Monday, February 15, 2010

Hiya Family!!

Hey Family!

Well This week was fantastic as always. We had a lot of appointments drop on us and stuff but I still have one really awkward, but great experience that I would like to share.

First of all you will notice that I'm using my G-mail accout, because I wanted to send pictures, but for some reason it doesn't work, so as to not waste time I'm still using this.

Anyway Last Friday I got to meet this guy named Shane. Him and his son where have a really rough time. His son drinks a lot and takes his dad's money. It was really sad. All the dad wanted was for the son to at least ask and show some respect to him, but he refuses to give it to him. That day he came home and he was packing his stuff and getting ready to leave and he was acting all upity. That part was very awkward and very sad to see. It got to the point where the son immaturally called the police, and the police acted just as uppity and made the father feel like the bad guy. I didn't know what to do. I really wanted to help, but in those situations all you really can do is be there for the guy. You know? So at the end of all of the drama the father finally said. "Ahh, I just want to get my mind off of this . . . Can we have a lesson." My companion and I looked at each other and my companion said "sure. Let's read some scriptures" We decided to read 2 Nephi 1. It was when Lehi is talking to his sons for the last time before he dies. He pleads with Lamen and Lemuel to follow the words of Nephi and to shake off the shackles that Satan Has on them. By the end of the chapter I felt the spirit really strong and I bore my testimony. I told Shane (that was his name) that sometimes we have trials and challanges that hurt us because of other people, and this is because we have free agency given to all of us. We can't control what others do, but we can control what we do. I likened his situation to Lehi's. At that moment I could really feel for Lehi and his want for his sons to be rightouse and partake of the fruit from the tree of life. Think of how miserable he must of felt when Lamen and Lemuel despite all that they have gone through still didn't listen. It made me sad, and it made me sad for Shane as well. I told him that things like this can happen, but I testified that the happen for a reason. That if we trust in the Lord and be as Nephi. Even when he was bound by cords on a ship for 4 days He said that he allowed it to happen because there was a great reason the Lord was letting this happen. Everything has a reason, and if we ask ourselves "What do I need to do?" "How can I learn from this?" Then we can witness the miracles, the blessings and the power that Heavenly Father can give us.

I bore my testimony last Sunday and told of my experiences that I have had so far in the mission field. Remember the story about the Scientology Lady? I'm pretty sure I told it, but if I haven't I'm sorry ^_^;;. Long story short I was redicilously antsy and nervous the whole time and I was sick of it. It was such a stupid thing to be nervous about and I was fed up. I didn't want to be nervous anymore. I wanted to have unceasing confidence, power, and authority while I teach and while I contact people. My companion Elder Alldredge taught me a wonderful lesson. He told me to trust in the Lord to know what to say. He told me not to think about what I was going to say, which is what I have been doing up until now. He told me to not think and just open my mouth. This is something I had never done and have never cared to try. So I remember one distinct night. I knelt down to pray and prayed for that strangth and trust and the ability to speak and be given exactly what I need to say at the right moment. it is amazing the change that happened to me guys. I go into a lesson knowing the outline of what I should say, but not exactly what I'm going to say, but when it comes time for me to speak. I don't think. I just speak and it flows so much smoother. Way smoother then it was when I was thinking what I should say next and planning things out specifically. Family, I know the spirit gives us EXACTLY what we need to say and do. It guides and directs us. I have seen it happen to me. I am able to communicate so much clearer. I mean! It's happening right now!. I had no idea was I was gonna write, but look at me now :P Heheh ^_^. Anyway That was great.

So besides those to events. We have been really trying to find new investigators. We haven't got a chance to see Debbie and Gred (The Jewish mom and son) . The Duncans (The family I contacted and said "REALLY!?" When they said yes) seem a little skeptical about 3 hours of church. I wasn't there because I was on splits, but my companion said that they said just to try it out, and have the faith and see for themselves instead of just not trying. They said they would give it a shot. We also have another family that we got from the other elders. Her name is Carla and she also homeschools two kids and has two jobs! Wow, how does she do it ?^_^;;. One of her kids may have audtism, but she definately has a strong testimony and it's amazing to see how so prepared she is to hear the gospel. She said she has been searchign for a church, and that all the other churches just don't seem right. I really feel good about her as well, but it's gonna be hard with her busy schedual.

Oh! and on a side note I actually have met some famouse people here! It's amazing how many there are in Burbank. Well, I suppose that's what you get by living in the same area where Cartoon Network, NBC, WB, and Nickalodeon is ^_^. Any I saw JOHN HEATER! The guy who playe Napoleon Dynomite. He was sitting write behind me during stake conference. I was flippin out XD. I also got to see the guy who does the concept art for Bolt and other Pixar movies like Up. It was super awesome! I have yet to see Jay Leno. I hear he's easy to spot cause he's always driving really nice cars.

Well that's about it. Time to address you guys specifically like a good son/brother ;)

Mom: I got the chance to read your letter. I'm glad that my letters provide you with that joy. If there is something that I enjoy more than anything, it is bringing joy to others, especially my dear mother ^_^. It's awesome that Gavin got to come, and it's so wierd to hear that Rachel is driving around and doing the same stuff that I used to do with my friends. Ohh man. Let her know to enjoy those times while they last ^_^. Anyway to answer your questiong our appartment is pretty good. We get a nice view from the window to the streets of Burbank. As far as cooking is concerned. I haven't really gotten into that. I've pretty much stuck to the basic sandwhiches and cereal for now. I'm planning on getting some tortillas to make breakfast borritos. Yeah I'm living the collage life XD. But the members provide very good dinners for us so we're good, and don't worry about me and laundry. I've haven't turned any white clothes pink yet so I must be doing something right ;). I love you mom I hope you have a great day

Dad: Hey Dad! I CAN'T BELIEVE the prank that happened to me happened to you as well. That is so crazy! Ha, anyway if you want to put games on the psp, just search out for the ISO online and just drag and drop it into the ISO folder just like any other drive

Well Rachel I LOVE YOU. I already wrote you so I'll say good bye

I love you family take care!

-Danny Clark

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