Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Getting Transferred


So this week was the last week of the transfer. It was a pretty cool week and we did lots of exchanges. I was re-united with Elder Alldredge (since he just moved down the hall last transfer and became a Zone Leader). It was really cool to be with him again. We got to do some service for the people who are out of town and needed us to take care of their chickens. These chickens are sooooo much easier to catch than the Zulu's chickens XD. I remember that one day where you guys just watched us and laughed your heads off as we tried to catch those darn chickens. The next Exchange was with this Elder named Krashisnik. He is such a funny guy and pretty much writes down everything I say. He says he just loves the goofy way I say things sometimes and he wants to remember them and write them down in his journal. It's pretty funny.

So aside from all that I have so really big news. I'm getting transferred OUTTA HERE! and my new area is called . . . . . . . . EL DORADO!!! THE MAGNIFICENT! heheh ^_^ I have the soundtract if you haven't noticed. Anyway I believe that's the name of the ward that I am serving in and the town is called Lancaster I believe. I'll try to give you guys more information as time goes on, but I'm really excited. At the same time it is kind of sad though because I'm really going to miss my first area. Yesterday I visited all the ward families that I wanted to say goodbye too and took a couple of pictures. I gave Bro and Sister Anian a call and told them I wouldn't be able to visit them because I was really busy packing and stuff. They understood completely and Bro. Anian said some really nice things about me and my family. He told me that he was proud of me and that I bring happiness and love to his house, his daughters, and everywhere I go. That really touched me and I couldn't help but tell him that I love him. He is such a caring and charitable guy. I'm really am going to miss him. here is his address just in case you want to send him something < 612 Birmingham Rd. Burbank CA 91504 > on the same note here is Bro. Capellero and Sis. Christopherson's address <827 E. Harvard Burbank CA 91501> Bro. Capellero is the one who gave me his bike. He is really wonderful man and I keep him in my prayers a lot.

Anyway we visited the Eccle's family. They're the family who has the niece from mexico, Andrea, who we taught in spanish. They are probably the nicest families ever. They are the ones who give us dinner whenever possible, no matter what the circumstances and said that if we every come back on vacation that we have a place to stay at their house. They are so nice. Here is there address as well <909 Palm Ave. Burbank CA 91505> Alicia is from Mexico and James is from New Zealand and their whole familiy is just a bunch of fun.

We last visited Harper and Allisa. I enjoyed talking to them and sharing 2 Nephi 9:21 where it talks about Jesus Christ suffering for every living creature. I shared how I have enjoyed teaching them and feeling their wonderful light and faith. I also mentioned that sometimes I would come into their house feeling like I needed a nap and then later walking out feeling like I could conquer the world. I know that's the strength of the spirit right there ^_^. Harper also told me a lot of wonderful things and thanked me for guiding him on his journey. He compared the gospel as a puzzle and that it's not just something that you can solve right away. It's like dumping all the pieces out and then little by little forming the big picture. He said he may not know everything, but as he continues he will soon understand, learn and grow. I love how he mentioned that because sometimes I feel frustrated not knowing all the answeres, but I know that Heavenly Father will reveal all knowledge unto me sooner or later. He also mentioned the one time that me and Elder Uluoa taught him about prophets and his friend Jef was there. He said that Jef was very impressed with me and that he liked how I said everything with such sincerety and as if it came from the depths of my soul. That really touched me and I hope I can continue to do that with everyone that I come accross. We left their house after taking a couple of pictures and hugging each other goodbye. I'm going to try my best to stay in contact with them. Harpers e-mail, by the way, is harperjohnjones@gmail.com. Just in case you want it.

Well that's it for me.

Mom: Very funny e-mail XD. That took me like 40 seconds to read. Anyway glad things are going well, and glad I could help you Rachel and Dad out. I didn't know that you were going to read it out loud to everybody, but it seems like it really worked out ^_^. I love how much I am learning from other elders and from the people around me. there is just something about being exposed to so much of the world. It really puts a different perspective on things. Try not to fret to much about dad not being there. He will be back, and it seems as though he is doing pretty great. Just love and support him the best you can and stay possitive. Glad you enjoyed the Mother's day card. I'm really hoping that I continue on my artistic talents as I am on my mission. I love being able to express myself that way to others. In fact I made a similar card for Harper on his 26th birthday! I drew myself with my fist out and I cut a slit in the paper and stuck a Clark bar in there so it looks like I'm holding it. I got the idea off of some kid's valantine's day card XD. But he loved it a lot and it made him so happy ^_^. Anyway glad you enjoyed that and the pictures. I love you so much mom and I hope you aren't to stressed.

Dad: Off to Hong Kong again huh. I've told a lot of people who comment on the Asian ties I wear that you go there sometimes. Harper's girlfriend (yes it's official) Alissa actually served in Hong Kong and made us really freakin delicious Chinese food one time. There was scallops, beef with zucinni, and ginger chicken. It was absolutely wonderful. She even made the egg rolls too! She's very talented. She also knows both Cantonese and Manderin. She really impresses Asian people when she does that. She also is a huge fan of Bruce Lee like me. I really like this lady ^_^.

Anyway sounds awesome that your getting yet another computer at the scout action ^_^;. I suppose it's awesome that you can get such great prices and be able to support the scouts as well.

It's pretty cool that you are still playing some GT4. I'm thinking of really hitting that game hard when I get back on the mission, see if I can get really good at racing games and try to kick your trash at them some time! It will be so much fun! I can't wait.

Hope all goes well for you in Hong Kong. Try not to eat to many Pocky sticks. The people will laugh at you "Hooo hooo poocky!" heheh ^_^. Anyway I love you a lot Dad and once again am so greatful for all that you have taught me.

Rachel: Heeey! Hope all is going well for you as well. I'm glad you and Dad had a great heart to heart talk. Are you gonna start listening to some Kiss and stuff? Maybe some Alice Cooper or Rush? You and dad going to that Rush concert would be sooooo sweeeet! It would make me super Jelouse as well! How about Yotsuba? You thinking of getting the rest of the series? I'm really tempted to get it myself, but I'm not gonna. Missionary work comes first ;). Anyway I miss you as always sis. I absolutely can't wait to come back and maybet go to a Paramore concert with you! Man that would be soooo cuuuuuu! Waaaaah! Nuuuuu! Heheh :P just thought I would throw that in there for old times sake ^_^. Well keep listening to those great songs like Come Sail Away and Enter Sandman, and we shall PARTAY when I come back. I love you so much Sis. Take care!

I love you guys so much. I'll let you know how it goes in EL DORADO! EL DORAAAAAAAAAaaaaaDO! heheh ^_^. Peace!

-Elder Clark

(Micheal picking people for the baskitball team) "And Stanley, Of course." "why of course?" " . . . " XD

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