Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So this week was pretty great!

Heeeey Family!

So today is the start of my 2nd Transfer! (Transfers are every 6 weeks) So just 15 or 16 (I can't remember) To go. Woo!

So this week was pretty great! We got yet another investigator! It was awesome! We were knocking doors in an appartment complex and it was my turn to contact. So I told who we were and what we were doing and she said "Yeah sure!" The next thing I said you guys are not going to believe. I send the SAME thing that I said to my first successful contact. "really?" Guuah! I can't believe it! I didn't say it as loud as I did for the first time, but I still said it nonetheless. Augh, oh well, I guess I should try to expect a yes every time. That way I won't be so suprised. Anyway we taught her the first lesson right on her frontstep. Her name was Natalie and she was a 16 year old girl. She was actually kinda cute ^_^;; and I didn't know she was 16, Rachel's age ^_^;. Anyway we got a return appointment and we'll see how things go from there.

Oh so while it's still in my mind. Last Sunday I got to sing in the ward choir. If Dad things that our ward choir is small. Burbank 2nd ward choir pretty much consists of 4 teners (spelling >.<) 1 bass, 6 sapranos and 1 alto. Yeah pretty dang small. That's why I thought I would support them and I soooo enjoyed myself. We sang an awesome arrangement of "I would fallow the" Everytime I sing a song I try to sing it as if I where bearing my testimony and it has really changed my outlook on music in general. "Lord may I learn to love the" We have to learn to love our Lord? Thinking about that I actually thought. Yeah, we do, everytime we come accross people we don't generally like, by loving them, we can learn to love our Lord as well. Sweet! ^_^ But yeah, the Choir directer says that she loves my voice. She said I was really good, and that that really means something because she's a profesor at the music department at USC. Wow! So yeah that was pretty neat ^_^.

Oh and I should mention Micheal Skews as well. He's less active member who works at the Family History center. We teach him every Friday because pretty much no one goes to the Family History Center and we must figure that he's pretty dang bored all by himself. After a couple of weeks of teaching him he's actually been going back to church. It's really awesome to see him progress. He's really cool too. He freakin met Motley Crue AND Ted Nugent! He said that he repaired Ted Nugent's guitar one time and that Ted still remember his name after a couple of months later. He was also in a band on time. He showed me pictures and he had the crazy big hear 80s band going with the make up and leather pants and everything! He has led a very interesting life, but he says that living according to church standards is way much better. He's also a very huge Kiss fan as well. He's got all the murchandise and everything including the Pin ball machine who he got Kiss to sign! Hehehe I think I don't need to say any more about this guy. He just proves to me that I was born in the wrong decade ^_^;; Heheh.

Anyway one last thing I will mention. I have actually had my first challange this week. There is this very less active member, Bro. Duncan. This guy can taaaaaaalk. He has also led an interesting life. He lived during the great depression and served in World War 2. He is really into Cow boys and Glen Miller and stuff. He is also hard of hearing becuase he has been a truck driver all his life. He tells soooo many stories and it's really hard to even get one word in because he can't hear you and he keeps talking. He kind of reminds me of Abe Simpson except more loud and boisterous ^_^;. Anyway my companion told me that I should give teaching him a shot. I have already watched how he did it. Pretty much you ask him questions and let him teach the lesson to himself. It's a great plan. So I tried that and it was so hard. I managed to got one or two princeples of the first lesson, but he had questions himself. He asked why bad things happen to some good people. I tried teaching about opposition, but he went off on a tangent about the Holocauste and then a long ranting story about his friend and the Russians and stuff. I shared a scripture in 2 Nephi, but he didn't really understand. My companion saved me and talked about agency. He really understood and then just kept talking going on yet another tangent. After we left I felt so frustrated. I felt like I couldn't help him and apply book of mormon teachings to him. My companion told me to just keep trying and that this is a hard person to teach. He said that Bro. Duncan is probably going to teach me more of how to be a good missionary than everyone else at this time. I believe him and I'm going to do everything I can to Rely on the spirit and be strong and assertive. Something I'm not really used to doing because I'm so laid back and easy going ^_^;. I believe I did do one thing right though. I shared John 3:16 (I think that's it) Where it talks about that God so loves the world that he sent his only begotten son. I believe that really helped him, and it was a good way to end the lesson. I'll keep you updated and let you know how I'm learning from him.

Anyway I'll address you guys individually

Mom: Thanks so much for sending me the link to my blog. I'll take a look at it sometime soon. I'm glad that Rachel is alright. To bad about the car though ^_^;;. . Anyway I love you mom and I hope you have a great day today

Dad: I hope your business trip was good. Mom told me you slept a whole bunch. I hope you get plenty of rest so you can get back to the ol' grind again. That's pretty cool that you took Mom to Avatar. I am SOOOO jelouse that I can't see that >_<. Ohh well that's why DVD's where invented ^_^. Anyway I love you too and I hope things are going well with you.

Rachel: YOU CRAAASHED! Haaa haaa XD Heh I'm just kidding. I'm so sorry you crashed, but it's alright. We all have to have our first crash. I had one on my 2nd week out on the mission. I crashed my bike into the pole and took out the reflector. See! Everyone has to have first. Now you don't have to worry because you got that first crash out of the way. I hope all is well and that you are still hanging in there. Be safe Sis and know that I am always thinking about you and that I love you very much.

I love you all family I hope you guys have an awesome week. Until next week. PEACE!

-Elder Clark

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