Pues Pues Pues, que tenemos Aqui! heheh don't ask ^_^;;.
Anyway Week 5 of the transfer is always a crazy one. It's filled with Zone Conference and Interviews with the mission president. It trully was a different and strange week and I'll let you guys know why riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight NOW!
Zone conference was really good. I loved the message that President gave to all of the missionaries. By the small and simple things we do, we can perform great things. Whether Such as looking at the snake staff to be cured or washing in the Jordan River (I think that's which river >_<) 7 times to be healed of leprosy. I loved that message and it made me eager to do those small things to improve my mission. The Zone Leaders (Which happen to be the same missionaries I live with in the apartment) Gave an awesome training about performing your work above and beyond your call of duty. They showed a inspirational movie clip that gave facts about water. Water is merely hot at 211 degrees F, but at 212 degrees water boils and can power locamotives. Every degree counts and we should do our best to perform to our best. They also read an article in the Ensign where a bunch of soldiers in Viatnam that were riding in a helocopter saw a plain go down into enemy territory. They requested 3 times to go in and save them, and upon the 3rd requested the acquired permission to do so. They were able to fight the enemy off and save those people. I likened that story to me and thought that I can do the same thing by saving those people who feel alone in this world, by bringing them the restored Gospel. I know that can make a different in people's lives and save people, not physically, but eternally, and that makes all the difference. So all in all it was an excellent Zone Conference
During the week I kinda got a little sick as well. Some kind of stomach bug or something. I don't know. I plopped down on the couch during lunch and I was out. I had to take the day off. I didn't want to, but I knew it was neccisary so that I can be effective in the upcoming days. The next day I felt not as bad, but I was at least able to get around and do my work, so It was all good. Now I'm perfectly fine so no need to worry (mom especially :P) Those stomach bugs usually pass very fast.
We tried to see Tray all this week but it's really hard to catch him. Especially last Friday with the Lakers Finals on. We found out that the Lakers won because you could hear the cheers for miles and miles. A huge chorus of "WOOOOOOOT!" blared across the land of California. It was awesome! I bought a NBA Champions Lakers hat in memory of that night ^_^;. I love it. But yeah, it was kind of lame how everyone was distracted by that, bu it happens. We weren't able to see him, but we're gonna keep trying.
We also had Interviews with President this week. Nothing special since president has a lot of interviews to do. He actually asked where I wanted to go this time. I told him that I felt like I should stay, since that is what the spirit was telling me. I feel that I still got some work to do here. He appreciated my input and gave me some tips on what I should study in preach my gospel. Chapter one which tells of my purpose. I took that advice and am now studying it again.
I'll go ahead and tell you one last thing. It's actually something that happeneded on last P-Day. Usually we aren't supposed to perform serivice on P-day since it's a vital time for us to get laundry and shopping done, but Elder Finch felt prompted to not turn this woman named Dee down. We came in and did some hardcore hedge clipping. I got to cut a couple of big branches off of this tree with a saw. It was kind of fun cause I did it all by myself and I was hoppin around on the wall next to the tree and cuting those branches off like a beast. I was very proud of myself and it was great excersize. Dee was so appreciative. "You will never realize how much this means to me." She said. I smiles and nodded as we departed to go and get our shopping done. I love making people's day like that. I was trully happy, but she was right. I never really realized how much that meant to her until we came back later that night because we had dinner with her as well. She told us how that backyard was always in the back of her mind and she was so saddened by how much work that was. She told us how she had lost her Husky, Vale, and following that her Husband. She was a widow living all by herself and her children who were members told her to call up the missionaries. What they were preaching to her made since and made her feel like she belonged somewhere again. She was soon baptized and she felt like she had family again. The reason why she felt so terribly alone is because she grew up in kind of a poor family, as far as their relationship was concerned. She told us how her mother hated that she was a member of our church, and how she was being selfish, and all of this crap. She told us that she had previously asked for help from her mother for something and she replied "We are not that kind of family." That really hurt me to think that someone's own mother would tell that to her child. However she said that we helped right away, no questions asked, and now when she looks outside she will always be reminded of that day that she was loved, that someone didn't forget her. I trully have a testimony of the miracle of charity and service. It trully is a blessing to know that you have made someone's burden lighter and someones countenance happier. That is probably the most rewarding thing that I can think of. The knowledge that I made someone happy, and that I made someone feel like they belong and are loved. Charity trully is the pure love of Christ, and to Dee, that love is etched in her backyard in the form of freshly cut trees and bushes that she thought she would have never been able to do on her own.
Well time to address you guys indivualmente
Mom: Well sounds like things are going great. I have to say I really love the artwork you and Rachel are producing. You guys look like pros already! I'm very impressed and kind of jealous. I want to take those classes as well! Oh well, that might be a great activity to do together as a family. Yay family time :D. Anyway Sorry to hear about the "chaos at the camps". Just think how hard it is trying to control those kids mom! Some of them are allowed to drink Mt. Dew. MT. DEW MOM! Caffeine fueled kids = not fun! Heh XD, but I loved them. By the end of camp season I was really sad to let them go, but that's just how life is. Glad you got to see Toy Story 3. I'm sure mission president will let us watch that when it comes out on DVD. He's a really cool guy and very cheery. Every time he sees me he always mentions how likable I am ^_^;. I'm really flattered by what he says. It is always nice to see him. He is also not afraid to give lots of Abrasos (hugs) (I hope I spelled it right). Thanks again mom and like always I love you so much.
Dad: Another trip to Hong Kong! Dad your killing me with all of these trips to the place that I want to go soooo bad. Ahhh some day I suppose ^_^;. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the hat. Sorry that rachel enjoys it as well ^_^;. The Antolope valley Antalopes is the high school that is in my area. I thought it was cool and suited you and you could have something that was unique to my current area. Looks like a ok hat to play tennis in. Meh, I'll let you be the judge of that. You definately look like a high school coach in your nice sunday cloths with the hat on. You pull it off to a T dad ^_^. That's crazy about the environment you were in dad. I would be having a bit of a hard time if I were in your possision. I guess I've realized I'm kind of like mom where I need it to be reeeeaaally cold to be able to sleep at night. The mosquitoes sound like a pain as well. I'm sure you get used to it after a while. That's what I started doing by taking really cold showers at night. When the AC was fixed it was like heaven. It reminded of me when you told me that you start to appreciate the small things when you don't have them. Like paved roads, and AC. Good stuff! ^_^. Well glad you had a wonderful father's day. Once again I just want to say that you have trully given me a whole lot as a father. You were there when I felt down in the dumps with your Star Wars quotes and your happys songs. Heh ^_^. I don't think I could ask for a better Dad then you. I love you so much Dad. Have a great time in China!
