Saturday, January 9, 2010

La Ultimo Samana!

This is it Family! The final week! It's reaaaaally blowing my mind ^_^;;

Anyway this week has been absolutely fantastic. I have learned so much and I am just dying to get out on the field. If I could say that I learned anything this week it would be that the power of prayer is a force to be reckoned with. Read 2 Nephi Chapter 32 verses 8 and 9. I Hope that is the right scripture, it says that the spirit teaches a man to pray, and that we shouldn't do ANYTHING until we have prayed to our heavenly father. When we do, all of our actions will be concecrated in his name, and we will be lead and guided by the spirit. But don't get carried away and pray for what brand of Peas to buy ^_^;;.

So, yeah this is the final week. I'm really excited. This morning I decided to record my voice on a little tape, and I plan on sending it out to you guys so you can hear my voice. Yay ^_^. I pretty much said as much as I could on that tape and I even included me singing in the choir during Christmas.

So a lot has happened. I had another cool experience at the RC (Refferal Center) I got to talk to this guy named Michael who was ordering a Bible. He had a great understanding of the plan of salvation and was preparing to be babtized. I got to bear my testimony about that and missionary work and it seemed to really touch him. It was so great and made me even more excited to get out on the mission field.

This week during choir we sang this really awesome song. It's called "Look at the World" by John Rutter. It is such an awesome melody and it's very uplifting. I hope you get the chance to look up any of the songs that I tell you about and try to sing together during sacrament meeting. That would be so awesome. Oh! and I really hope you guys will find a chance to watch "Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration" some time too. It's such an awesome testimony booster. I've seen it 3 times already, and I plan on watching it one last time this Sunday before I go out. It gives such a real and wonderful perspective of the spectacular life of Joseph Smith. The thing she did, and the things that were restored through him trully where gifts directly from God to us.

Like I said, I think I will be leaving off to San Fernando from Utah at around 11:00 or 11:30. I will try to see if I can call you guys. Mom, try to give me yours and/or dad's number just in case I need to use those numbers to contact you guys. I'm pretty sure they will understand if I call both of you guys. Mom, it was so kind of you to tell me to call Dad and Rachel instead of you. The Lord will bless you for those acts of Charity and if you look for those acts of charity wherever you go, you will bless the lives of many.

I feel prompted to say a couple of things about missionary work. One of the things that I've learned here in the MTC is that my work is important and that it is going to give me the foundation I need for the rest of my life. The MOST important work is done within the walls of our homes. I never realized that fact before, but it's true. Heavenly Father blesses Families. He loves us and wants us to be together forever. What a wonderful message of hope and love this is for us, and I believe we can share this message with the world. Family, it is so important to have Charity and Love to all of those you come in contact with. If you see someone struggling, or see something you can help somebody with. Do it! Love and Charity or two of the most important Christlike attributes we can show to others. When we show that Love and Charity, by performing service or sharing what we know with our friends, we are following the example of Jesus Christ and doing his work. I know that I am going on a mission to preach the word of God to others, but when I get home, guess what. My work is not over! It will never be over! Family, we can find immense joy by being in the service of our Heavenly Father. Don't be afraid to share what you know! Your friends will respect you and love you for the concern you have for them, and if you trully care and love for them, you will instinctively want to help them, and I testify that any life problems or questions or concerns all can be answered with a principle of the Gospel. I gaurantee it. I have seen it already, and I haven't even left the MTC.

Alright time to address you guys individually

Mom: Thank you so much for the letter. It was awesome that you and Rachel got to spend some time with each other. I can't believe you guys got to go to the Biltmore Mansion. Mom, I just want to say that I'm am extremely greatful for the last few words of your letter. When you said the word "YES!" with such confidence and without any hesitation, it warmed my heart and gave me so much strength. I understand now what you were kind of going though, and now I know that everything is going to be alright. The key is following the spririt and putting my whole heart, might, mind and strength towards the work. I love you mom, and I hope that you continued to be blessed, and do your very best.

Dad: I didn't get a letter from you. Can't you stop defending the objective for 5 FREAKIN MINUTES! Heh, I'm just messing with you. I'm very greatful for all the awesome letters you have given me, and all of the AWESOME JOOOOKES! heheh ^_^. I really miss you and I am so proud to be your son. Everytime I see your mission pictures it makes me so excited to be able to walk in your foot steps and do those same things (Maybe not in a 3rd world country, but pretty close). Take care Dad, and always know that you can affect peoples lives the same way you did before even though you are no longer on a mission.

Rachel: I really enjoyed your letter Rachel! I'm glad you still care about me to write! Heheheh I kid i kid. I am so proud of you for praying with your Athiest friend. The trick with people without a christian backround is to give them the same experiences that you did that converted you to the gospel. So try to think of the experiences you had in your life with the gospel and try to get your friend to experience those same things. With enough exposure I know that he will feel the spirit, and that any concerns or problems will be solved with a principle of the gospel. I gaurantee it. I love you dear sister. I love you so much, and I hope that you will do your best and follow the spirit it wherever it may lead you

I love you all family and I hope you guys follow the spirit and it's promptings. I know this is the true church. It gives us so much strength and support through any trial. Just like in Alma 7:11-13. It says that Jesus died so that he can succor his brothers and sisters. Take care family

-Elder Clark

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