Friday, December 25, 2009

Feliz Navidad

Hola mi familia! Estoy muy famiz por Navidad en el CCM (MTC in english)

First of I want to say thank you so much for the wonderful preasents you guys sent me. I'd have to say my favorite is the family photo of all of us, with the added bonus of the photo of me and Noah. The smile on his face puts me in a good mood every time ^_^.

Anyway things are going pretty great here. This weeks weather is just like how Dad discribed it. Lots of ups and downs. Es muy estrangio (sorry if my spanish isn't as perfect as it should be. I am speaking MTC spanish of coarse ^_^;;) But yeah today (Christmas Eve). It's been flurrying really nice and it's really nice to see snow right before christmas. It's pretty much like a miracle for me. You should see me out there. My companion is walking in this winter wonder land like it's no big deal and I'm jumping around trying to catch snow flakes on my tounge. As Linus would say "Catch a snow flake on your tounge. It's fun!" *charlie brown music plays* XD (in case you are wondering actions are indicated by " * ").

In other news. I got to hear from another apostle last tuesday! It was Elder Andersen and he talked about how the great things in this life are payed in advance. I know that what I'm doing is paying in advance. I'm puting things into my spiritual bank account and those funds will fuel me for my whole entire life. Remember that family. Remember that even though some things may seem as a sacrifice, it's that sacrifice that will allow the heavens to open and pout it's eternal blessings. I'm so glad that I'm serving a mission and I ablsolutely can't wait to do the work of the Lord.

Well, Christmas is pretty much tommarow. I remember the days when Christmas would take FOREVER to come, but it seems that Christmas is here right before I knew it (perhaps it's because I'm so amazingly busy) It's obviously gonna be very interisting christmas. I'm going to miss you guys so much, but the perspective I have on christmas is so much greater. We are celebrating the birth of someone who made it possible for everyone to be resserected! The ability for us to live together with the ones that we love has been given to us because of our loving Savior Jesus Christ! I know that he came to this earth and he performed countless miracles, including his atonement. His atonement is central to God's plan, and I know that without it we would be a lost people. Remember his sacrifice family and remember that becuase he was born we are all saved! I love you guys so much. I can't wait to share that message to other families so they too can be together with thier families for eternity. I love this quote that I saw on someone's desk. It defines missionaries as someone who leave their families for a short time so that other families can be together forever. I trully believe that and I hope you guys know that as well.

Well I think I will address you guys seperately since I got about 15 more minutes

Mom: Well, choir is going great! We got to sing "One small babe" and it was great. I even recorded it with a tape recorder (I felt bad about bringing a camara into the meeting) I'll make sure to try to get someone to film me doing my Tae Kwon Do in the talent show. It's gonna be kinda wierd because I have to do it in my missionary cloths, but it's still gonna look awesome as usual ^_^. I did get my ukulele. Aunt Risa and Uncle Scott where soooooo nice, they even sent me a WHOLE LOT of cookies! More than I think I can handle ^_^;. If you can tell them I can't be greatful enough for all that they have done for me. Tell them that I really love and appreciate the large amounts of kindness and generosity they have given me. They are trully demonstrating the wonderful Christlike attribute of Charity and Love and I hope they know that they have a special place in my heart for them. I know that they will recieve countless blessings for their wonderful acts of kindness.

Anyway I hope that things with your job are working out. I know that if you have the right attitude everything will be alright. Me and my companion don't always agree all the time, but I try to have a good attitude and that has made all the difference.

Thank you again for the 12 days of Danny. It so typical for you to do something like that with the little cutesy cards and cutesy messages about the cutesy gifts heheh ^_^.Those 12 gifts put a smile on my face each day, and I can tell you put a lot of thought in to them. I'll let you know what I think about the christmas gift when I write you a hand written letter on Friday. I love you mom, and I know that if you're strong and have a positive attitude the Lord will love and support you all the way

Dad: Ohhh man! You telling me about bowling night made me miss all the fun stuff I got to do with my friends! I'm glad that you still have that inner child that tells you to do stupid stuff at the bowling allie XD. I thought it was really cool that you got to babtise 2 people on Christmas. I might get to get that same oppurtunity as well! *crosses fingers*. Sorry about the computer. Those trojens are nasty buggas >_<. Anyway, it's true what you say about missionaries on christmas. I do have a great appreciation for families and the birth of our savior Jesus Christ now that I'm on my mission and devoting all my time to the Lord. Well anway I'm glad your doing great and that you get to spend some time with Mom and Rachel for Christmas. That was also really nice of you to give them a chance to have a Girls weekend. Perhaps this will give you a chance to blow the house down with a massive GUITAR SOLOOOO. To bad you don't have me to do a guitar solo in my face to get me to go to bed XD. Ohh man I miss that. Well anyway I love you such much Dad. You have no idea how greatful I am for all that you have done for me. How much you have sacrificed and done to make me happy and to provide so many fun memories of playing tennis and flying kites together. I really love you so much.