Rachel: Wimpin out in girls camp huh! NO EXCUSE *DOUBLE CHOP*. heheh Just kidding. I know what it's like to be rained on and stuff. Noooot fun. Everything gets wet. EVERYTHING. I'm glad you had fun with the activities and stuff, and that Dad was able to get you the heck out of dodge. You better have given him an uber hug for doing that for you. He trully does a lot for us ^_^. Also don't steal dad's hat. You have da Gangsta Domo hat, and he has the Antolopes hat. No touchy :P. Anyway hope things are going well with you and Alix. Just have fun and don't take things seriously. Go with the flow and play it cool. I really miss you sis and I hope you have an awesome week. I love you so much. Take Care!
Well that's it for now. Have a great Family. I love you all!
-Elder Clark
P.S. "Jim put a bloody glove in my drawer and tried to convince me that I committed Murder!" "Every keeps calling me Dwayne, I suspect Jim!" "Today I hit myslef with the Phone!" etc XD
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
"Summer is definitely here...FOR REAL"
Hey Family Again!
Summer is deeeeeeeeefinately here. (that's why I used that for the subject) It's getting pretty hot over here! Getting up there at 95 and 98 degrees sometimes >_<. Man! The sand is really kickin up too. I need to wear my sunglasses as much as possible. It's also bad at my appartment too because we have NO AC!!! Guys if I come back in a glass jar as a liquid please give me a honorable ulagy. I want to be remembered as the man with honor, grace, and humility. Not as the man who served in the desert for 3 weeks and melted :P. Heheh. In desperation I try to take reaaaally cold showers to cool off. To bad it lasts maybe 20 or 30 minutes and I'm back to sweating. Ugh, guess I've got some heat acclamating to do ^_^;.
Anyway besides the steady climing of the temperature. Our investigators are steadily climing towards baptism! It's so neat to see this happening and I know it will bring them so much happiness. Right now we are looking at around 3 or 4 baptisms by the end of this transfer. I'm so excited!
This week I also got to go to the LA temple! That temple is so big, and it's very beautiful. The rooms have awesome artwork and the presentations were magnificent. I loved feeling those familiar feelings of the spirit as I did a session and feeling them with such power. I saved a couple of the temple cards so I can send them back as seuvaneers (wow lotsa spelling mistakes this week :P). It was a wonderful experience, and it was cool to be in LA for a while. It's kinda like Atlanta, except not as trashy, but it's still trashy nonetheless :P.
My companion also got a little sick during the week as well. Some stomach virus or something, so that day was a huge study day for us. It was nice change of pace and I got to learn a wonderful lesson in the Ensign comference addition. I read about Not Judging others, which was a talk by Schwitzer I believe. It was very enlighting, especially the part where he talks about creating a quite environment both externally and internally by staying free from sin. That way, we can create a good environment where we can listen to the Holy Ghost and make good judgements.
Last Sunday was also a wonderful day. It was fast and testimony meeting and I bore powerful testimony of loving others as Jesus did, and how Jesus trully died for us and lives. By him living we all can live and live Eternal Life with our Heavenly Father and our Families forever. I absolutely love bearing my testimony on my mission because I love the feeling of the spirit speaking through me. It's the coolest feeling because I know I am speaking, but they are most definately not my words. They just come out and I'm acting as a mouthpeace for my Savior. It's awesome
One last thing I'll mention is this one investigator named Trey! He is a 15 year old black kid who we were able to teacht he 1st lesson to because he had been coming to church with a girlfriend. I absolutely love teaching him because he's the blackest kid in the whole wide world. He doesn't know that much about religion at all, but everything we taught to him he totally understands. "That make sense dawg!" he would say every now and then. When we invited him to pray to know these things to be true, he did so. He really didn't know how to pray at all, but we helped him out. We asked him how he felt and he simply replied "Felt good dawg!" Ohh man I love this kid so much! We left that old run down house with barely any furnature with a wonderful gift that will last forever. I pray with all my heart that his parents will let him get baptized. They are kind of stand-offish, but I know that with him as an example they can have that oppurtunity to feel the spirit as he did. He bore his testimony (In the other ward unfortunately). One of the other Elders in the other ward told us about it. Turns out he snuck out of our ward to bare his testimony in the other ward. That sneaky investigator!!! Heh, it was great though! The other Elder told us it was the blackest and most genuine testimony ever. Trey explained how he prayed again after we left and that he felt good again. he also told the congregation how he was "kickin it" with his friends and tellin them about church. His friends started "trippin" and said. "Nah, church is lame dawg, why you be goin to dat mormon church anyway!? You ain't mormon!" He replied "Dawg! I been goin theuh fo 3 weeks. I am so mormon!" He bore his testmony that prayer does work, and that it helps us out so much. He then ended his testimony by saying "Annnnnd, that's it man!" and walked off the pulpit. MAN! I should've been there. Did I mention how much I love this kid!?"
Well that's all for this week. Have an EXCELLENT WEEK *Guitar Solo*
Mom: Mom I just want to say I really appreciated your testimony. I trully am greatful for you and dad being such an awesom example to me throughout my life. You trully gave me blessings unmeasured by living by example and bearing your testimony to me, even if you think you did or not. I believe through you guys, and by me finding out for myself really contributed to my conversion and my mighty change of heart. I owe it all to you guys. For raising me with love and the spirit that was preasent with so much abundance as I continued my life. Thank you so much mom.
Anyway now that I got you crying a little bit now :P. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your time at Al's. He is such a great guy and it sounds like you and Dad had a blast. It's pretty sad to hear that the Krietlines are leaving. I wish them well wherever they may be. She was such an awesome Sunday school teacher. She was so genuine and down to earth. I really looked up to her. I still have the hawaiian key chain that she gave the class when she took her vacation over there. Despite the fact that everything is WAAAAY overpriced. She is such a wonderful woman and I know she will recieve many blessings for magnifiying her calling the way she did. Thanks also for the John Mayer quote. I really like it. i really wish I knew how the song goes and stuff. I don't even recognize who the heck John Mayer is ^_^;. I'm sorry, but I really enjoyed the quote. It's true. You gotta defend that silver lining because other people are going to say that there isn't one. I know that there is always a silver lining. You just have to look hard enough ^_^. Well that's it for now. I love you mom. Take care
Dad: Dad, I looooooved the pictures and it made me reeeeeeeeeeallly want to go to China. Man! You have no idea how jealous I was to see those pictures. ESPECIALLY the one of the Bruce Lee statue. I absolutely love that statue. In fact I drew it in art class once. I love how it's right there on the pier as well. UGH! I'll stop thinking about it now ^_^;.
