Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another Transfer down!!!

Pues Pues Pues, que tenemos Aqui! heheh don't ask ^_^;;.

Anyway Week 5 of the transfer is always a crazy one. It's filled with Zone Conference and Interviews with the mission president. It trully was a different and strange week and I'll let you guys know why riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight NOW!

Zone conference was really good. I loved the message that President gave to all of the missionaries. By the small and simple things we do, we can perform great things. Whether Such as looking at the snake staff to be cured or washing in the Jordan River (I think that's which river >_<) 7 times to be healed of leprosy. I loved that message and it made me eager to do those small things to improve my mission. The Zone Leaders (Which happen to be the same missionaries I live with in the apartment) Gave an awesome training about performing your work above and beyond your call of duty. They showed a inspirational movie clip that gave facts about water. Water is merely hot at 211 degrees F, but at 212 degrees water boils and can power locamotives. Every degree counts and we should do our best to perform to our best. They also read an article in the Ensign where a bunch of soldiers in Viatnam that were riding in a helocopter saw a plain go down into enemy territory. They requested 3 times to go in and save them, and upon the 3rd requested the acquired permission to do so. They were able to fight the enemy off and save those people. I likened that story to me and thought that I can do the same thing by saving those people who feel alone in this world, by bringing them the restored Gospel. I know that can make a different in people's lives and save people, not physically, but eternally, and that makes all the difference. So all in all it was an excellent Zone Conference

During the week I kinda got a little sick as well. Some kind of stomach bug or something. I don't know. I plopped down on the couch during lunch and I was out. I had to take the day off. I didn't want to, but I knew it was neccisary so that I can be effective in the upcoming days. The next day I felt not as bad, but I was at least able to get around and do my work, so It was all good. Now I'm perfectly fine so no need to worry (mom especially :P) Those stomach bugs usually pass very fast.

We tried to see Tray all this week but it's really hard to catch him. Especially last Friday with the Lakers Finals on. We found out that the Lakers won because you could hear the cheers for miles and miles. A huge chorus of "WOOOOOOOT!" blared across the land of California. It was awesome! I bought a NBA Champions Lakers hat in memory of that night ^_^;. I love it. But yeah, it was kind of lame how everyone was distracted by that, bu it happens. We weren't able to see him, but we're gonna keep trying.

We also had Interviews with President this week. Nothing special since president has a lot of interviews to do. He actually asked where I wanted to go this time. I told him that I felt like I should stay, since that is what the spirit was telling me. I feel that I still got some work to do here. He appreciated my input and gave me some tips on what I should study in preach my gospel. Chapter one which tells of my purpose. I took that advice and am now studying it again.

I'll go ahead and tell you one last thing. It's actually something that happeneded on last P-Day. Usually we aren't supposed to perform serivice on P-day since it's a vital time for us to get laundry and shopping done, but Elder Finch felt prompted to not turn this woman named Dee down. We came in and did some hardcore hedge clipping. I got to cut a couple of big branches off of this tree with a saw. It was kind of fun cause I did it all by myself and I was hoppin around on the wall next to the tree and cuting those branches off like a beast. I was very proud of myself and it was great excersize. Dee was so appreciative. "You will never realize how much this means to me." She said. I smiles and nodded as we departed to go and get our shopping done. I love making people's day like that. I was trully happy, but she was right. I never really realized how much that meant to her until we came back later that night because we had dinner with her as well. She told us how that backyard was always in the back of her mind and she was so saddened by how much work that was. She told us how she had lost her Husky, Vale, and following that her Husband. She was a widow living all by herself and her children who were members told her to call up the missionaries. What they were preaching to her made since and made her feel like she belonged somewhere again. She was soon baptized and she felt like she had family again. The reason why she felt so terribly alone is because she grew up in kind of a poor family, as far as their relationship was concerned. She told us how her mother hated that she was a member of our church, and how she was being selfish, and all of this crap. She told us that she had previously asked for help from her mother for something and she replied "We are not that kind of family." That really hurt me to think that someone's own mother would tell that to her child. However she said that we helped right away, no questions asked, and now when she looks outside she will always be reminded of that day that she was loved, that someone didn't forget her. I trully have a testimony of the miracle of charity and service. It trully is a blessing to know that you have made someone's burden lighter and someones countenance happier. That is probably the most rewarding thing that I can think of. The knowledge that I made someone happy, and that I made someone feel like they belong and are loved. Charity trully is the pure love of Christ, and to Dee, that love is etched in her backyard in the form of freshly cut trees and bushes that she thought she would have never been able to do on her own.

