Saturday, April 17, 2010

My new companion from Spain-Elder Pastor

Heeey Family!

Yet another great week! This week I kind of got to lead because Elder Pastor (My new companion from spain) really didn't know the area all that well. So I got to make all the plans, set up the appointments, go tracting and everything. It was pretty hectic ^_^;. I wanted to make sure that I didn't everything that I could to to make every hour count. Elder Pastor said that I've done a really good job.

I do miss working with Elder Alldredge, but it's not to bad because he just moved from the Burbank 2nd ward area (The one I'm in) to the Burbank 3rd ward area. Burbank 2nd and 3rd ward Elder's share an appartment so pretty much Elder Alldredge just moved across the hall. So I still get to see him! Yay!

Anyway I wish I could tell you guys a really good spiritual story that happened with a single person, but really all that happened where a couple of small miracles.

One that I remember the most was when this lady pulled up to us in her car, somewhat on the verge of tears, and asked us to pray for her boyfriend. It was kind of a sad story. She said that he had a tendency to stay away from addictions and then, due to some outside influence, slip back into them. My campion told about how he used to have addiction problems as well and that all it took was a change of lifestyle that made him stay on the right path (i.e. moving from spain to Utah) She seemed to like that advice. I was prompted to say that sometimes all we really can do is be an example to others and be the best that we can be. By following the example of Jesus Christ and then guiding others to do the same is the best thing that we can do, and it's pretty much what I do as well. This seemed to really touch her because she said that taht was the answer that she has been getting for 5 months now, and that I just confirmed it. She recognized that the words that we were saying were trully God's words. I was stunned, amazed, and filled with the spirit. I guess sometimes I don't give myself enough credit in certain situations, but yes, I realize that by trusting in the lord we can all speak with the "tounge of angels" and speak the words of god.

Me and Elder Pastor also taught the Eccles family's niece. Her name is Andrea and she moved from Mexico. The Eccles' are members, but the niece is not. We decided to begin teaching her by showing her "The Restoration" DVD. She really enjoyed it and didn't have a problem with it all. She is still trying to learn English so she had a hard time understanding when I spoke English. Elder Pastor spoke spanish to her and I tried my best to understand everything. Suprisingly I caught a lot of things he was saying and was able to somewhat follow the conversation. It was awesome. This last Sunday we taught her again and we watched "The Testaments" which makes me cry at the end every time. Again we talked to her in spanish and I was able to bear my testimony in Spanish. Oh how awesome it was to speak another language and feel the same spirit that I had felt all my life. I felt as though my words were being guided as well, that even though I wasn't speaking my native tounge I still knew what to say. It was wonderful and I loved the feeling that I had the whole time.

Well, those where the main things that happened. Time to talk to you guys seperately now

Rachel: It was awesome to recieve a letter from you telling about your awesome experience in "SWEET HOME ALABAAAAMA!" heheh ^_^. I immediately was thrown back in time when you mentioned that you went horse back riding. I had a Sister in my MTC district that loved riding horses. She said that riding by yourself in the awesome scenery of the woods was like speeding around with your best friend. I hope that you felt that way too as you cantered along (yes I still remember some of the terms). I also like to comment on the way you discribed your experience with Uncle Jef. You sounded just like a well known author. You have great writing skills Rachel. Keep it up! Anyway I'm glad you had a great time and I hope to hear more from you. Keep up the good work and know that I love you very much. You have definately been there from me when I needed you. I don't think I can say those things enough ^_^.

Mom: I'm glad you had a great time with dad. Thanks so much for the spiritual thoughts. I love visualizing Jesus Christ's arms incircling us in our times of need whenever we need him. It's such a comforting feeling. Glad you guys got to feel young again and take a night out on the town with Dad rockin the bass. Sounds like fun and I miss hearing him play. It trully was a treat to hear him and his awesome skills. Well, I hope you have a great week mom. Hope everything i well with you, and I hope you don't get to stressed. One day at a time. I love you so much mom and I can't wait until Mother's day as well ^_^

Dad: Sounds like you had quite the hecktic week like me ^_^;. I hope your next weekend will be a little more relaxing. I'm glad you got to play Bass in front of a bunch of screaming fans. Woot! heheh ^_^;. Maybe not exactly, but still fun. You still considering doing that one man band thing? I really hope that works out. Oh! Speaking of which I don't think I've mentioned one of the members that I have been Teaching. His name is Micheal Skews and he used to be in a band called Fatel Attraction. He's met Motley Crue and Ted Nugent! He is so awesome! He is also a HUUUUUGE fan of Kiss. He's got all their murchandise and everything. Pin ball machines, belt buckles, you name it! Heheh just thought I would mention that. Well I hope you have a good week. I love you so much dad and I can't wait to get home and recieve a world class guitar solo to the face again XD.

well Family I love you to pieces! Hope everything will be EXCELLENT *Guitar solo*

-Elder Clark

P.S. "put them in the Iron Maiden"
"Execute them"
". . .booogus"

(this one is for Rachel)
"Ask what place I got!"

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