Thanks for the pictures. I was in fact able to see them, however I don't have a flash drive. I'm thinking of getting some so that we can send it back and forth. I might send my SD card as well so you guys can get those pictures on the computer or disc or whatever.
Glad to hear you enjoyed playing for Al. Jumping in the pool sounds like something really nice. Too bad I have to wait to do that T_T. Oh well. Hope you have a great week dad. I love you so much!
Rachel: Well well well, the time of your B-day has come. 17 anos (the "n" is supposed to have a little sguigle over it) Just enjoy each year as it comes sis. It's gonna go by quick. I hope that my package will be able to make it in time for you birthday. If not, it will still be good. Plus the card will make more sense too ;). Heheh, I bet you will love it. I hope all is going well for you sis. I love you so much.
Grandpa: Well mom let me know that Grandpa is getting a little tribute soon so I'll just write some words about him. As many time as I have seen Grandpa there had never been a time where he ever raised his voice, got angry, or upset. He always has a wonderful smile on his face, and a wonderful attitude too. He seems to be happy and content in whatever situation he is in. He also never hisitates to bear his testimony and to give advice that I know is directly from the Lord himself. He trully is an inspirational and loving man. He is someone who loves his Heavenly Father, and His children so much. I know that's probably why he was a high school counsuler, so that he could share his love and give comfort and counsul to those in need. Grandpa has taught me that I should always look at the big picture. The things that matter the most, which is the love of my Heavenly Father and the love of my Family. Thank you Grandpa. Your quiete and gentle disposition has always invited the spirit wherever you went. The last and finally things I will always remember of Grandpa are two phrases that I charish every where I go. Whether it's his turn during Mexican Train, or it's time to go whenever he utters the words "Ok! Troops!" It brings a smile to my face each time. I will always remember whenever I leave to house to always "Watch for the other guy!" As well, because that is definately true. I love you Grandpa, and I hope all your days are happy and full of the love and comfort of the Holy Ghost.
Summer is deeeeeeeeefinately here. (that's why I used that for the subject) It's getting pretty hot over here! Getting up there at 95 and 98 degrees sometimes >_<. Man! The sand is really kickin up too. I need to wear my sunglasses as much as possible. It's also bad at my appartment too because we have NO AC!!! Guys if I come back in a glass jar as a liquid please give me a honorable ulagy. I want to be remembered as the man with honor, grace, and humility. Not as the man who served in the desert for 3 weeks and melted :P. Heheh. In desperation I try to take reaaaally cold showers to cool off. To bad it lasts maybe 20 or 30 minutes and I'm back to sweating. Ugh, guess I've got some heat acclamating to do ^_^;.
Anyway besides the steady climing of the temperature. Our investigators are steadily climing towards baptism! It's so neat to see this happening and I know it will bring them so much happiness. Right now we are looking at around 3 or 4 baptisms by the end of this transfer. I'm so excited!
This week I also got to go to the LA temple! That temple is so big, and it's very beautiful. The rooms have awesome artwork and the presentations were magnificent. I loved feeling those familiar feelings of the spirit as I did a session and feeling them with such power. I saved a couple of the temple cards so I can send them back as seuvaneers (wow lotsa spelling mistakes this week :P). It was a wonderful experience, and it was cool to be in LA for a while. It's kinda like Atlanta, except not as trashy, but it's still trashy nonetheless :P.
My companion also got a little sick during the week as well. Some stomach virus or something, so that day was a huge study day for us. It was nice change of pace and I got to learn a wonderful lesson in the Ensign comference addition. I read about Not Judging others, which was a talk by Schwitzer I believe. It was very enlighting, especially the part where he talks about creating a quite environment both externally and internally by staying free from sin. That way, we can create a good environment where we can listen to the Holy Ghost and make good judgements.
Last Sunday was also a wonderful day. It was fast and testimony meeting and I bore powerful testimony of loving others as Jesus did, and how Jesus trully died for us and lives. By him living we all can live and live Eternal Life with our Heavenly Father and our Families forever. I absolutely love bearing my testimony on my mission because I love the feeling of the spirit speaking through me. It's the coolest feeling because I know I am speaking, but they are most definately not my words. They just come out and I'm acting as a mouthpeace for my Savior. It's awesome
One last thing I'll mention is this one investigator named Trey! He is a 15 year old black kid who we were able to teacht he 1st lesson to because he had been coming to church with a girlfriend. I absolutely love teaching him because he's the blackest kid in the whole wide world. He doesn't know that much about religion at all, but everything we taught to him he totally understands. "That make sense dawg!" he would say every now and then. When we invited him to pray to know these things to be true, he did so. He really didn't know how to pray at all, but we helped him out. We asked him how he felt and he simply replied "Felt good dawg!" Ohh man I love this kid so much! We left that old run down house with barely any furnature with a wonderful gift that will last forever. I pray with all my heart that his parents will let him get baptized. They are kind of stand-offish, but I know that with him as an example they can have that oppurtunity to feel the spirit as he did. He bore his testimony (In the other ward unfortunately). One of the other Elders in the other ward told us about it. Turns out he snuck out of our ward to bare his testimony in the other ward. That sneaky investigator!!! Heh, it was great though! The other Elder told us it was the blackest and most genuine testimony ever. Trey explained how he prayed again after we left and that he felt good again. he also told the congregation how he was "kickin it" with his friends and tellin them about church. His friends started "trippin" and said. "Nah, church is lame dawg, why you be goin to dat mormon church anyway!? You ain't mormon!" He replied "Dawg! I been goin theuh fo 3 weeks. I am so mormon!" He bore his testmony that prayer does work, and that it helps us out so much. He then ended his testimony by saying "Annnnnd, that's it man!" and walked off the pulpit. MAN! I should've been there. Did I mention how much I love this kid!?"
Well that's all for this week. Have an EXCELLENT WEEK *Guitar Solo*
Mom: Mom I just want to say I really appreciated your testimony. I trully am greatful for you and dad being such an awesom example to me throughout my life. You trully gave me blessings unmeasured by living by example and bearing your testimony to me, even if you think you did or not. I believe through you guys, and by me finding out for myself really contributed to my conversion and my mighty change of heart. I owe it all to you guys. For raising me with love and the spirit that was preasent with so much abundance as I continued my life. Thank you so much mom.