On a lighter note I got a couple of spanish jokes of my own. Check this out!

Why are latinos so good at volleyball?
Because they have a lot of Pliyas (beaches. Sorry I can't spell ^_^;;)

Here's another one:

A latino walks into a wal-mart and doesn't know how to speak inglish. He gets a worker there to help him find so socks, but he doesn't know how to tell the worker. The worker gets out the catalog and finally turns to the page where it has socks on it. The latino exclaims "Eso! Si! Que Es!" and the worker responds "Well why didn't you spell it out in the first place!"

haaaaa haaaa haaaaaa *slaps knee* ^_^

Rachel: 2 MINUTES!!! Rachel I miss you so much. I love you so much and I'm glad you are doing so well in school. I know it's hard for you to leave two great people (me with a coolosity level greater to alix's XD) but just know that the Lord will be there for you always, and that if you live life to the fullest you will see me and Alix again before you know it. I'm proud of you Rachel, and you have such a strong spirit and such a kind heart. I will never forget the love and support you gave me in my time of difficulty. I love you sis

I love you family!!!

-Elder Clark

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hola mi amoroso famillia! ^_^

Heeeeey Family!

So nice to get your guys letters again. They trully are wonderful. Thank you so much.

Anyway this week wasn't quite as exciting as the previous week. I didn't get to talk to a black guy from Agusta Georgia, but it's alright things are still super bien here at the MTC.

I got to try out for the talent show that they are going to have for Christmast here. I'm of coarse am going to do some Tae Kwon Do. The lady running the talent show was SOOO excited to see something else besides piano or singing. The bad news is that i have to perform in a shirt and tie, but it's no biggie. The Mr. Mac suits are AWESOME. They are so durable and they stay clean so well. One of the people in my district got suits from the Missionary mall. . . Bad idea. . . It ripped within the first 3 weeks of the MTC ohh boy ^_^;;. But anyway, It seems like I am gauranteed a spot because my act is unique. Oh! Speaking of which. I also asked my branch president if I could have my ukulele here in the MTC also for the talent show. He asked a couple of people and contacted my mission president who obviously already said that I could have it and then tolde me yesterday that it was alright to have it. So Mom if you can contact Scott and Rissa for me and let them know that they can send it to me that would be MUY BIEN! Also if you could let Scott know that I am sooooo greatful for his generous offering. The money has served well in buying me study supplies and laundry detergent and such.

So here's the spiritual thought that I'm gonna leave with you guys. Last tuesday we had another devotional and a devotional meeting afterwards (like we always do) we discuss what we learned and bear out testimonies. My companion (who by the way seems a lot more motivated to serve now, it seems that the devotionals and talks that we got to listen too really got him going again, so I'm really happy for him) said that he liked the part where Elder Maynes said that the men are blinded by the craftiness of men, that it is our job to bring them out of spiritual obscurity. I believe that I can not only make an impact now on my mission, but for my whole life. When I bore my testimony I mentioned that as members of the church and missionaries we are responsible for spreading the truth Here, after, and FOREVER! . . . Those words seemed to ring inside my head. It felt as though that they weren't all my words either. It was the spirit telling me what to say, bearing witness of the truthfullness and the blessings that are to come from sharing the gospel. On the same note in class we learned that ward members are soooooo important to a missionaries success. Both in conversion and retention, ward members can help sooo much, so family please make sure to help the missionaries as much as you can. If you have friends do be afraid to share the wonderful gift that you posess. The knowledge that God loves us and that he has given us a plan of eternal happiness with those who we love. Remember these gifts that you guys have and how precious they are. As you ponder about these gifts think about how great it is to share those gifts with others. I know that if we do our best to share our beliefs with others, Heavenly Father will provide a way. One way or another.

