Monday, April 5, 2010

2 transfers down!!

Hey Hey Family!

Another wonderful P-day and it's the last week before another transfer! Yep, that's right, next week is transfers and I think some things are going to go down. I think that I might be transfered out, or my companion might be transfered out. Either way I'll go wherever I need to go and do whatever I need to do ^_^.

Anyway this last week has been absolutely awesome!

We got a lot of lessons in this last week. We taught Harper and Alissa again. We taught them the 4th lesson which has all of the commandments and Harper was more than willing to keep them all. We then made plans for him to get his baptismal (spelling corrected hopefully ^_^;) interview the following Sunday, but before that we came by and taught him about temples as well. We talked about what is done and there and how we can help those who have passed on and are in the spirit world. He got really excited and thanked us for that lesson. He was wondering how things worked in the spirit world. He asked how people where taught in the spirit world and how they can recieve ordanances. D&C 186 (I think) Explains that exact thing very well and he really understood. Turns out he is really eager to do temple work for his father who has recently passed away. This guy is amazing! I absolutely love him. Here's the greatest news as well. This Sunday after his baptismal interview Harper came up to me and asked if I would be the one who would baptize him. I was absolutely honored to do so. You don't understand how AMAZINGLY excited I am. Ohhh man that day is going to take forever to get here. So the baptism is this Saturday between conference sessions (which I hope you guys will watch ;)) and I will take lots of pictures (which on a side note I'm thinking of sending the card home so that you guys can put them all on my blog or something because sending them by e-mail is just way to time consuming).

Anyway that was the highlight. Also this week we payed a visit to Sister Forrand again who is an 80 year old woman living in a retirement home. We have visited her many times and on this particular visit we re told the Joseph Smith story. At the end she offered to give to prayer again (which made me happy because like I have said in the past she gives the most genuine prayers I have ever heard) She gave lots of thanks to heavenly father for us to "visit an old woman" like herself. She really enjoyed the spirit and it really makes her happy when we come over. I assume that she doesn't get that many visitors at all. I am so happy that I can do that for someone, especially for a sole as lonely as hers. She really has inspired me to persue my medical career and to find charity events that I can help out in. She had worked as a nerse in St. Joseph's hospital. She told us a story of how she dressed up as a clown one day so that she could cheer up some of the patients. She would respond to people by only honking a horn. That story really warmed my heart and made me want to perform acts of service like that.

Well that's pretty much the highlights of my week. Guess I'll talk to you guys seperately

Mom: I'm so glad that you are enjoying your new job at DFS. Thank you for telling me about my students especially the Donahues (I don't know how to spell there name ^_^;) They are a really nice family and I hope that I can stay in touch with them. Tell them that I really miss them and their familiy. Tell LB and Micheal that I said hi and that I hope that they will soon get their 3rd degree so that they can be all caught up to me ^_^ heheh I bet they would like that. I'm glad you are having a great time with that.

Well as usual take care of yourself and know that I love you more than words can even discribe. You are always in my prayers and I wish only the best for you.

Dad: Sorry to hear about the PA system. Hopefully you can get stuff sorted out with that. Sorry to hear about the loss in the tennis match ^_^;. I've gotten to play some actually and I'm suprised how much of your teaching I have kept. I really can't wait to come back and whup you because I have been practicing on my mission :P heheh! I really can't wait to play tennis with you again dad. Those are some of my favorite memories with you. Hope works not killing ya. Hang in there. I love you!

Rachel: Hey rachel! I hope things are going good with school and Braaaady~. You guys go on that many dates yet? Anyway I love you so much Rachel. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Well family I hope you have a great week and know that I love you a lot. Wish me luck this next transfer. Make sure to feed the missionaries guys, and to give them lots of refferals. They are the Lord's messangers! Take care! Until next time!

-Elder Clark

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