Anyway now that I got you crying a little bit now :P. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your time at Al's. He is such a great guy and it sounds like you and Dad had a blast. It's pretty sad to hear that the Krietlines are leaving. I wish them well wherever they may be. She was such an awesome Sunday school teacher. She was so genuine and down to earth. I really looked up to her. I still have the hawaiian key chain that she gave the class when she took her vacation over there. Despite the fact that everything is WAAAAY overpriced. She is such a wonderful woman and I know she will recieve many blessings for magnifiying her calling the way she did. Thanks also for the John Mayer quote. I really like it. i really wish I knew how the song goes and stuff. I don't even recognize who the heck John Mayer is ^_^;. I'm sorry, but I really enjoyed the quote. It's true. You gotta defend that silver lining because other people are going to say that there isn't one. I know that there is always a silver lining. You just have to look hard enough ^_^. Well that's it for now. I love you mom. Take care
Dad: Dad, I looooooved the pictures and it made me reeeeeeeeeeallly want to go to China. Man! You have no idea how jealous I was to see those pictures. ESPECIALLY the one of the Bruce Lee statue. I absolutely love that statue. In fact I drew it in art class once. I love how it's right there on the pier as well. UGH! I'll stop thinking about it now ^_^;.
Thanks for the pictures. I was in fact able to see them, however I don't have a flash drive. I'm thinking of getting some so that we can send it back and forth. I might send my SD card as well so you guys can get those pictures on the computer or disc or whatever.
Glad to hear you enjoyed playing for Al. Jumping in the pool sounds like something really nice. Too bad I have to wait to do that T_T. Oh well. Hope you have a great week dad. I love you so much!
Rachel: Well well well, the time of your B-day has come. 17 anos (the "n" is supposed to have a little sguigle over it) Just enjoy each year as it comes sis. It's gonna go by quick. I hope that my package will be able to make it in time for you birthday. If not, it will still be good. Plus the card will make more sense too ;). Heheh, I bet you will love it. I hope all is going well for you sis. I love you so much.
Grandpa: Well mom let me know that Grandpa is getting a little tribute soon so I'll just write some words about him. As many time as I have seen Grandpa there had never been a time where he ever raised his voice, got angry, or upset. He always has a wonderful smile on his face, and a wonderful attitude too. He seems to be happy and content in whatever situation he is in. He also never hisitates to bear his testimony and to give advice that I know is directly from the Lord himself. He trully is an inspirational and loving man. He is someone who loves his Heavenly Father, and His children so much. I know that's probably why he was a high school counsuler, so that he could share his love and give comfort and counsul to those in need. Grandpa has taught me that I should always look at the big picture. The things that matter the most, which is the love of my Heavenly Father and the love of my Family. Thank you Grandpa. Your quiete and gentle disposition has always invited the spirit wherever you went. The last and finally things I will always remember of Grandpa are two phrases that I charish every where I go. Whether it's his turn during Mexican Train, or it's time to go whenever he utters the words "Ok! Troops!" It brings a smile to my face each time. I will always remember whenever I leave to house to always "Watch for the other guy!" As well, because that is definately true. I love you Grandpa, and I hope all your days are happy and full of the love and comfort of the Holy Ghost.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
"...I herrowly escaped a slushy..."
Heeey Family!
So this week was pretty crazy. Lots of things happened.
First my companions bike chain broke. Bogus dude! But, we've commited 3 people with a baptismal date! WOOOT! ^(^o^)^ (<--- that is a simey with his hands in the air) It's so amazin how much more success I'm finding in this area. It's really great to see so many progressing. This place trully is blessed. I believe it's due to the ward being so much more unified and so concerned and passionate about missionary work. It's awesome
So besides those people. There is this one lady Varanica who is a traveling nurse for a members daughter, who is mentally disabled. She was very receptive and when she prayed to know if these things were true and if she should get baptized (by the way, she prayed in spanish because she felt more comfortable doing so) she got her answer right then and there. We asked how she felt and she told us she felt like she was floating. The most touching and amazing thing abou that experience was even though I didn't understand everything I felt the Spirit hit me like a brick wall. It was so awesome and I loved it. I also caught that she wanted to share what she was learning with her family, and we let her know how to go about doing that. It was really great, sadly we have to hand her over to Spanish Elders since her family speaks spanish and she isn't even in our area. No poaching for us ^_^;. It was really cool
Speaking of Spanish work. I got to be in a spanish area for a day! Woot! Me and Elder Davis served the day on exchanges. It was pretty strange and very nerve wracking because me and him were both gringos who were still tryin to learn spanish. Luckily we had lots of help from people who were bilingual who happened to be around us. For the most part I think I did pretty good. I'm at that stage where I can pretty much pick out the main topic of discussion and add a comment here and there. I know I have a long way to go, and I bet bein in a Spanish area where I practice every day will help 10 times a much. So yeah that was pretty cool
On a lighter note there are SOOO MANY ICE CREAM TRUCKS HERE! Every corner you take there is another ice cream truck. My companion says there are going to be more since school is out. Ohh man! The best part is some of them have sick gangsta drum beats playing over the typical ice cream truck tunes. So imagine the ice cream truck tune that we always heard in Georgia (The one where I'm screaming "DAAADDDDYYY!!!" in the famous home video of ours) and add a Gangsta beat to it and you got Lancaster Ice Cream trucks. I like to calm them "Gangsta Cream trucks" It's pretty thug nasty man! XD
Also I nerrowly escaped a slushy that was thrown at me! Can you believe it! Ohhh man I thought it was soo halerious. Pretty much we were walking to our dinner appointment and I just see this slushy cup wizz right over my head and hit the gutter on the street. My first thought was "No way! . . . That just happened!" I look up and see the car speeding off and yell "NICE TRY!!!!" Ohhh how I laughed and laughed. I should have picked up the slushy and drank it. It looked like no one drank out of it at all. Jokes on them! They just wasted a slushy! I wrote about this in my journal and I believe my words at the end of the entry was "I have to admit I would have been pretty pissed if I got hit, but I didn't because they were newbs and missed!" XD Ohhh good times. Being a missionary brings such funny attention sometimes! ^_^
Well that's pretty much all I can think of right. Time for some 1 on 1 action!
Dad: Heeey glad you made it back to the good ol' US of A! I am soooo jealous that you saw the Bruce Lee Statue in Hong Kong. I've actually seen many pictures of that statue and I think it's the coolest statue in the whole intire world. If I could get my hands on a huge poster of it I would post it up in our mission pad. That's pretty sweet though. Glad you got to eat some expensive steaks at Wooloomooloo. I bet that was a fun sign to look at.
