Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How do you spell Cinnamen?

Hey Guys!

Alriiiiight! I bit of a more eventful week this week.

This week we got to do some service for the library. We moved a whole bunch of books and set them up so that the library could sell them. They were so nice to us. They let us pick out 2 or 3 for us to take home. I took a spanish text book so that I could practice more and get better. It reminds me of my high school days of studying spanish. "Hola! Como estas?" heheh ^_^;. Afterwards we got some Panda Express and the guys put me up to a Cinnaman (however you spell it) Challange. I had nooooo idea what I was getting myself into >_<. The Challange consists of the person takeing a table spoon of Cinnamen putting in their mouth and trying to swallow it all. My whole stratagy was to swollow it nice and quick. Baaaaaad idea >_<. The Cinnomen (wow lots of ways to spell it :D) dried up EVERYTHING in my mouth and it was pretty much impossible to get it down. I gagged on the stuff and that's when the hot spicyness came it (try to imagine a Big Red piece of gum and multiply that by 100) I ran to the sink and coughed and hacked and spit and everything. Cinnomen was pretty much everywhere! Even in my nose >_<. For the rest of the day I was blowing my nose and Cinnomen was coming out. Even to the next morning I had cinnomen coming out of there. It was awful. Something I plan on not doing again anytime soon ^_^;;.

So anyway on another note. I got to teach Andrea (the niece of a family who are members from Mexico) again. We taught the plan of Salvation and I got to practice up my spanish again. It was pretty good, but Elder Pastor as usual helped me out and was able to fill in the gaps. He also had some cool visual aids this time. I was trying my absolute best to understand all he was saying and all that Andrea and her Aunt where saying. After we left Elder Pastor revealed to me that Andrea's mom had passed away 3 years ago. Apparently she really needed that lesson and it seemed that she liked it a lot. We gave her some book of mormon reading and invited her to church. Which she ended up doing. Her aunt is trying to get her to study English and practice it, but it seems to be kind of difficult to her. When she came to church, she came to our Gospel Princeples class (the class for invistigators and recent converts) It was kind of bad timing because the lesson was about Priesthood Organization. Greaaaat. It still went kind of well though.

We Also got to start on the Recent Convert lessons with Harper. He is such a spiritual Giant. We got to watch the Restoration DVD with him and he absolutely loved it. We were all nearly in tears by the end of the movie. Me and Elder Pastor bore testimony and then I felt prompted to ask Harper if he remember the time that he prayed about Joseph Smith. He said yes as he smiled and looked down as tears filled his eyes. I reminded him of a comment that he made during our Gospel Principles class. He said that if we write things down we can remember the feelings of the Holy Ghost and better get to know how to recognize those feelings. I Reminded him of that and reminded how precious of a gift it is to be able to have truth and comfort manafested unto us by the Holy Ghost. He appreciated that and we ended the lesson with a kneeling prayer. Harper gave it and it was absolutely beautiful. He ended and we departed. I gave Harper a hug and then TOTALLY BY ACCIDENT I gave Alissa a hug too. She said "Ohh wait, aren't you not allowed?
" and I was like "Oh . . . dang it that's right >_<" THey all thought that was really funny and laughed. I guess when I get emotional like that I can sometimes let my emotions get the best of me ^_^;;.

Well that was pretty much the highlight of my week. I hope you enjoyed them. Now time to address you guys seperately as usual ^_^

Mom: Wow happy 50th birthday. I'm so happy to hear that you had such a great time. The gifts, the good wishes, and the carrot cake! Yum! ^_^. I'm glad Rachel was able to make up for my sense of humor. She has learned from the best ^_^. Happy Birthday Mom! I'm really sorry for not sending something or saying anything about it. I'll try to make it up to you. You can count on that. Thank you for pointing out how much I am blessing people. Sometimes I don't realize how many people I am affecting at this moment. I'm glad that everyone appreciates my letters ^_^. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week, and I hope that you enjoy each and every day. I love you so much.

Dad: I'm glad that you got to join in on the festivities. Way to go on getting Mom a nice bracelet and a sweet card. She deffinately liked that. You definately have a way with words *nudge nudge* ^_^. Sorry to hear about the car. Freakin I85! I've had a couple of flat tires too come to think of it. It's such a pain fixing it up, but it's pretty cool to get to know how to take apart a bike and how to do some simple maintenence and stuff. Elder Pastor is very good with bikes. He could pretty much take one all the way apart and put it back together again. Glad your still enjoying games as usual. The Sabatuer sounds pretty sweet. I can't wait to try that when I get home. But the game I most excited about trying is definately Final Fantasy XIII. Let Me know if you get a chance to play that one. I'm glad to hear the great work you are doing in the church as well. You seem to be a very good asset when it comes to church electronics and purchasing things for the church as well. Thanks for all you do for them dad, and thank you for teaching me as I grew. I was actually thinking about you when me and Elder Pastor where coming back from playing Tennis. I told him how much me and you played and how much I really enjoyed it. I feel bad now that I didn't take advantage of the time to play tennis with you. I really wish I could've played more with you, but I'm sure we'll get plenty of oppurtunities when I get back from the mish. By then I will probably played enough to maybe stand a chance against you ^_^;. Well that's about it. I love you Dad and I always think of you. Take Care

Rachel: Woooooo~ Prom girl! Heheh. How was prom by the way Rachel? Did you have a good time? I love how you made Mom's day during her birthday as well. You are always so good at coming up with those creative gift ideas (Hot flash extinguisher XD) Ahhh good one! I can't believe you got Mom to wear the tiara all day as well. Way to go! I hope all is going well for you Rachel and I hope you know that as always I miss you a whole lot. I hope things go well with Brady and with school. I know you will do well, just remember to not be lazy and apply yourself. If you do it now, you won't regret it later trust me. I love you Rachel. I hope you have an EXCELLENT week.

I love you all so much. Every day I realize how much of a blessing you guys are. I guess it's true what they say. You don't realize how important something is until you don't have it anymore. I realize how important of a roll all of you guys play, and I make sure to thank God for all that he has given me and all that you guys have done for me. Take care everyone and have a wonderful week

-Elder Clark

P.S. "Everytime I'm about to do something I ask myself 'Would an idiot do that?' and if he would. I do not do that thing." -Dwight

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