Saturday, April 10, 2010

My First Baptism in the Field

Heeey Family,

Well Transfers came and gone and I am goooiiiiiiing no where :P. I'm staying here in Burbank for another 6 weeks with a new companion named Elder Pastor! He's from Spain! Sounds exciting eh? I'll let you guys know how he is. He's gonna be coming today from Van Nuys. I hope we will get along and that I can learn lots of spanish from him, since Elder Alldredge never served in a spanish area.

Anyway I bet you guys are dying to know how my baptism went! I'm telling you guys right now that it was the best day of my entire life. Right when I walked in and got dressed I began to erupt in excitement. My heart was racing and I just couldn't wait to perform that wonderful ordinance for Harper. I was also chosen to lead the music as well so it was quite a busy baptism for me ^_^;. Harpers Girlfriend (Alissa)'s, Dad gave the talk on the Baptism. It was a nice talk that was very well organized and much like the missionary discussion on baptism. He definately knew what he was talking about. Allisa spoke on the Holy Ghost and decided to share a couple of stories of her mission in Hong Kong. I'm so jelouse (yes I know I butchered the spelling) that she got to go to Hong Kong. She bore wonderful testimony of the reality and the wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost. The musical number was next. This guy played a basoon to this hymn (I really wish I could remember, but I can't. Don't worry I wrote all the details in my journal and saved the program). Anyway after the musical number it was time for the baptism.

I lead Harper into the water, I placed my hands in the right positions and I gave the prayer loud, clear, and slowly. After doing so, I plunged him into the water and brought him out. His first reaction was to look towards the glass where the children were and then at me. He almost seemed as though he were startled and a bit confused. I looked up into his eyes and saw absolute peace in his countenace. I offered a hug and he grabbed me squeezing me tightly. He gave two sobs and whispered "Thank you. . ." My heart was very full as I lead him out of the water and into the changing room. We changed in silence out of reverence of what just happened. Harper told me that this reminded him of Ian's Baptism (a baptism we took him to see before his baptism about 2 weeks ago) and how one of the speakers said that afterwards that Ian was the most sinless person on the planet. I replied to that statement saying "It's an awesome feeling huh?" He answered "Yeah, it has to be." We quickly finished and went back into the relief society room. There we listened to the last bit of my companion Elder Alldredge's testimony.

It was time for confirmation after Elder Alldredge's words. Allisa's dad did the comfirmation and it was very genuine and beautiful. Afterwords Harper got up hugged Allisa's Dad and shook hands with everyone else. I stuck out my hand for a handshake but he grabbed me and gave me a big hug instead. He's such a great guy ^_^

Harper had the oppurtunity to bear his testimony at the end. He told the story of his conversion and how before he felt alone and incomplete, but after meeting the missionaries he felt like it was right. He told of how he moved and then met us. He specifically commented on how I taught him to search for experiences that he can look for that will strengthen his relationship with Christ. He says that he has and that he was so grateful.

Guys, being able to see the absolute joy and peace that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring pretty much sealed my testimony. I cannot deny the truth of this church and the power that I hold as a priesthood holder. I am so grateful to have that power and to be able to see someone achieve absolute joy and peace in their lives by me exercising that power and bringing them unto Christ. I know this is a true church and that Chirst set the perfect example. By following his example we can live happier and fuller lives.

Alright time for some one on one

Mom: I'm glad that things are going well with work still. I still think it's awesome that you get to work with my boss. Bobby Stone is so awesome to work with. I kinda wish I could've worked harder now that I look back on it. I did do a lot, but I think I could've given more, but dwelling on the past never got me anywhere ^_^;;. I hope that you will be able to enjoy that job each day and view it as a pleasure rather than a burden.

I saw the pictures that Dad sent of the Beltmore mansion. Those are some awesome pictures, and you guys already look kind of different heh ^_^; It's gonna be wierd coming back and seeing what you guys look like after 2 years! Maybe Rachel will have grown out her hair! Woaah! heheh ^_^;. Anyway I love you mom and I hope all is going well for you

Dad: Thanks for the update on everything. I'm glad you are fixen the PA system problem. It sucks that you got a speeding ticket. Speeding tickets here aren't as common, but parking tickets OH MAN! Don't get me started. The other Elders get one every transfer. Sometimes it's hard to tell because street cleaners clean random streets and the signs aren't placed very well sometimes. Peh! But the speed trap things sounds way more annoying. Sorry to hear about that ^_^;

Thanks for sending the rackets! I will let you know if they get here on April 7th.

Good luck in Tomb Raider and GT4. I know how much you like those, despite your complaints sometimes heh ^_^. Have you checked out Final Fantasy XIII? I heard it's pretty dang amazing. Let me know if you get a chance to play it. I don't think you have got into any RPG's in a while have you? Heh get on it!

Well as always I love you Dad. I can't wait to see you again and play some sweet Tennis. Until THen!

Rachel: I hope that all is going well for you. I hope you have fun in Alabama with Kayla! Seems like you guys are really great friends. What about your boyfriend Braden? How is he doing? Heh fill me in sis. I love you so much Rachel. I miss you every day and I will never forget how much of a help you were to me. Always willing to listen to my complaints and stuff ^_^;. Take care Rachel and always do your best.

I love you all and I wish nothing but the best for you guys. I hope you guys have a wonderful week and will always remember the missionaries in your prayers. They need them. It's tough, but with Heavenly Father, anything is possible. Take Care and Live for the day!

-Elder Clark

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