So you asked if we do any group activities on P-day. Well I guess I forgot to mention that we went to a place called The Devils Punchbowl. I took a couple of pictures and I will send 3 (since that's the most I can attatch). It was really awesome and it was nice to hike around again, because I absolutely love hiking. It was really cool because it was a whole new invironment, completely different from the thick forests of Georgia. Other than that I have never did any cool group activity like that ever. Back in Burbank we tried to go to the LA Zoo, but something came up and we weren't able to go. It was a drag. Plus I heard from some of the members that it wasn't that impressive of a zoo anyway. Oh well. I still had fun playin baskitball and stuff. I wish I could've gone to the Holywood sign in Burbank or took some pictures of Nickolodean or WB studios. Oh well, maybe next tim ^_^;. But yeah, I am pretty close to the North Edwards base. It's not in my ward area, but it is in my mission so we can go if we wanted to. Also we got some sweet hook-ups at the Jethawks baseball field so we may go to a couple of those games as well. As for tennis, Elder Finch seems to have really gotten into tennis. he says he's gotten pretty good (besides his serve) so I hope to play with him pretty soon. We also have a couple of investigators who like to play as well. I'm gonna try my best to get as much practice so I can come back ready to beat you dad :P. heheh ^_^.
Welp, I hope you don't suffer to much from jetlag anymore. I hope Brian can catch a break as well. I will keep him in my prayers. Father's day is comin up and I just want to say that I am absolutely greatful for all that you have given me dad. I look at the frame and seeing us at the Aquarium and on our way to Memphis Tennessee to go to my freaky furry convention :P. I just appreciate how much you support me and how much you care about me. I even remember you tryin your absolute hardest to keep me happy on the weekends when I was a little kid and anxious do something with you. I kind of feel bad for treating you like some kind of activities coordinator ^_^;, but your patience and your love trully showed during those slightly difficult times. I once again wish I would've taken more advantage to spend more time with you, but it's not to late. I absolutely can't wait to come home and play tennis with you again. Until then Take Care Dad! I love you!
Mom: Alright mom glad to hear that you got a little memorial day break! I hope everything is going good for you at work as usual. Seems like Rachel is really doing great now that she's out of school and passed Algebra! Way to go Rachel :D! I also can't believe she's turning 17. I remember when I was that age ^_^;.
Try not to be to scared about me or worry about me to much. I don't think I have had that much adversity at all. I have been prepared and taught well to continue forth. As for the cops comin in and questioning me at 2:00 AM, I thought that was halerious! You have no need to worry to much. I suppose it's just the mom in you ^_^;. I'll be sure to keep in mind if I need any prayers about anything specific, but right now everything is A-Ok. just like fonzee says "AIEEEEE!" ^_^ heheh.
I'm also glad to hear that you enjoyed Sis. White's e-mail. I thought it was really touchin too when she wanted to get your contact information. She called me nonstop trying to find your e-mail and your facebook and everything. I think it's because she has had her son go on a mission before and she just wants to let all the missionarie's moms know that their sons are alright. She is a very nice lady and the ward I'm working in is very united and very much centered around missionary work. I believe that is why we are having so much success out here.
Oh and one more thing. I was watchin the videos on my frame again and I just love the one of you guys wishing me a Marry Christmas. My favorite part is when you said "I just want my two front teethe . . . ." and then you sit there for a while and then start shoutin "OK! I'M SORRY! I'M NOT FUNNY!" Mom when I hear you shout that I laugh sooooo hard! See, I've learned that bein funny isn't something that's forced. It's a natural occurance. You executed it very well mom. You are funny, and I love you for it ^_^
Well that's all I can think of. Thank you so much Mom, for everything. I love you very much
Rachel: Racheeeeeeel GAMMIE LETTERS NOOOOAA. I EAT YO FACE! Heheheh, I'm messin with you :P. I know you are busy, try not to fret.
Anyway your gonna be a big BAD SENIOR! Wooot! Also your going to be 17. Man! I can't believe it! I remember being that age. This is crazy. I hope you have a really good summer. Mom tells me you guys are goin up to Utah to hit up the clubs. Try to be safe and don't take any strange pills that strangers give out at the sweet rave parties. Ok I'm done joking :P heheh ^_^;. Let me know how the EFY thing goes. I know how much you love EFY. You gotta try to get into the talent show and film it! You got talent Rachel weather you believe it or not :P. Anyway glad to hear everything is goin well for you (passin Algebra and stuff *high 5*) and I hope everything is going good with good ol' Brady. I hope you have an awesome birthday and that all your wildest dreams come true on that day. I love you so much Sis. Can't wait see you again! All grown up :O.
Well once again that's it for this week. Have an EXCELLENT WEEK *GUITAR SOLO*
-Elder Clark
So this week was pretty crazy. Lots of things happened.
First my companions bike chain broke. Bogus dude! But, we've commited 3 people with a baptismal date! WOOOT! ^(^o^)^ (<--- that is a simey with his hands in the air) It's so amazin how much more success I'm finding in this area. It's really great to see so many progressing. This place trully is blessed. I believe it's due to the ward being so much more unified and so concerned and passionate about missionary work. It's awesome
So besides those people. There is this one lady Varanica who is a traveling nurse for a members daughter, who is mentally disabled. She was very receptive and when she prayed to know if these things were true and if she should get baptized (by the way, she prayed in spanish because she felt more comfortable doing so) she got her answer right then and there. We asked how she felt and she told us she felt like she was floating. The most touching and amazing thing abou that experience was even though I didn't understand everything I felt the Spirit hit me like a brick wall. It was so awesome and I loved it. I also caught that she wanted to share what she was learning with her family, and we let her know how to go about doing that. It was really great, sadly we have to hand her over to Spanish Elders since her family speaks spanish and she isn't even in our area. No poaching for us ^_^;. It was really cool
Speaking of Spanish work. I got to be in a spanish area for a day! Woot! Me and Elder Davis served the day on exchanges. It was pretty strange and very nerve wracking because me and him were both gringos who were still tryin to learn spanish. Luckily we had lots of help from people who were bilingual who happened to be around us. For the most part I think I did pretty good. I'm at that stage where I can pretty much pick out the main topic of discussion and add a comment here and there. I know I have a long way to go, and I bet bein in a Spanish area where I practice every day will help 10 times a much. So yeah that was pretty cool
On a lighter note there are SOOO MANY ICE CREAM TRUCKS HERE! Every corner you take there is another ice cream truck. My companion says there are going to be more since school is out. Ohh man! The best part is some of them have sick gangsta drum beats playing over the typical ice cream truck tunes. So imagine the ice cream truck tune that we always heard in Georgia (The one where I'm screaming "DAAADDDDYYY!!!" in the famous home video of ours) and add a Gangsta beat to it and you got Lancaster Ice Cream trucks. I like to calm them "Gangsta Cream trucks" It's pretty thug nasty man! XD
Also I nerrowly escaped a slushy that was thrown at me! Can you believe it! Ohhh man I thought it was soo halerious. Pretty much we were walking to our dinner appointment and I just see this slushy cup wizz right over my head and hit the gutter on the street. My first thought was "No way! . . . That just happened!" I look up and see the car speeding off and yell "NICE TRY!!!!" Ohhh how I laughed and laughed. I should have picked up the slushy and drank it. It looked like no one drank out of it at all. Jokes on them! They just wasted a slushy! I wrote about this in my journal and I believe my words at the end of the entry was "I have to admit I would have been pretty pissed if I got hit, but I didn't because they were newbs and missed!" XD Ohhh good times. Being a missionary brings such funny attention sometimes! ^_^
Well that's pretty much all I can think of right. Time for some 1 on 1 action!
