Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In the Field!!!

Heeeey Family!

Well today is tuesday, but my P-day is now officially on Monday.

So anyway I am finaly free from the frozen prison of the MTC. Heheh ^_^;. The MTC was really great and I learned a whole lot, but being in the field is soooooo much better!

Anyway I am serving my first area in the Burbank 2nd Ward. My trainer's name is Elder Alldredge. He is so awesome and is doing an absolutely great job at showing me how things work and what to do and everything. It's kind of wierd at first because I have no idea what I'm doing, but now that I have been in the field for a while, I'm getting a pretty good hang on how things work. Sadly, my area is not a Spanish speaking area, so I am speaking in English right now, but I should be going to a spanish area sooner or later, so everything will be a ok. This area is however a biking area so I'm really excited about that and it's really fun. My room mates are really cool too. They are the zone leaders, and my companion is a district leader. So I'm surrounded by leadership.

It has been quite an eventful first few days. I've tried out a new contacting techique by asking someone if they were mormon. It ended with the lady saying "Nice Try!" heheh ^_^;;. I also had a member, who we didn't know who was a member play a mean prank on us and pretended to sick his dog on us. My roomates also played this insane prank on me by taking out the support on my top bunk, so when I jumped on top to go to bed I fell right through and plummeted to the botton. Mattress and all. It was soooo funny XD. My companion will probably send the video that he took to you guys. He absolutely loves showing that video to anyone he can. It was a pretty awesomely executed prank. I decided to put shaving cream in his and everyone elses pillows in retaliation :P. It's lots of fun. We also play Uno and have Nerf gun wars in our room. Things are going just great.

The work is kind of slow because we don't have any investigators. My companion and I are trying everything we can to get refferals or get new investigators. It's can be kind of a downer sometimes, but my companion reasures me that as long as we put in the work and do our best, the investigators will come. In fact we might have a potention one already. We went tracking and had 2 people who are willing for us to come over again and tell them about our message. One of the guys is named Craig, and he was just like "Yeah, sure I'll listen" It caught me so off gaurd. I was like "Woah Really!?" heheh ^_^; guess we were bound to find someone eventually, but yeah I'm totally have a testimony that as long as I continue working hard and doing everything I can we will get investigators.

My mission president is really nice too. He is so bright and cheerful and so down too earth. He greated us all with a great big hug. It was so nice. I can't wait to have more oppurtunities to talk with him and get to know him more.

Welp, time for me to talk to you guys personally

Mom: It was so nice talking to you in the airport. Everything is fine, and like I said my trainer is amazing, and the I am well taken care of. I hope you are doing well and that your not to stressed out. I love you very much

Dad: Sorry I didn't get to talk to you as long as I wanted too. I will always remember the advice you gave me. I'm going to be patient with the language and do my absolute best. Even thought I'm not in a Spanish area yet ^_^;. I will be though, and when I do I'll practice every chance I get. Take Care

Rachel: I am sooooo sorry I didn't get to talk to you. I left a rediculously long message on your phone so I hope that was good enough ^_^;;. Besides, hearing me say boom boom boom Muffins, must've been enough right? ;). Anyway I hope things are going great for you little Sister. Things are definately going alright for me. My companion is a huge fan of Lonely Islands, and Flight of the Concords, so we have lots of fun. Oh! and I heard the song "That's what you get" at a restaurant and I COULD NOT REMEMBER WHO DOES THAT SONG! The artist just escapes me. It's driving me CRAZY >_<. If you can tell me that would be great ^_^;;. Anyway take care sister. Keep saying your prayers, and never be afraid to share what you know. You have a wonderful gift. Don't ever take that for granted.

Well Gotta get back to "this mish" as my companion would call it. I hope you are doing well and things are doing awesome. Take Care, and I love you guys soooo much

-Elder Clark

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