some money.
Speaking of the Choir, the last song we sang was GREAT! It's still stuck in my head, and the message it gave was so great. It really warmed my heart and the choir director, who you can tell absolutely LOVES what he does because he's been doing it for over 20 years, said that that was the best he's heard that song for the longest time. The song is called "Consider the Lilies" I forgot who it was by and who arranged it, but I love the message it gives. It says to consider the lillies and the birds and how they are taken care of and dressed in every way because God created them. If we trust in the Lord and nothing else, everything will be taken care of, and we can find peace and happiness.

Oh! Yesterday I got to be a host missionary too! It was really fun. It snowed soooooo much on that day. Once again I'm grateful that we got the jacket because it definately kept me dry in that snow flurry. I got to help out two missionaries. One was a international missionary who came all the way from Austria (which is in Europe) He was going to Russia on his mission and he was pretty nice. The next guy was another Utah missionary. He seemed kind of nervious and shacky about the whole thing, but I reassured him and told him about my experiences. I told him that by the first tuesday (The devotional) He will be fine and time will fly by so fast, and looking back it has. Watching all the parents hug the missionaries and say good bye really brought flashbacks of saying good bye to you mom. It was kinda sad, but very happy at the same time. I know that what I'm doing is the right thing, and I've already witnessed countless blessings from my time here in the MTC.

Buuuuuut, I won't be in the MTC for long because I . . . GOT . . . FLIGHTPLANS! WOOT ^(^o^)^. We got them last night and it says that I will be flying Delta on January 16 (not the 6th) and we will be departing at around 11:26 or 11:30. I'm not entirely sure when I will be able to call you, but I will try to find out as soon as possible and let you know and keep you updated. I'm so excited to get out in the field. The MTC is great and all, but it starts to get monotonous after a while, and I REAAALLY want to get out, explore the world, and bring happiness into the lives of many. I know there are people out there waiting for me, and I'm coming for them! One way or another

That's the one thing that I've kind of had to struggle with this week. Now that I'm about to go out, I've kind of felt paranoid and thoughts of "Have I done enough?" "Have I studied the right way?" and "Am I ready?" have popped into my head. Those thoughts have really made me feel kind of anxious and stressed out (Yeah I know! Me? Stressed out? heheh ^_^;;). But, Tuesday's devotional given by Boyd K Packer's son who is in the seventy (I forgot his name ^_^;) was really great. He said to pray for a testimony that THERE ARE people out their waiting for you. The Lord wouldn't send me on a mission to not have an affect or not to convert anyone. I also had a great class where we learned that following the spirit is pretty much the only thing I need to worry about. If I follow the spirit, then it will given me in the very hour what I shall say or do. Now I know that all I need to do is follow the spirit, and do my best, because that's all I can give the Lord, and that is all he needs, and now I know that there are people out there waiting for me, and I'm going to do everything I can to invite them to come unto Christ. Because there inlies true happiness.

I love you guys so much, and I hope everything is going alright. Remember that the missionaries really need referals and that the members are vital to a missionaries success. I know that if you open your mouth and are not afraid to share what you have, you will not regret it. Your friends will love and respect you for sharing your thoughts and beliefs, and even sharing what you know can plant the seed.

I'm kind of runnning out of time so I'll try to adress you guys seperately for a brief moment.
Mom: I hope you enjoy your trip to Ashville NC. I love you so much, and I'm so glad that I can bring joy into our home even when I'm way over here in the west

Dad: I hope you are enjoying your gaming as usual. I told my friends about your awesome work place and how everyone had a crazy Haloween party. They loved the fact that a lot of the floors memorized the Thriller Dance XD. I'm still enjoying looking at your mission pictures and your GT pictures as well ^_^. Take care Dad, and keep it real. I love you so much!

Rachel: I hope you are doing well. Another semester of school is coming up. I know you had a rough time last semester so this semester just remember that any little thing that you need help with, the Lord will provide for you. He has helped me so much, both small and big things, and I know he can help you Rachel. He know's you personally and He wants to help you any way he can. All you need to do is ask, and he will be right there, and he will always be right there. I love you so much Sis, and I hope that all of your days are happy. I can't wait to come home and see how much you have grown. Take care and try not to copy to many people's swaggers while I'm gone XD.

I love you all family. Remember the Lord is ALWAYS there. Even when you think he isn't. The Gospel is true! I can't even imagine denying that.

Take Care

Elder Clark

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