Dad: Heeey glad you made it back to the good ol' US of A! I am soooo jealous that you saw the Bruce Lee Statue in Hong Kong. I've actually seen many pictures of that statue and I think it's the coolest statue in the whole intire world. If I could get my hands on a huge poster of it I would post it up in our mission pad. That's pretty sweet though. Glad you got to eat some expensive steaks at Wooloomooloo. I bet that was a fun sign to look at.
So you asked if we do any group activities on P-day. Well I guess I forgot to mention that we went to a place called The Devils Punchbowl. I took a couple of pictures and I will send 3 (since that's the most I can attatch). It was really awesome and it was nice to hike around again, because I absolutely love hiking. It was really cool because it was a whole new invironment, completely different from the thick forests of Georgia. Other than that I have never did any cool group activity like that ever. Back in Burbank we tried to go to the LA Zoo, but something came up and we weren't able to go. It was a drag. Plus I heard from some of the members that it wasn't that impressive of a zoo anyway. Oh well. I still had fun playin baskitball and stuff. I wish I could've gone to the Holywood sign in Burbank or took some pictures of Nickolodean or WB studios. Oh well, maybe next tim ^_^;. But yeah, I am pretty close to the North Edwards base. It's not in my ward area, but it is in my mission so we can go if we wanted to. Also we got some sweet hook-ups at the Jethawks baseball field so we may go to a couple of those games as well. As for tennis, Elder Finch seems to have really gotten into tennis. he says he's gotten pretty good (besides his serve) so I hope to play with him pretty soon. We also have a couple of investigators who like to play as well. I'm gonna try my best to get as much practice so I can come back ready to beat you dad :P. heheh ^_^.
Welp, I hope you don't suffer to much from jetlag anymore. I hope Brian can catch a break as well. I will keep him in my prayers. Father's day is comin up and I just want to say that I am absolutely greatful for all that you have given me dad. I look at the frame and seeing us at the Aquarium and on our way to Memphis Tennessee to go to my freaky furry convention :P. I just appreciate how much you support me and how much you care about me. I even remember you tryin your absolute hardest to keep me happy on the weekends when I was a little kid and anxious do something with you. I kind of feel bad for treating you like some kind of activities coordinator ^_^;, but your patience and your love trully showed during those slightly difficult times. I once again wish I would've taken more advantage to spend more time with you, but it's not to late. I absolutely can't wait to come home and play tennis with you again. Until then Take Care Dad! I love you!
Mom: Alright mom glad to hear that you got a little memorial day break! I hope everything is going good for you at work as usual. Seems like Rachel is really doing great now that she's out of school and passed Algebra! Way to go Rachel :D! I also can't believe she's turning 17. I remember when I was that age ^_^;.
Try not to be to scared about me or worry about me to much. I don't think I have had that much adversity at all. I have been prepared and taught well to continue forth. As for the cops comin in and questioning me at 2:00 AM, I thought that was halerious! You have no need to worry to much. I suppose it's just the mom in you ^_^;. I'll be sure to keep in mind if I need any prayers about anything specific, but right now everything is A-Ok. just like fonzee says "AIEEEEE!" ^_^ heheh.
I'm also glad to hear that you enjoyed Sis. White's e-mail. I thought it was really touchin too when she wanted to get your contact information. She called me nonstop trying to find your e-mail and your facebook and everything. I think it's because she has had her son go on a mission before and she just wants to let all the missionarie's moms know that their sons are alright. She is a very nice lady and the ward I'm working in is very united and very much centered around missionary work. I believe that is why we are having so much success out here.
Oh and one more thing. I was watchin the videos on my frame again and I just love the one of you guys wishing me a Marry Christmas. My favorite part is when you said "I just want my two front teethe . . . ." and then you sit there for a while and then start shoutin "OK! I'M SORRY! I'M NOT FUNNY!" Mom when I hear you shout that I laugh sooooo hard! See, I've learned that bein funny isn't something that's forced. It's a natural occurance. You executed it very well mom. You are funny, and I love you for it ^_^
Well that's all I can think of. Thank you so much Mom, for everything. I love you very much
Rachel: Racheeeeeeel GAMMIE LETTERS NOOOOAA. I EAT YO FACE! Heheheh, I'm messin with you :P. I know you are busy, try not to fret.
Anyway your gonna be a big BAD SENIOR! Wooot! Also your going to be 17. Man! I can't believe it! I remember being that age. This is crazy. I hope you have a really good summer. Mom tells me you guys are goin up to Utah to hit up the clubs. Try to be safe and don't take any strange pills that strangers give out at the sweet rave parties. Ok I'm done joking :P heheh ^_^;. Let me know how the EFY thing goes. I know how much you love EFY. You gotta try to get into the talent show and film it! You got talent Rachel weather you believe it or not :P. Anyway glad to hear everything is goin well for you (passin Algebra and stuff *high 5*) and I hope everything is going good with good ol' Brady. I hope you have an awesome birthday and that all your wildest dreams come true on that day. I love you so much Sis. Can't wait see you again! All grown up :O.
Well once again that's it for this week. Have an EXCELLENT WEEK *GUITAR SOLO*
-Elder Clark
Friday, June 4, 2010
Elder Pyro in the Desert
Heeeeeeey Family!
