Sunday, March 28, 2010

Biking mishaps!!

Hi Family,

So this week was kind of a down week. Not much happened because we hit some snags and stuff.

My tire innertub BUSTED! I was so mad, but I guess it was bound to happen because we ride so often. Plus I kind of biffed it trying to bunny hop it onto the curb. Heh ^_^; guess I'm not a very good bicycle stunt man.

Anyway if I were to mention a couple things that happened I would mention that we taught Harper again! He had a friend over named Jef and he joined in on the lesson. During the week they got to be on the Price is Right, and guess what. HE WON! That's right. I know someone who WON on the Price is Right! I think he will be on TV on April or something so keep your eyes pealed for Harper on The Price is Right, because I'm teaching that guy! Heheh! Anyway, we teaching him the 4th lesson which is the commandments. The commandment we talked to him that day was Follow the Prophet. It was a great lesson and his friend Jef really liked it too. We taught him and then read an article in the Ensign where Thomas S. Monson talks about doing service and good deeds for people daily. I think the article is called "Have I done something today" or something along those lines. I can't remember ^_^;;. But it was really good and the spirit was very strong. By the end of the lesson I asked if he would commit to following the prophet. He answered "Absolutely" as if I was asking him an obvious question. Man I love this guy. He trully has felt the spirit manifest the truth to him, and him and his girlfriend Allisa could not be any happier. Seeing their happiness and their joy as we teach and they continue on their path has really strangthened my testimony of the gospel and how it can strangthen people and their relationship. I can just see the immense love Harper and Allisa have for each other, and I know they can't wait to be sealed in the temple with each other for all eternity. I can only imagine the joy that can be felt at that time in thier life. Anyway, Jef really enjoyed it too, and he wanted to get in contact with some missionaries! He lives in Indiana and he was visiting for Spring break. So we gave him some pass along cards and some phone numbers he could call. It was so great! Oh! and I forgot to mention that on that day I took the lead because we did exchanges and my trainer went into another area. It's pretty hectic, but it's not that hard once you do it a couple of times. It's really cool and I can't wait until missionary work beccomes as natural as breathing to me ^_^;. I think that will happen at about 6 or 9 months ^_^;.

Well besides that I got to visit Lancaster as well. The Zone leader needed me to go on splits with him so he could babtise someone he taught up in Lancaster. So I got to go. They were the most sincere and happy family I have met. The Grandmother hasen't even met me and she thanked me so much for being there. I said the pleasure was all mine, and that they were a very nice familiy. They said that they appreciated the missionaries "putting up" with their family. Their family are not very normal. They are very loud and boisterous and they even applauded when their son Dustin was babized, but I think it was ok, because that means that they are sincere, because that's just what they feel is right, and as long as they feel the spirit and are happy then I am. They are such a wonderful family. That babtism was such a wonderful babtism, and Lancaster is a pretty cool place. It's supposed to be all deserty and stuff, but since it's spring, it actually had a bit of grass on the hills and stuff. I also think I saw a place around the hills where they supposidly shot Planet of the Apes. Sweet!

Anyway time again to talk to you guys seprately ^_^

Mom: Glad to to hear everything is going great at DFS. I bet it's so wonderful to work for Bobby and the others. They are really great. I miss that job every day, because every day we have to ride past this Tae Kwon Do class calld "JK Tae Kwon Do" They are always practicing in there and I watch them and think. Man! I miss my old job ^_^;;. But I'm glad that you are keeping in touch with Bobby and them. Did I tell you that they sent me a card? It was really nice of them ^_^. I really apprecited it. I sent them a thank you card. I Believe I sent it to Wendy Heath's address, so let me know if she's gotten it or not. Anyway, hope things are going well. Try not to cry every time you play Rock Band XD. Only if your playing a really passionate song. Then it's ok XD. Ahh well I love you mom and I hope all is going well with you.

Dad: Nice to hear from you as always. Glad you had the oppurtunity to get an awesome PA system. I really admire your ability to get the most bang for your buck. Keep it up Dad! Anyway a lot of the questions you asked are actually very funny ones to answer so here we go.

Biking mishaps huh? Well my companion actually has a joke for that. THe first few weeks I ran into a pole getting back on the sidewalk. It's the pole with the little button you push to cross the street. It wasn't that bad, but it knocked my reflector off. That was on a Thursday (remember that). The other time I was trying to hop a curve, but my companion swerved in my way, and he was going slow, so I slowed down and instead of hopping the curve I merely did a little wheely and had my front tire hit the curve >_<. My companion asked if I was alright and I said "Yeah, sure I'm great." He laughed and replied mockingly "Yeah sure, I do this every Thursday! It's my normal Thursday crash nothing special!" Heheh he's such a funny guy ^_^. So yeah, those are the biking mishaps. My companion told a 15 year old girl in our ward about it and she thought it was so funny that she drew little pictures during sacrament meeting and gave them to me. I'll send those home as memories today. Heheh ^_^.

As far as eating is concerned. It's funny that you should mention Roasty-toasty-tasty-tarter-tuna sandwiches because I just bought a bunch of tuna at Cosco the other day. So i'm pretty much good for a couple of months! But yeah, that's pretty much it. Tuna sandwiches, chunky soap, and all that quick and easy stuff I eat for lunch. For dinner, the ward has been slackin a bit, but they feed us well. We got corned beef on St. Patties day and some cabbage. It was pretty interesting. Other then that, it's pretty regular american food. Lasagnia. Fajitas, and stuff along those lines.

Well, I think that's it. How does it feel to get the most attention :P. I love you Dad. I hope you have a great week.

Rachel: Looks like your gonna be doing some chores. As Nelson would say "HA HA!" Heheh. Have you written my companion yet? He's really interested to hear from you. Well take care this week. I love you

I love you all so much and I miss you guys. Especially when I go to babisms. I'm so greatful that I was babized and that you guys raised me so well. You mean so much to me, now more than ever and I can't wait to come home and see you guys again. Take Care! and Keep ROCKIN!!!

-Elder Clark

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