Friday, June 4, 2010

Elder Pyro in the Desert

Heeeeeeey Family!

Weeeeeellll wellll welll. I'm here in the El Dorado ward in Lancaster California (Otherwise known as Sand-Blaster California) ! My new companion is Elder Finch!

So I'm in yet another English speaking bike area. It doesn't matter to me though. I'm still trying my best to keep up with my spanish and I'm still loving the work. Elder Finch is a pretty cool guy. He's from Spanish Forks Utah and he enjoys all the redneck stuff (hunting fishing etc) and he's pretty chill to be around.

My area is so much different than Burbank. Burbank was a bustling city full of life, whereas Lancaster is much like Georgia except with no trees whatsoever and lots and lots of sand. It's a DESERT! I really like the sights though. It's vast and you can see the mountains in the distance. I love it a lot. One thing that I noticed immediately that it is Soooooo windy! hence the nickname "Sand-Blaster" California. It's not bad, but it's pretty tough to bike against. Feels like i'm "Runnin against the wind" (heheh sorry had to drop that line :P).

Another difference is that we have Soooo many investigators. Burbank was a very tough area trying to find people and get investigators that would progress, but here we have many options. My companion says that they had had at least 1 baptism per transfer. It's pretty awesome! So far I've met a couple and they are very nice people. 2 of them are black which is pretty awesome because I have not seen a black person for 6 months! heh ^_^;.

One day we stumbled upon one of our investigators and his family having a "prayer service" The main guy invited us in to join and we agreed. We walk in to this intense prayer where this lady is shouting at god to end the corruption and to fix the country to help the people that they know that are in trouble. They also recognize that it's by his will and thanks him for things they have in this life. While one person is praying there were numerous of people shouting phrases like "Amen" "Yes Lord" "By the Blood of Jesus" "Hallelujah!" and so on. It was crazy! Yet strangly powerful. I kind of had that feeling of the spirit, because they trully wanted to believe the truth, and they trully wanted what was best for all people, the problem was is that they don't have the fullness. It was still nice to sit in and experience this craziness, and to see the unity they all had as the ended the prayer service with all of them singing in perfect harmony a hymn I didn't recognize. They gave each other hugs and even gave me and my companion hugs. It was very touching and they were a bunch of very nice black people ^_^. We taught Loren, the son afterwards who has been investigating the church for a while now. He seems very influenced of the traditions of his parents, but he's still willing to try. I hope he does, even though it may be hard, I know it will make him happy.

So anyway besides that happening. We also had an interesting night when some cops decided to barge in! One of the Elders we're living with, Elder VanValkenburg (V for short) opened the door to a gun in his face. He was handcuffed and put into the car. They asked Elder V who else was in the house and he said it was just a bunch kids in there. He told how old we were and then one of the cops yelled "THey're not kids! They're adults. GET 'EM BOB!" They searched the house and woke me and Elder Finch asking "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "sleeping?" I answered " . . . Ok go back to bed!" they ordered. I had no idea it was the cops until I woke up later and ask elder V what was going on. Apparantly some of our neighbors falsely accused us of beating up a black lady and dragging her into the house. The cops let us all go and called it good. Wooow what a crazy night. Welcome to Lancaster ^_^;;. We suspect it had something to do with the Lancaster Baptists. Yeah, there are a LOT of them out here. It's really interesting the kind of religious backrounds people have here compared to Burbank. Anyway Lancaster Baptist church is a HUMONGOUS church that absolutely HATE Mormons. Ahhh geez ^_^;;. I'm sure I'll be alright though. There are a lot of people that like us more than the people that hate us. After all we are having lots of success here. I suppose it's because people are more humble here.

Well those are pretty much the highlights. I hope you all are doing well.

Here is my address by the way <44230 20th St East #1 Lancaster CA 93535>

Mom: Glad thins are still going well with work. Every time you mention DFS I miss it soooo much ^_^;. I'm glad that you are keeping busy enough to keep yourself occupied. Dad mentioned this in one of his letters that a mission life tends to really get you prepared to have good work ethic and things, and I believe it. From 6:30 to 9:30 it's work work work, and I love it. The days pretty much fly by. So I've pretty much learned that I prefer to be busy wrather than just sitting around and vegetating all the time (heheh "vegetating, don't ask. I think it's a funny word for some reason :P). So anyway I am SOOOOO jealous that I didn't get to see Rachel perform Bohemian Rhapsody. UGH! Do you have film of it or anything? Cause I am DYING to see it! If you can't don't sweat it at all ^_^;. Also glad to hear that Rachel is passin Algabra. I'm pretty sure that was the angels themselves singing when that happened. Congradulate Rachel for me and let her know to keep it up!

Well I sure love you. My new address is 44230 20th St East #1 Lancaster CA 93535 in case that your wanting to know. Hope all goes well for you. I love you so much!

Dad: Sounds like things are going good in China. I'm am once again jealous that you got to go to my dream trip yet again -_-. Heheh, glad you are enjoying the bustling city, and are getting a lot done there in Shenzhen. If you can try to send some pictures. I absolutely love the busy environment, and I'm curious to see how Shenzhen is. Well that's pretty much all I can say for now ^_^;. Hope everything is doing alright. I love you Dad!

Rachel: "If I'm not back again this time tommarow carry ooooon carry ooooon. It doesn't really matteerrrrr!" Ohhhh man RACHEL! You ROOOOCK \m/ >.< \m/. I asked mom if she could send me that video. If she can't you gotta! Anyway I'm so happy to hear that, and also that your passing Algebra *HIGH 5*!!! I'm so proud of you Rachel. I hope you continue to make good decisions in life, and that when I get back we can totally go to a Paramore concert or go party it up somewhere! I'm so excited for that day ^_^.

Anyway Just to mention one thing. I thought it was interesting how Mom mentioned your concert was kind of like a show instead of just kids standing around and singing. That's pretty interesting because in Burbank high school there is a thing called Show Choir, where they pretty much do that sort of thing all the time. The students also get an opportunity to coriograph the dances and things as well. I got to see some videos of their performances and they were spectacular. It's supposedly the finest show choir in all of the United States. I suppose that that's the kind of talent you find in Burbank where so many people are in the show biz. Well that's about it. Hope all is goin well for ya sis. I love you soooo much! talk to you later.

(Rachel P.S. "I'm not fallin for it Yomi. Flying dear don't exist! Your trying to trick me!!")

Well that's it everyone. Can't wait too see what this week holds. Until then!

-Elder Clark

P.S. Angela: just two kittens . . . *sob* . . . out on the stroll

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