Alright time to address you guys individually

Mom: I'm happy that you get to boast about my decision to join MTC choire. I'm sure the bagger at Kroger is so jealous :P hehehe ^_^. Yeah the choir has so much uplifting aspects about it. Especially when the director REALLY loves what he does. He goes so in to the music and he gets so excited. My favorite part is when he explains the song to us. He tells us of the significants of the phrases and really makes us motivated to "Cry mightily unto the heavens, and bear testimony through our song." It's really awesome.

Yes I have seen Travis. It was pretty cool how we saw each other. I was sitting on the couch in our study hall just studying away and I heard some people coming down the hall. It was when they came within 2 feet of me when I looked up. Travis was looking down at the time too, and he looked up. Both of our faces lit up and I jumped up and squeezed the crap out of him XD. It was so great to see him. He hasn't had a chance to go to choir, but since he's in the same study hall as me, we get to see each other a lot. It's so great ^_^. I'm glad you guys got to sing at church, even though it was a bit of a "train wreck". That totally sounds like something rachel would say. Also I'm so happy that Eddie and Gerald are staying in touch with Rachel. I was so suprised to she that she got to go to Gerald's house. That makes me so happy, I hope that they will also be great friends. Gerald is such a great guy. I can't believe that I never told you about Gerald's religion. Yeah, he's jewish, but it's a different sect. He's a jew that believes that Jesus was the son of God, I don't quite understand it, but that's pretty much it. Gerald isn't so into his religion though. Once he's out of the house he's gonna be doing his own thing. I have a feeling that I could have a positive influence on him as well and see if he will be interested in joining our church. Let Rachel know that bearing her testimony even when it seems like she shouldn't is sooo important. Searching and experiencing missionary experiences are so rewarding. Don't let a chance like that pass up.

Dad: I'm glad things are going well for you. I told those aweseme spanish jokes and riddles and they were quite the knee slappers :P. It's amazing how much spanish I am able to retain here at the MTC. I'm learning almost 10 times as fast as I did in school. I'm now teaching lessons only in Spanish. It's quite hectic at times, but as long as I do my best and speak as much as I can, then everything is alright. You still play enemy territory? One of my old roomates was in a clan for Enemy territory and I told him that your clan could wipe the floor with his :P. Anyway thanks for the letters and keep me updated. I hope christmas will be wonderful, even without me gracing you guys with my wonderful presence! ^_^

Well gotta wrap it up I only got 1 minutes left. Rachel you gotta write Elder Lunquiest (don't ask XD) but yeah tell her I love her very much and that I appreciate her and alex's letter (even though alex totally dear johned me >_<) I love you guys, remember to trust in the lord and all will be well

-Elder Clark

Friday, December 11, 2009

Another week, another letter. :D

Heeeey Familia!

Thanks for the wonderful letters and care packages you have been sending. I've gotten them all and I am enjoying them very much. I even got a care package from the YSA so I've pretty much got my own personal food storage in my room now ^_^;.

This week has been QUITE eventful. First of all SNOOOOW! Soooo much snow! More than I have ever seen in my whole entire life. The Utahians here say that the snow that we got is like nothing compared to what they usually get. It's reaaaally cold too. Yes man, I am Sooooo glad we got that coat. It helps a lot. They also have really awesome Christmas lights up here at the MTC. It's really cool.

I had a really awesome experience at the RC (refferal center) as well. I took an incoming call from some guy in Augusta Georgia. It was very obvious that he was a black guy because of the expressions and mannerisms he used. He wanted to order a couple of DVD's from the free LDS DVD collection. I was happy to oblige and asked him why he wanted the DVD's. He said that he had talked with some of the missionaries and said that he wanted to learn as much as he could about the mormon's in any way possible. He said he felt really good and at peace when he talked to the missionaries. At one point he discribed "it was like I wuz like I was talkin to Angels!" It made me feel so happy and I testified that that feeling that he had was the spirit. I continued and asked if he knew what the spirit was. He wasn't familiar with the term and I taught him about the Holy Ghost. I asked if he understood and he said "Yeah! It makes loads of sense!" I then asked if he reads the bible. He said that he does and he tries to teach his children the ways of Christ. He said that was kind of the reason why he wasn't to fond of mormons in the past, because he thought that they worshiped Joseph Smith, not Jesus, but the missionaries cleared that up so that is why he was willing to learn more. I asked him if he heard about the Book of Mormon, and he said know. I taught him, and testified of the truthfulness of the book (I've gained such a strong testimony of that book, and have realized that it contains SOOO many answers to our questions in these past few weeks) When I asked if he had recieved one, his imediate response was "I need one!" This warmed my heart so much and I put in an order for a Book of Mormon to send with the missionaries that would visit him next time. The last thing I taught him was how to pray. Actually he was the one who suggested that we pray. I asked him if he would like to give it, and he said that he forgot. I taught him the basic way how to pray and he did it. Although, the prayer seemed a little rehearsed, but he did say a lot of things that where in his mind so it was really good. I taught him that he doesn't have to say the same things over and over, that he should talk to our heavenly father as if he were talking to your best friend. He liked the sound of that and he let me give him an example by letting me pray. At the end of all that I could tell he was very moved and was hungering for the words of God. We wrapped things up and said our good byes. His last comment was a story of the first Mormon he had ever met. He said he was on his football team and that everyone called him the "STOOOORMIIIN MOORMON". Me and him laughed and laughed. I loved his mannerisms, it was so amusing and heartwarming, because I knew he was being sencere ^_^. We said good bye to each other and that was it. I loooooooved that experience and after that it made me want to just stand up and say "SEND ME TO SAN FERNANDO NOW!" heheh ^_^.