Weeeeeellll wellll welll. I'm here in the El Dorado ward in Lancaster California (Otherwise known as Sand-Blaster California) ! My new companion is Elder Finch!
So I'm in yet another English speaking bike area. It doesn't matter to me though. I'm still trying my best to keep up with my spanish and I'm still loving the work. Elder Finch is a pretty cool guy. He's from Spanish Forks Utah and he enjoys all the redneck stuff (hunting fishing etc) and he's pretty chill to be around.
My area is so much different than Burbank. Burbank was a bustling city full of life, whereas Lancaster is much like Georgia except with no trees whatsoever and lots and lots of sand. It's a DESERT! I really like the sights though. It's vast and you can see the mountains in the distance. I love it a lot. One thing that I noticed immediately that it is Soooooo windy! hence the nickname "Sand-Blaster" California. It's not bad, but it's pretty tough to bike against. Feels like i'm "Runnin against the wind" (heheh sorry had to drop that line :P).
Another difference is that we have Soooo many investigators. Burbank was a very tough area trying to find people and get investigators that would progress, but here we have many options. My companion says that they had had at least 1 baptism per transfer. It's pretty awesome! So far I've met a couple and they are very nice people. 2 of them are black which is pretty awesome because I have not seen a black person for 6 months! heh ^_^;.
One day we stumbled upon one of our investigators and his family having a "prayer service" The main guy invited us in to join and we agreed. We walk in to this intense prayer where this lady is shouting at god to end the corruption and to fix the country to help the people that they know that are in trouble. They also recognize that it's by his will and thanks him for things they have in this life. While one person is praying there were numerous of people shouting phrases like "Amen" "Yes Lord" "By the Blood of Jesus" "Hallelujah!" and so on. It was crazy! Yet strangly powerful. I kind of had that feeling of the spirit, because they trully wanted to believe the truth, and they trully wanted what was best for all people, the problem was is that they don't have the fullness. It was still nice to sit in and experience this craziness, and to see the unity they all had as the ended the prayer service with all of them singing in perfect harmony a hymn I didn't recognize. They gave each other hugs and even gave me and my companion hugs. It was very touching and they were a bunch of very nice black people ^_^. We taught Loren, the son afterwards who has been investigating the church for a while now. He seems very influenced of the traditions of his parents, but he's still willing to try. I hope he does, even though it may be hard, I know it will make him happy.
So anyway besides that happening. We also had an interesting night when some cops decided to barge in! One of the Elders we're living with, Elder VanValkenburg (V for short) opened the door to a gun in his face. He was handcuffed and put into the car. They asked Elder V who else was in the house and he said it was just a bunch kids in there. He told how old we were and then one of the cops yelled "THey're not kids! They're adults. GET 'EM BOB!" They searched the house and woke me and Elder Finch asking "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "sleeping?" I answered " . . . Ok go back to bed!" they ordered. I had no idea it was the cops until I woke up later and ask elder V what was going on. Apparantly some of our neighbors falsely accused us of beating up a black lady and dragging her into the house. The cops let us all go and called it good. Wooow what a crazy night. Welcome to Lancaster ^_^;;. We suspect it had something to do with the Lancaster Baptists. Yeah, there are a LOT of them out here. It's really interesting the kind of religious backrounds people have here compared to Burbank. Anyway Lancaster Baptist church is a HUMONGOUS church that absolutely HATE Mormons. Ahhh geez ^_^;;. I'm sure I'll be alright though. There are a lot of people that like us more than the people that hate us. After all we are having lots of success here. I suppose it's because people are more humble here.
Well those are pretty much the highlights. I hope you all are doing well.
Here is my address by the way <44230 20th St East #1 Lancaster CA 93535>
Mom: Glad thins are still going well with work. Every time you mention DFS I miss it soooo much ^_^;. I'm glad that you are keeping busy enough to keep yourself occupied. Dad mentioned this in one of his letters that a mission life tends to really get you prepared to have good work ethic and things, and I believe it. From 6:30 to 9:30 it's work work work, and I love it. The days pretty much fly by. So I've pretty much learned that I prefer to be busy wrather than just sitting around and vegetating all the time (heheh "vegetating, don't ask. I think it's a funny word for some reason :P). So anyway I am SOOOOO jealous that I didn't get to see Rachel perform Bohemian Rhapsody. UGH! Do you have film of it or anything? Cause I am DYING to see it! If you can't don't sweat it at all ^_^;. Also glad to hear that Rachel is passin Algabra. I'm pretty sure that was the angels themselves singing when that happened. Congradulate Rachel for me and let her know to keep it up!
Well I sure love you. My new address is 44230 20th St East #1 Lancaster CA 93535 in case that your wanting to know. Hope all goes well for you. I love you so much!
Dad: Sounds like things are going good in China. I'm am once again jealous that you got to go to my dream trip yet again -_-. Heheh, glad you are enjoying the bustling city, and are getting a lot done there in Shenzhen. If you can try to send some pictures. I absolutely love the busy environment, and I'm curious to see how Shenzhen is. Well that's pretty much all I can say for now ^_^;. Hope everything is doing alright. I love you Dad!
Rachel: "If I'm not back again this time tommarow carry ooooon carry ooooon. It doesn't really matteerrrrr!" Ohhhh man RACHEL! You ROOOOCK \m/ >.< \m/. I asked mom if she could send me that video. If she can't you gotta! Anyway I'm so happy to hear that, and also that your passing Algebra *HIGH 5*!!! I'm so proud of you Rachel. I hope you continue to make good decisions in life, and that when I get back we can totally go to a Paramore concert or go party it up somewhere! I'm so excited for that day ^_^.
Anyway Just to mention one thing. I thought it was interesting how Mom mentioned your concert was kind of like a show instead of just kids standing around and singing. That's pretty interesting because in Burbank high school there is a thing called Show Choir, where they pretty much do that sort of thing all the time. The students also get an opportunity to coriograph the dances and things as well. I got to see some videos of their performances and they were spectacular. It's supposedly the finest show choir in all of the United States. I suppose that that's the kind of talent you find in Burbank where so many people are in the show biz. Well that's about it. Hope all is goin well for ya sis. I love you soooo much! talk to you later.
(Rachel P.S. "I'm not fallin for it Yomi. Flying dear don't exist! Your trying to trick me!!")
Well that's it everyone. Can't wait too see what this week holds. Until then!
-Elder Clark
P.S. Angela: just two kittens . . . *sob* . . . out on the stroll
Weeeeeellll wellll welll. I'm here in the El Dorado ward in Lancaster California (Otherwise known as Sand-Blaster California) ! My new companion is Elder Finch!
