Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hello again!!!

Heeey Family!

Well today not so much eventful with new investigators. We mainly tried to visit less active members and some elderly people to make sure everything is alright with them. It was pretty nice

Last night for dinner there was this really old lady who was SOooo funny! She randomly told us about how her brothers and sisters died in the same year, and we should our sorrow for her and one of the ladies said that she "was a trooper" she was slow and quite in her speach, but what she said next just made me laugh. She slowly picked her head up and very slowly said "I'm . . the . . energiizer . . bunny" Heheh she had a wonderful sense of humor that just worked for her XD. Everyone said that she always made little comments like that that were just on her mind. She told us the time when she was a Catholic and she saw the Catholic Priest drinking a lot of the whine and she said "You better stop drinking or you gonna fall flat on your face." Ha I wish I could've been there ^_^. . She then pulled me in a gave me a very slow grandma kiss on the cheek. Ahhh what a night ^_^.

Anyway Earlier in the week My comp got hit by a car. It wasn't very serious, it was just in the parking lot entrence to K-Mart. When He got hit he checked his pants and made sure he was ok and left. When I followed behind I noticed a dent in the car. I Told Elder Alldredge that he left a dent in the care and he immediately replied with "I won!?" . . . YEEEAH!" It was sooo halerious. He called EVERYONE in the distrect right there to brag how he dented this care on his bike. It was so funny XD.

We also visited this one other lady who's name was Sis. Forrand. She's less active, but only because she's embarassed to go out in public with missing teeth. She's going to get it fixed soon. This woman can talk. She told us lots of stories about her grandchildren and her days as a nurse for birthing babies. She told us these sad stories of babies dying and one being born without a head. Yikes! >_<. I told her I wanted to get into the medical field and she got very excited and grabbed my hand saying "Oh we need you!" For some reason that really struck deep into my soul. . . It was like heavenly Father was talking to me through her. It was crazy . . . But yeah that was awesome. She gave me a pamplet about FC (a genetic disorder of babies affecting the autonomatic nerve functions). We ended the visit with a Scripture in Matthiew 17 ( I hope that's the right one). Jesus heals a man who is a "lunatic" and the apostles asked why they weren't able to heal him. Jesus answered him and said that they didn't have enough faith and said that with faith they would have the power to move mountains and that nothing would be impossible. Sis. Forrand commented that mountains weren't just figurative. They could be metephorical mountains, representing our challenges and stresses in life. That really struck me as well because I never thought of it that way. This woman trully had the spirit strong in her heart. She wanted to give the prayer at the end. This... family, was the most sincere prayer I had ever heard in my life. She used words like "I want. . ." and "thanks" instead of the usual "Please bless. . ." She even told heavenly father that she saw her first lady bug today and thanked him for the spring weather and the planet earth that we have. It was such a wonderful prayer that almost brought me to tears. We said our good byes and we were on our way. What a wonderful visit.

The last awesome thing that happened was we visited Gabrial Mexicanos again. We went on splits and I visited him with the Stake President, President Clank. He was a pretty outspoken person, but when he taught, everything he said, every question that he asked, every scripture he shared was flawless and pertained to Gabrials problems almost exactly. The Spirit was trully present that night. Gabrial has had a very sketchy past having been dealing drugs and seen people die in gang wars. He's just recently decided to come back to church and the first day he came back he wanted a healing blessing from us. That was my first blessing with oil that I got to do in my life. It was pretty cool. But he wasn't sick, which was wierd. He just wanted the one having to do with healing the sick. We did it anyway to bring him comfort. Anyway, he is now afraid to recieve the priesthood or even take the sacrament because he feels as though he is not worthy, or that if he gets the priesthood and messes up he will go to hell. President Clank explained that it was a matter of choice and that we should consider the Eternal perspective. He also explained the Priesthood using the Doctrine and Covenants. Gabrial still felt unworthy. I asked him what he thought he needed to do to repent. He said that he had to fast for 4 days and probably go to the morg or something. I explained that repentence is easier than that. That all we need is to ask our heavenly father. He doesn't want to condem us or blame us. He wants to forgive us because he loves us. He said that me and him weren't in the same situations. I said that it doesn't matter. That EVERYONE can repent and it doesn't matter what it was. When I spoke to him like this I could really feel the spirit speaking through me. I bore my testimony and said that it is never too late, that we can all ask for repentence and be made clean. President Clank ended by sharing a scripture in 2 Nephi 4. This is an awesome chapter. This is where Nephi, A Prophet! was lamenting over his faults and follies and felt sorry about himself. Even Nephi felt like this! But he realized one crucial fact. That God is always there for us. He loves us and he wants to forgive us. By trusting him and putting all our faith in him we can be made whole and all of our weaknesses can be made strong. I have seen this in my mission. I have never known how many weaknesses I had until now, and by bringing them to my heavenly father I have seen a great improvement within such a short amount of time. He will provide for us family. I know he will.

Well please excuse me for not addressing you guys seperately. This e-mail took longer to write than I thought ^_^;. I hope you guys have a great week and know that I love you guys very much. That's another thing that I've learned. Family is so important. THey are ordained of god. I know this is true now more than ever. I feel kind of bad for not realizing this earlier and trying to spend more time with you guys. But we have a whole eternity to spend with each other so it will be alright. Take Care family and have an EXCELLENT week *Guitar Solo* !!!!

-Elder Clark

P.S. "Put them in the Iron Maiden"
"Execute them!"
". . boogus. . "

Lol gotta love that movie ^_^

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