Friday, March 19, 2010


Heeeey Family!

So this week can be described in one word. GOLDEN!

Not much happened as far as finding is concerned, but the lessons me and Elder Alldredge got to teach this week was absolutely awesome.

First of all Elder Alldredge truly is a perfect companion. He has a very good grip on life in general and is an overall over achiever. I guess I should tell you guys a little about him. He truly is magnificent. 1st off he's an excellent foot ball player. He played as the start quarterback for his school in Orlando Florida for all 4 years. He got a scholarship to play football in College in West Virginia as well. He played as the quarterback on the practice squad, but if you think that's his only strength then you haven't seen anything yet! He also didn't get a SINGLE B in high school. That's right! ALL A's. He also got around a 2200 on his SAT's as well! Socially he is a master as well. He's able to tell the true intent of people, read body language, and manipulate conversations very well. I marvel and tell how much he has taught me, but yet he still feels inadequate. The only reason why is that for pretty much all his life he was inactive. It was only just VERY recently that he decided to serve a mission. He decided when he was 20 and before he wasn't going to church or practicing anything that was church related. He thought that he should serve though. He didn't know why, but he just knew that he must do it. So he went into the Mission not as prepared as he would like too. He was pretty much a primary kid walking into the mission field. He's a very fast learner though, and he was willing to give it a shot. His conversion to the gospel was amazing. He said that he was praying with an investigator who gave an absolutely sincere and pleading prayer, that it influenced him and made him feel the spirit. I remember the first 3 days he told me that story, and it touched me, and it made me envy him because he has found out what the difference is between having the spirit with you and not. Now he's an awesome and very down to earth missionary. He has taught me the value of respecting people for who they are and not judging them. He has also taught me a lot of how life is and the value of hard work. I much rather work as much as I can because sitting around doing nothing is totally lame! ^_^.

Anyway enough about my comp (wow I rambled a lot about him ^_^;;) Let me tell you guys about an absolutely wonderful guy named Harper. Me and Elder Alldredge were working our butts off. We were trying to find people who would at least go to church. All the potential investigators that we have now enjoy our visits, but haven't even tried going to church. Some take longer than others I suppose, but we weren't seeing that much success as far as people keeping commitments are concerned. 2 Sundays ago Harper and his Girlfriend (who was a member) Allisa approached me specifically and asked if Me and Elder Alldredge could give them the lessons. Yeah! Of coarse we could! We scheduled for the next day (Monday) at 6. We came to their house and gave them the 1st lesson, the restoration of the Gospel. When we asked him to read and pray about what we have taught him he said. "Oh yeah! I've already done that!" Turns out he has talked to missionaries already, and even got a book of Mormon, but didn't get a chance to be taught the lessons. He has such a great testimony, but doesn't know what about! It was absolutely amazing. I could see it in his eyes when I taught. I gave him Joseph Smith's account and he tears in his eyes. That was probably the best moment that I have had so far. He even told us that before he has had a dream of Joseph Smith! As well as God and Jesus appearing to him, he also saw a lamb. I thought that was very interesting and such a miracle. Anyway we set up a lesson for the next day! (Tuesday) We taught him the Plan of Salvation. After finishing. He commented that now he feels as though that his life has a map now. That being raised by his dad felt like he was being led, but on the edge of a cliff. I love the way he looks at things and how much he's receiving by his own efforts and studies. This guy has already read to about Jacob in the Book of Mormon! So during that lesson we extend a Baptismal date for April 3! He was extremely excited. He wants to get baptized so bad. Him and his girlfriend were looking at each other and just laughing with glee as he excepted this date. . . They were extraordinarily happy. It brought tears to my eyes for how happy they were. I absolutely love them for that, and I couldn't be happier for them. Last Sunday we taught them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I felt prompted to thank him while teaching faith. His faith and his willingness to do what it takes to be closer with our Heavenly Father has truly strengthened my testimony. His love for his savior and his Father and heaven is truly evident and I feel it, even when I am simply sitting next to him during church. He smiled and was actually kind of surprised as I was thanking him for this, and he appreciated it. We taught the rest and invited him to come to a baptism that was being held on that same day. He came and I sat next to him. A 14 year old boy named Ian was being baptized and the Elders who converted him where the Zone Leaders who lived in my apartment. They watch over the Burbank 3rd ward. I am serving in the Burbank 2nd ward. Anyway that baptism was very nice. The youth got up and sang the EFY medley. The Elders also read "The Living Christ" with "I Believe in Christ" playing in the background. It really boasted my testimony of why I am here and what Christ has done for us. I love my savior and I am willing to do anything to show that to him. THAT is why I am here. So after wards Harper thanked us for inviting him and said that that was exactly what he wanted to see, and now he is more excited than ever to be baptized himself. The only problem I'm gonna see with this guy is that I think we are going to run out of things to teach him before April 3rd XD. He truly is a spiritual giant

Welp, I got 10 minutes. Gonna address you guys individually now

Rachel: Thank you so much for the letter. I hope everything is going well with Brady (that's actually the elders nick name, Elder Braden, who lives with me in the apartment) Just treat each other good and just be there for each other and relax! Take it easy! heheh ^_^. Anyway I hope you do well on your ACT. THat's the one you need to do good on if your thinking of going to BYU. Remember on the Science part to read the questions FIRST and then use the information to answer it. You will do better that way. Hope that helps ^_^. Anyway I hope you are doing well, and I really miss you as well. I'm glad that I am remember through the hardcore licks of METALLICA! heheh ^_^. I love you so much sis, and I can't wait to see you again some day. Until then *claps* GO TO BED! XD ohhh childhood inside jokes ^_^

Mom: I'm so glad that you have opportunity with better pay and an AWESOME boss. Master Stone is definitely a pleasure to work with and very easy to get along with. I miss him a lot and I hope that I can get back to training when I get back. To answer your questions. Yes I am trying to keep up with my Spanish as much as possible. You guys could send me CDs or books that might help if you want, because it can be kind of hard, but I'm pretty much just practicing out of the grammer books and reading Preach My Gospel or The Book of Mormon side by side. I've heard that helps a lot as well as listening to Spanish Music. Yes I've played my Ukulele every now and then. Not a lot of time to practice, but I still remember the cords and stuff. One of the Elders gave me a CD with Hawaiian LDS tunes which are SOOO AWESOME. It was written by an elder in this same mission. It even included a song about missionaries getting letters for girls XD. I should try see if I can send you a copy or something. It's really good. Yes I did get the pictures you sent. You guys looks so great, and Gavin takes really good pictures.

Dad: Congrats on the promotion. I hope things are going will for that. Your making me jealous by getting more Rock Band stuff >_< but I'll be able to play more of that later. For now MISSION WOOT ^(^o^)^. Oh and I forgot to congratulate you on finishing MGS (or maybe I didn't) Oh well. Anyway I'm trying to play some tennis out here too because there are elders who play. So if you want to send me a racket that would be awesome. Well take care Dad! I miss you alot

Well that's it for today. I have a lot of pictures but the computer doesn't work for this. I'll find a way though. I love you guys so much.

-Elder Clark

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