Well time to address you guys indivualmente

Mom: Well sounds like things are going great. I have to say I really love the artwork you and Rachel are producing. You guys look like pros already! I'm very impressed and kind of jealous. I want to take those classes as well! Oh well, that might be a great activity to do together as a family. Yay family time :D. Anyway Sorry to hear about the "chaos at the camps". Just think how hard it is trying to control those kids mom! Some of them are allowed to drink Mt. Dew. MT. DEW MOM! Caffeine fueled kids = not fun! Heh XD, but I loved them. By the end of camp season I was really sad to let them go, but that's just how life is. Glad you got to see Toy Story 3. I'm sure mission president will let us watch that when it comes out on DVD. He's a really cool guy and very cheery. Every time he sees me he always mentions how likable I am ^_^;. I'm really flattered by what he says. It is always nice to see him. He is also not afraid to give lots of Abrasos (hugs) (I hope I spelled it right). Thanks again mom and like always I love you so much.

Dad: Another trip to Hong Kong! Dad your killing me with all of these trips to the place that I want to go soooo bad. Ahhh some day I suppose ^_^;. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the hat. Sorry that rachel enjoys it as well ^_^;. The Antolope valley Antalopes is the high school that is in my area. I thought it was cool and suited you and you could have something that was unique to my current area. Looks like a ok hat to play tennis in. Meh, I'll let you be the judge of that. You definately look like a high school coach in your nice sunday cloths with the hat on. You pull it off to a T dad ^_^. That's crazy about the environment you were in dad. I would be having a bit of a hard time if I were in your possision. I guess I've realized I'm kind of like mom where I need it to be reeeeaaally cold to be able to sleep at night. The mosquitoes sound like a pain as well. I'm sure you get used to it after a while. That's what I started doing by taking really cold showers at night. When the AC was fixed it was like heaven. It reminded of me when you told me that you start to appreciate the small things when you don't have them. Like paved roads, and AC. Good stuff! ^_^. Well glad you had a wonderful father's day. Once again I just want to say that you have trully given me a whole lot as a father. You were there when I felt down in the dumps with your Star Wars quotes and your happys songs. Heh ^_^. I don't think I could ask for a better Dad then you. I love you so much Dad. Have a great time in China!

Rachel: Wimpin out in girls camp huh! NO EXCUSE *DOUBLE CHOP*. heheh Just kidding. I know what it's like to be rained on and stuff. Noooot fun. Everything gets wet. EVERYTHING. I'm glad you had fun with the activities and stuff, and that Dad was able to get you the heck out of dodge. You better have given him an uber hug for doing that for you. He trully does a lot for us ^_^. Also don't steal dad's hat. You have da Gangsta Domo hat, and he has the Antolopes hat. No touchy :P. Anyway hope things are going well with you and Alix. Just have fun and don't take things seriously. Go with the flow and play it cool. I really miss you sis and I hope you have an awesome week. I love you so much. Take Care!

Well that's it for now. Have a great Family. I love you all!

-Elder Clark

P.S. "Jim put a bloody glove in my drawer and tried to convince me that I committed Murder!" "Every keeps calling me Dwayne, I suspect Jim!" "Today I hit myslef with the Phone!" etc XD

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