Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And the work continues

Hey Family!

Thanks for the wonderful e-mail mom. You know how much I love those. I'm glad you enjoyed hearing my wonderful voice. I certainly enjoyed talking to you as well.

Alright so heres the report.

This week it RAIIIIINED! Sooooo much! My companion and I straped our helmits on and said "This is what seperates the men from the boys!" and we proceeded to do some epic tracting in the rain. Lots of people thought we were crazy, but we knew that rain or shine we WORK! Woot! heheh. Anyway we tracted a lot in the rain. I may have not metnioned but our area is low on investiagtors and we have been trying to do everything we can to get some more by tracting and getting member refferals and stuff. The first success we got was when this guy named Greg said that it would be alright to come by another time to share our message. When he closed the door and we left I was like "Did that just happen!?" I was so excited it was great ^_^. Him and his mom Debbie are Jewish and they don't seem to be that interested in the church, but the Mom, Debbie seemed to see something special in us. She said "I'm not anti-religion. All I ask is... if they are good people." I really love her attitude and I can't wait to see where it goes from there. She had her brother die 4 years ago and she is still lamenting over that loss. Perhaps the gospel can bring her comfort from that.

This is kinda funny. I was tracting this time. I usually get the usual "no thanks" or "I'm Catholic" or stuff like that, so when this guy named Nick said "Yeah sure, I'll listen to your message." I excitedly blirted out "REALLY!?" XD It was pretty funny. Me and the Elders laugh about that all the time. We also laugh about the time where I tried this crazy street contact method. My teacher in the MTC said that sometimes they would ask people on the street "Are you Mormon?" and he said that they got lots of success with that because it led into teaching about what Mormons were and stuff. So, I tried it and this lady said "Yeaaah, I know who you guys are, and I'm not interested." I replied "Alright thank you have a good night" and as we walked away she laughed and yelled "Nice Try!" XD oooohhh man good times.

Lastly me and my companion stumbled into a Scientology store while we were tracting in the Mall :O!!!. When I walked into the store and saw Ron L. Hubberd's name plastered everywhere I was noooot in my happy place. She wanted to give me a "stress test." She gave me these two metal handles and the indicator would measure my "stress level". I've heard a lot of crazy things about scientologists and I thought they were going to perform shock therapy, because that is what they do sometimes, but that was just me and my wild imagination ^_^;;. So she asked a bunch of prying question all along the way pointing out when I was stressed. To be honest her pointing out my stress was stressful in itself ^_^;. This whole experience was also kind of testimony building because she asked if I ever felt alone, and I said "Sure sometimes, but I know that whenever I pray to my Heavenly Father, I know that I am never alone." When we left my companion said that the needle went down when I talked about that kind of stuff. I know that Heavenly Father is always with me no matter what. After that whole experience I kinda felt frustrated at myself because I was so rediculously nervous and antsy. I realize that I need to rely on the Lord for strength and then act!. I think by doing so I will be provided the strength needed to do what is needed. It's like in 1 Nephi Chapter 16 or 17 (I can't remember) It says at the beginning of one of those chapters that the women that they were traveling with were strong and where able to provide for their baby's. This is because they had faith and kept the commandments. I know that if I do that I will be strong and not be so nervous around people like that. I think I underestimate myself sometimes. I'm not gonna do that anymore. I'm going to rely on the lord and go out with the power and authority that I have, because I know that I am ready, and I was meant to be called here. You helped me realize that Mom. I'm so happy for you guys, and I'm so greatful for this gospel

So I got to go to church yesterday and I got to meet some of the ward members and bear my testimony because the bishop put me on the spot. I bore my testamony about the Christmas in the MTC and it lead really well into the talk about the Love of Christ and our Heavenly Father. When you guys think of the love of Heavenly Father and Christ, try to think of it this way. They do not hate Satan! Just think about that and then try to fathom the love they have for us.

Well I should wrap this up, Sorry I don't have time to address you guys individually, but I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful day.

-Elder Clark

P.S. My address in the mission home is

1730 Rogers Place #11
Burbank CA 91504

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