In other news, I came down with a bit of a cold. Actually a HUGE cold. I had an ear infection and everything. My companion got out of quarantine, bue he still had a really bad cough, and still has one. Me and him have been making trips to the doctor, and I got my hands on some antibiotics. My companion however drew the short straw and had to get a giant shot in his butt >_<. He had to get a shot because the oral medicine wouldn't work with his other medicine that he's taking for his ulceritive colitis (I really don't think I spelled that right ^_^;;) but yeah he was sore for the day but he's fine now.

My companion has been going a really tough time though. Not with his health, but with wheather or not if he was meant to go on a mission. It is very sad, but He told me how much thought he has put in on it. He said that he REALLY wants to serve a mission. He wants nothing more than to give the joy and happiness the gospel brings into other peoples lives, but apparently when he prays he thinks that he has a mission elseware, not in San Fernando. Me and him agree that it very well could be the advesary prompting him, but one thing makes both of our heads scratch. He said he asked Heavenly Father in the Temple, and he said that he recieved the same answer, and he didn't like the answer. He said he would much wrather serve a mission, but like he said, it may be that his mission is elsewear. The advice I gave him is that whatever he does, make sure that it is of the Lord. Make sure that the mindset he has is in the eternal perspective, not of the worldly or temperal things. We are going to the temple again and I think he might ask again. I have been earnestly praying for my companion to listen to the right voice and recieve the right answer. I REALLY don't want him to do something that he will regret. From my experience it seems that the easiest decision is the right decision, but I've learned that that's what the advesary wants you to think. If we take the harder route, the route that is of our heavenly father. In the end we will be more happy. So please keep Elder Ellis in your prayers if you can family. I worry about him every day, and I love him very much. He has helped me learn so much about myself and how to be an effective missionary. He told me that he has no doubt that I am going to be district leader some day, and that I am going to effect so many people's lives, and that he wants to do everything in his power to help me be the best that I can be.

So I got about 5 minutes left so lets see if I can comment and answer questions now

Dad - I love how you compared playing in Tom's band to playing Rock Band. That says a lot in so many ways XD. Those jokes you sent were quite the knee slappers ^_^. Good luck with Gran Turismo. That wonderful black car will be yours in no time, and yes despite your complaints I joined the choir anyway. I wish I could read music as good as you, but having a good ear helps as well ^_^.

Mom- Yes lots of people have been writing to me. The temple is great. I learn something every time I go. Sadly, I will not be able to call on christmas. I will probably however be able to call on my departure to San Fernando. I'll keep you posted. I can't wait to get Dito's drawing ^_^.

Rachel - I only got one minute so No copia me contoneo (don't copy my swagger in spanish :P) I love you soo much sis and I miss you. Tell alix that she is totally gonna get payback for sending me a Dear John!

I love you so much family. I miss you every day. I hope guys have a wonderful christmas. The birth of our savior is a HUGE blessing to us all

Love you all

-Elder Clark

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yo Estoy Super Bien!

Heeeey Family!

I got your letters on thanksgiving and it made me miss you guys so much ^_^;. Well, Let me start out by telling about my crazy eventful week.

So I'm still language and gospel studying as usual. I'm starting to get a great feel on how to study efficiantly. When you study the gospel the best way to do it is to have a question or pick a topic that you want to learn about and just search the scriptures or use other resources to learn more about that topic. I feel the spirit so strong when I do that.

