Monday, February 15, 2010

Another Prep Day...another letter.

Heeeey Family! ^_^

Another P-Day Another letter. Hurray!

So this week was pretty eventful. I'll give you guys some of the highlights

This week we had interviews with the President Martin and his wife. My first interview Woot ^(^o^)^. I can't tell you how nice those two are. I found out that President Martin actually does a little martial arts as well! He showed me a little and it was pretty impressive. But yeah, he pretty much just asked me how things were going in my mission and how my companion is. I told him that it was really cool starting from nothing and then as we worked picking up several potentials and teaching a couple of people. I really hope I can see someone get babtized before I get transferred out of here. Whether it happens or not I will be fine, but I will be so excited if that happens. My companion Elder Alldredge has tought me so much, and has given me so much good times ^_^. He's a really funny guy and so down to earth. You can tell he really respects and cares for the people.

So that same day we tried to get free Grand Slams at Denny's but it was packed so we went home. We tried to get a couple of appointments but it POURED AGAIN! Ugh, we were so frustrated. We got to the house and no one was home. We decided to go home, dry off and go to the curch to teach a lesson to a person who hangs out in the family history center. When we finally dried off it wasn't raining anymore. Greeeaaaat -_-;. But anyway that day was kinda frustrating but still good because we at least got one lesson in. I've gotten good at teaching the first 3 lessons, but am still working on perfecting giving lessons 4 and 5 because they have to do with the commandments, laws, and ordanances. There are quite a lot.

So anyway along with my first interview. Last saturday I had my first Missionary Split! I got to pair up with an elder named Elder Krashiznik (cool name eh?) He thought I was soooo amusing. More amusing then I thought I could be ^_^;. Heheh he was great. I got to teach a girl named Cynthia that day. We read Mosiah Chapter 18 with her. She has had all of the lessons and we're trying to get her ready to be baptized, but she has a lot of doubts about it. She came up with lots of excuses: Family, friends, not knowing enough, even if the white clothes will show through when she gets wet! At that point I was prompted to share my experience of me about to be baptized. It was so amazing when I all of a sudden remember all the details and could say with surity that it truly happened. I'm sure you remember this Mom. I was really worried. Worried about a lot of things that were kind of ridiculous. I even remember the night before where I was crying because I was so worried. But I remember that when I was baptized and recieved the Holy Ghost. It was a wave of calmness and understanding. That was one of the best moments in my life. I'm so glad that I got baptized, and I have you, Mom and Dad, to thank for helping me experience that wonderful event. So I shared this and informed her that she shouldn't feel pressured. I told her that we are there to merely teach and guide. She needs to find out for herself if this is right and if she should do it. I know that if she prays in faith she will recieve that answer. She ended up settling on a REALLY far away date for her babtism. She feels comfortable with August. I wonder if she will pull up that date when she gets a more sure answer and gains more faith. I hope that Elder Krashiznic will let me know how things will turn out with her. I had really good feeling and I really enjoyed being able to remember my experience of baptism.

Well that's it for this week. It was really awesome and I made sure to write it in my Journal. I write as much as I can in my Journal

Before I address you guys seperately, I would like to make a small request. I've already listened to all the music that I have and I'm kinda board. If you guys could. It would like a CD player to be able to play the CD you guys gave me for Christmas and a couple of CD's. Game Soundtracts and Movie Soundtracts are totally acceptable. Josh Groben is good too ^_^. Please don't feel obligated to get this to me, but this is merely a request. Thank you guys so much and I love you guys so much.

Mom: Wow I can't believe all the Snow you got there. It's to bad that Dad is really busy and going on all of those business trips. Just try to take one day at a time mom and remember that you are never alone, and you are absolutely right. It's those tough times where we learn the most. I know that I have learned a ton and have learned to appreciate so much that I have because I am on a mission. I have come to love you guys so much and miss you guys, but that drives me and makes me want to help other families be together forever because of that. So everything happens for a reason and if we continue forth in faith we will prevail and we will be happier in the end. Thanks for the Valantines day card. The Elders teased me a lot and said it was from my girlfriend XD. I really appreciate it though, and the Elders think you are so cool because you are an office fan! We play that card aaalll the time. Also Elder Alldredge (my companion) Has seen a couple of pictures of you and says you are very beautiful. ^_^ Anyway Take care mom, and I love you so much

Dad: Wow so many business trips huh!? Well I hope that you aren't too stressed out. Thanks for sharing your experience that you have had. I will try to follow the spirit as much as I can so I can help out in any way possible. The frustrating thing is that sometimes there isn't much I can do. Just be there is the best thing I can do I suppose. So anyway I hope things are going well with your business. My companion thinks you are the coolest because yo play games and stuff. Congrads on finishing the Metal Gear Series. You should see how long the game takes by skipping all the cut scenes XD. It will probably be kind of dissapointing on how short the game is ^_^;. Still awesome though. Anyway Travis and Adam has sent me letters every now and then. It's so hard to write everyone though because we are all so busy. Oh! and also. I am in an English area. I don't know if I forgot to mention that but yeah they teach Spanish, but you could end up being in a English area your whole mission. That's only if you don't want to speak spanish though. I definately want to learn Spanish so bad. OR! It would be awesome to be put in the Korean Ward! Yeah we have a couple of those too. But I doubt it ^_^;. I could get a Korean companion that would be pretty sweet. Anyway Take care and keep it real!

Rachel: Wow I forgot to talk about your NEW BOYFRIEND! Heheh I hope he's a great guy ^_^. I'm glad to hear that it's a pretty chill relationship. That's good make sure to keep it that way. I hope school is going good, and I hope your athiest friend is doing alright too. Let me know how Chris is doing as well. I've heard that he's decided to go into the Marines. Tell him I wish him the best of luck and I hope all will be well for him. I will keep him in my prayers.

Well I'm pretty much done for today. I love you all so much. Take care

-Elder Clark

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