Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Summer is definitely here...FOR REAL"

Hey Family Again!

Summer is deeeeeeeeefinately here. (that's why I used that for the subject) It's getting pretty hot over here! Getting up there at 95 and 98 degrees sometimes >_<. Man! The sand is really kickin up too. I need to wear my sunglasses as much as possible. It's also bad at my appartment too because we have NO AC!!! Guys if I come back in a glass jar as a liquid please give me a honorable ulagy. I want to be remembered as the man with honor, grace, and humility. Not as the man who served in the desert for 3 weeks and melted :P. Heheh. In desperation I try to take reaaaally cold showers to cool off. To bad it lasts maybe 20 or 30 minutes and I'm back to sweating. Ugh, guess I've got some heat acclamating to do ^_^;.

Anyway besides the steady climing of the temperature. Our investigators are steadily climing towards baptism! It's so neat to see this happening and I know it will bring them so much happiness. Right now we are looking at around 3 or 4 baptisms by the end of this transfer. I'm so excited!

This week I also got to go to the LA temple! That temple is so big, and it's very beautiful. The rooms have awesome artwork and the presentations were magnificent. I loved feeling those familiar feelings of the spirit as I did a session and feeling them with such power. I saved a couple of the temple cards so I can send them back as seuvaneers (wow lotsa spelling mistakes this week :P). It was a wonderful experience, and it was cool to be in LA for a while. It's kinda like Atlanta, except not as trashy, but it's still trashy nonetheless :P.

My companion also got a little sick during the week as well. Some stomach virus or something, so that day was a huge study day for us. It was nice change of pace and I got to learn a wonderful lesson in the Ensign comference addition. I read about Not Judging others, which was a talk by Schwitzer I believe. It was very enlighting, especially the part where he talks about creating a quite environment both externally and internally by staying free from sin. That way, we can create a good environment where we can listen to the Holy Ghost and make good judgements.

Last Sunday was also a wonderful day. It was fast and testimony meeting and I bore powerful testimony of loving others as Jesus did, and how Jesus trully died for us and lives. By him living we all can live and live Eternal Life with our Heavenly Father and our Families forever. I absolutely love bearing my testimony on my mission because I love the feeling of the spirit speaking through me. It's the coolest feeling because I know I am speaking, but they are most definately not my words. They just come out and I'm acting as a mouthpeace for my Savior. It's awesome

One last thing I'll mention is this one investigator named Trey! He is a 15 year old black kid who we were able to teacht he 1st lesson to because he had been coming to church with a girlfriend. I absolutely love teaching him because he's the blackest kid in the whole wide world. He doesn't know that much about religion at all, but everything we taught to him he totally understands. "That make sense dawg!" he would say every now and then. When we invited him to pray to know these things to be true, he did so. He really didn't know how to pray at all, but we helped him out. We asked him how he felt and he simply replied "Felt good dawg!" Ohh man I love this kid so much! We left that old run down house with barely any furnature with a wonderful gift that will last forever. I pray with all my heart that his parents will let him get baptized. They are kind of stand-offish, but I know that with him as an example they can have that oppurtunity to feel the spirit as he did. He bore his testimony (In the other ward unfortunately). One of the other Elders in the other ward told us about it. Turns out he snuck out of our ward to bare his testimony in the other ward. That sneaky investigator!!! Heh, it was great though! The other Elder told us it was the blackest and most genuine testimony ever. Trey explained how he prayed again after we left and that he felt good again. he also told the congregation how he was "kickin it" with his friends and tellin them about church. His friends started "trippin" and said. "Nah, church is lame dawg, why you be goin to dat mormon church anyway!? You ain't mormon!" He replied "Dawg! I been goin theuh fo 3 weeks. I am so mormon!" He bore his testmony that prayer does work, and that it helps us out so much. He then ended his testimony by saying "Annnnnd, that's it man!" and walked off the pulpit. MAN! I should've been there. Did I mention how much I love this kid!?"

Well that's all for this week. Have an EXCELLENT WEEK *Guitar Solo*

Mom: Mom I just want to say I really appreciated your testimony. I trully am greatful for you and dad being such an awesom example to me throughout my life. You trully gave me blessings unmeasured by living by example and bearing your testimony to me, even if you think you did or not. I believe through you guys, and by me finding out for myself really contributed to my conversion and my mighty change of heart. I owe it all to you guys. For raising me with love and the spirit that was preasent with so much abundance as I continued my life. Thank you so much mom.

Anyway now that I got you crying a little bit now :P. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your time at Al's. He is such a great guy and it sounds like you and Dad had a blast. It's pretty sad to hear that the Krietlines are leaving. I wish them well wherever they may be. She was such an awesome Sunday school teacher. She was so genuine and down to earth. I really looked up to her. I still have the hawaiian key chain that she gave the class when she took her vacation over there. Despite the fact that everything is WAAAAY overpriced. She is such a wonderful woman and I know she will recieve many blessings for magnifiying her calling the way she did. Thanks also for the John Mayer quote. I really like it. i really wish I knew how the song goes and stuff. I don't even recognize who the heck John Mayer is ^_^;. I'm sorry, but I really enjoyed the quote. It's true. You gotta defend that silver lining because other people are going to say that there isn't one. I know that there is always a silver lining. You just have to look hard enough ^_^. Well that's it for now. I love you mom. Take care

Dad: Dad, I looooooved the pictures and it made me reeeeeeeeeeallly want to go to China. Man! You have no idea how jealous I was to see those pictures. ESPECIALLY the one of the Bruce Lee statue. I absolutely love that statue. In fact I drew it in art class once. I love how it's right there on the pier as well. UGH! I'll stop thinking about it now ^_^;.

Thanks for the pictures. I was in fact able to see them, however I don't have a flash drive. I'm thinking of getting some so that we can send it back and forth. I might send my SD card as well so you guys can get those pictures on the computer or disc or whatever.

Glad to hear you enjoyed playing for Al. Jumping in the pool sounds like something really nice. Too bad I have to wait to do that T_T. Oh well. Hope you have a great week dad. I love you so much!

Rachel: Well well well, the time of your B-day has come. 17 anos (the "n" is supposed to have a little sguigle over it) Just enjoy each year as it comes sis. It's gonna go by quick. I hope that my package will be able to make it in time for you birthday. If not, it will still be good. Plus the card will make more sense too ;). Heheh, I bet you will love it. I hope all is going well for you sis. I love you so much.

Grandpa: Well mom let me know that Grandpa is getting a little tribute soon so I'll just write some words about him. As many time as I have seen Grandpa there had never been a time where he ever raised his voice, got angry, or upset. He always has a wonderful smile on his face, and a wonderful attitude too. He seems to be happy and content in whatever situation he is in. He also never hisitates to bear his testimony and to give advice that I know is directly from the Lord himself. He trully is an inspirational and loving man. He is someone who loves his Heavenly Father, and His children so much. I know that's probably why he was a high school counsuler, so that he could share his love and give comfort and counsul to those in need. Grandpa has taught me that I should always look at the big picture. The things that matter the most, which is the love of my Heavenly Father and the love of my Family. Thank you Grandpa. Your quiete and gentle disposition has always invited the spirit wherever you went. The last and finally things I will always remember of Grandpa are two phrases that I charish every where I go. Whether it's his turn during Mexican Train, or it's time to go whenever he utters the words "Ok! Troops!" It brings a smile to my face each time. I will always remember whenever I leave to house to always "Watch for the other guy!" As well, because that is definately true. I love you Grandpa, and I hope all your days are happy and full of the love and comfort of the Holy Ghost.

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