So on thanksgiving I got to hear from another Apostle! It was awesome. This time it was Jeffery R. Holland! He came by and answered questions that that missionaries submitted to the apostles a while back. It was really cool. Some of the the things that he said I really enjoyed. For example, he told us that if we are feeling homesick then that is a good thing. he said that he hopes that we are feeling very homesick, because it's that love and gratitude for you family or friends that should make you want to to serve the lord and make others have that same love in their lives. I never really though of it that way and it was really neat the way he worded it. I also remember seeing a quote that someone had on their desk. The quote defined missionary as someone who leaves their family for a short time so they can help other families be together forever. That's what I'm gonna concintrate on from now on.

I am also singing in the MTC Choir. Imagine that! Yeah my inate ability to sing by ear really comes in handy. I'm singing the Tenor part and it is really fun. Plus the choir directors are very professional. They know how to prepare people to sing a piece very well. The most recent song that we sang really touched my heart. I'm kicking myself right now because I can't remember exactly what the song was called. I think it's called "Behold the Reedemer" I'll try to tell you what the song is really called, but the last line of the song is "He takes you in his arms and quites all your fears." that image in my head makes me feel so loved and so greatful for the atoning sacrifice my savior made for me. I hope you guys know how vastly Heavenly father and Jesus Christ loves you. I know that he does and that anything that you guys go through he trully is there for you ALWAYS!

So anyway I also have some bad news. My companion developed a cold and he has been in quarenteen for the last week. I've been teaming up with other companionships and just kinda taggin along. I pray for him every night in hopes that he will get better. After he comes back he has to get a Colonoscopy because aparantly he's been having problems with is ulceritis as well. I really hope everything will be ok. It's really crazy! It's not just my companion who is sick. The Flu has been running ramped in the MTC and the MTC is taking every precaution they can. I've been lucky not to have caught it. Also apperently the Swine flu has made an apperance as well. Everyone in my district got a free Swine Flu shot just in case, so don't worry, the MTC has got it covered.

So Dad! I'm glad that I got to hear from you again. Glad that you are enjoying some Gran Torismo action there! Hope you get time to enjoy that whenever possible ^_^;. I'm sorry that you got stuck with a couple of amatures again in your other band. Hopefully you can weasel yourself out of that one ^_^;;. I'm glad that your feeling better from that parasite. Sorry you had to deal with that. Hope everything runs smoothly for you at the stroller biz, and I hope that you can continue to pwn those newbs in ET :P. Also thanks for wishing me a great thanksgiving. The food was delicious, heheh not really. It was pretty much what I expected from the MTC. Also I'm gonna continue to use my smileys :D no matter how much you poke fun at them heheh ^_^. Anyway I love you dad and keep up the good work.

Mom, I'm glad that everything is going alright for you and that you coping with your boss and everything. I hope that you remember that life is merely a state of mind and that if you choose to be happy I know you will. I always get all teary when I read your letters because you always know exactly what to say. When I whispered those things into your ear I meant it. Everything is going to be alright. In fact everything is going to be SUPER BIEN! ^_^. I'm glad you had a great thanksgiving and I hope you know that I love you ver much.

Rachel! I haven't heard from you in a while! Come on! Don't you be jackin my style! I will come get you if you try to copy my swagger! I mean it! Hehehe I actually learned that there is a word in spanish for "swagger" I'll teach it to you later :P. I hope you are doing well in school and that everything is alright. Try not to get in a car wreck while I'm gone either! Remember, merging into people, especially big trucks, is bad :P. Heheh I love you a lot Sis! Always remember who you are, and remember that I will be waiting for the day that I get to see my fellow furry sibling. GLIIIIIIDE! Heheheh ^_^ *wagwagwag*

If you guys want to give me anything here are a couple of things that you could give me. I would really love to get some pictures of the family. The pictures of me and mom or me and Rachel, or whatever would be awesome. If you want to send them framed that would be cool too. I could put them on my desk and look at them whenever I study. If you guys could send pictures of my friends, like the group photos of everyone that I have on my Facebook pictures, that would be awesome too. Also I kinda need a watch ^_^;;. Just a inexpensive one will be fine because I don't want to worry about it getting stolen or anything.

Well gotta wrap things up. Keep those letters coming. They fueeeel meeeeee! heheh. I love you guys so much. Remember to keep praying and to trust in the Lord. I know he will provide. Take Care and live for the day

-Elder Clark