So I'm in yet another English speaking bike area. It doesn't matter to me though. I'm still trying my best to keep up with my spanish and I'm still loving the work. Elder Finch is a pretty cool guy. He's from Spanish Forks Utah and he enjoys all the redneck stuff (hunting fishing etc) and he's pretty chill to be around.
My area is so much different than Burbank. Burbank was a bustling city full of life, whereas Lancaster is much like Georgia except with no trees whatsoever and lots and lots of sand. It's a DESERT! I really like the sights though. It's vast and you can see the mountains in the distance. I love it a lot. One thing that I noticed immediately that it is Soooooo windy! hence the nickname "Sand-Blaster" California. It's not bad, but it's pretty tough to bike against. Feels like i'm "Runnin against the wind" (heheh sorry had to drop that line :P).
Another difference is that we have Soooo many investigators. Burbank was a very tough area trying to find people and get investigators that would progress, but here we have many options. My companion says that they had had at least 1 baptism per transfer. It's pretty awesome! So far I've met a couple and they are very nice people. 2 of them are black which is pretty awesome because I have not seen a black person for 6 months! heh ^_^;.
One day we stumbled upon one of our investigators and his family having a "prayer service" The main guy invited us in to join and we agreed. We walk in to this intense prayer where this lady is shouting at god to end the corruption and to fix the country to help the people that they know that are in trouble. They also recognize that it's by his will and thanks him for things they have in this life. While one person is praying there were numerous of people shouting phrases like "Amen" "Yes Lord" "By the Blood of Jesus" "Hallelujah!" and so on. It was crazy! Yet strangly powerful. I kind of had that feeling of the spirit, because they trully wanted to believe the truth, and they trully wanted what was best for all people, the problem was is that they don't have the fullness. It was still nice to sit in and experience this craziness, and to see the unity they all had as the ended the prayer service with all of them singing in perfect harmony a hymn I didn't recognize. They gave each other hugs and even gave me and my companion hugs. It was very touching and they were a bunch of very nice black people ^_^. We taught Loren, the son afterwards who has been investigating the church for a while now. He seems very influenced of the traditions of his parents, but he's still willing to try. I hope he does, even though it may be hard, I know it will make him happy.
So anyway besides that happening. We also had an interesting night when some cops decided to barge in! One of the Elders we're living with, Elder VanValkenburg (V for short) opened the door to a gun in his face. He was handcuffed and put into the car. They asked Elder V who else was in the house and he said it was just a bunch kids in there. He told how old we were and then one of the cops yelled "THey're not kids! They're adults. GET 'EM BOB!" They searched the house and woke me and Elder Finch asking "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "sleeping?" I answered " . . . Ok go back to bed!" they ordered. I had no idea it was the cops until I woke up later and ask elder V what was going on. Apparantly some of our neighbors falsely accused us of beating up a black lady and dragging her into the house. The cops let us all go and called it good. Wooow what a crazy night. Welcome to Lancaster ^_^;;. We suspect it had something to do with the Lancaster Baptists. Yeah, there are a LOT of them out here. It's really interesting the kind of religious backrounds people have here compared to Burbank. Anyway Lancaster Baptist church is a HUMONGOUS church that absolutely HATE Mormons. Ahhh geez ^_^;;. I'm sure I'll be alright though. There are a lot of people that like us more than the people that hate us. After all we are having lots of success here. I suppose it's because people are more humble here.
Well those are pretty much the highlights. I hope you all are doing well.
Here is my address by the way <44230 20th St East #1 Lancaster CA 93535>
Mom: Glad thins are still going well with work. Every time you mention DFS I miss it soooo much ^_^;. I'm glad that you are keeping busy enough to keep yourself occupied. Dad mentioned this in one of his letters that a mission life tends to really get you prepared to have good work ethic and things, and I believe it. From 6:30 to 9:30 it's work work work, and I love it. The days pretty much fly by. So I've pretty much learned that I prefer to be busy wrather than just sitting around and vegetating all the time (heheh "vegetating, don't ask. I think it's a funny word for some reason :P). So anyway I am SOOOOO jealous that I didn't get to see Rachel perform Bohemian Rhapsody. UGH! Do you have film of it or anything? Cause I am DYING to see it! If you can't don't sweat it at all ^_^;. Also glad to hear that Rachel is passin Algabra. I'm pretty sure that was the angels themselves singing when that happened. Congradulate Rachel for me and let her know to keep it up!
Well I sure love you. My new address is 44230 20th St East #1 Lancaster CA 93535 in case that your wanting to know. Hope all goes well for you. I love you so much!
Dad: Sounds like things are going good in China. I'm am once again jealous that you got to go to my dream trip yet again -_-. Heheh, glad you are enjoying the bustling city, and are getting a lot done there in Shenzhen. If you can try to send some pictures. I absolutely love the busy environment, and I'm curious to see how Shenzhen is. Well that's pretty much all I can say for now ^_^;. Hope everything is doing alright. I love you Dad!
Rachel: "If I'm not back again this time tommarow carry ooooon carry ooooon. It doesn't really matteerrrrr!" Ohhhh man RACHEL! You ROOOOCK \m/ >.< \m/. I asked mom if she could send me that video. If she can't you gotta! Anyway I'm so happy to hear that, and also that your passing Algebra *HIGH 5*!!! I'm so proud of you Rachel. I hope you continue to make good decisions in life, and that when I get back we can totally go to a Paramore concert or go party it up somewhere! I'm so excited for that day ^_^.
Anyway Just to mention one thing. I thought it was interesting how Mom mentioned your concert was kind of like a show instead of just kids standing around and singing. That's pretty interesting because in Burbank high school there is a thing called Show Choir, where they pretty much do that sort of thing all the time. The students also get an opportunity to coriograph the dances and things as well. I got to see some videos of their performances and they were spectacular. It's supposedly the finest show choir in all of the United States. I suppose that that's the kind of talent you find in Burbank where so many people are in the show biz. Well that's about it. Hope all is goin well for ya sis. I love you soooo much! talk to you later.
(Rachel P.S. "I'm not fallin for it Yomi. Flying dear don't exist! Your trying to trick me!!")
Well that's it everyone. Can't wait too see what this week holds. Until then!
-Elder Clark
P.S. Angela: just two kittens . . . *sob* . . . out on the stroll
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Getting Transferred
So this week was the last week of the transfer. It was a pretty cool week and we did lots of exchanges. I was re-united with Elder Alldredge (since he just moved down the hall last transfer and became a Zone Leader). It was really cool to be with him again. We got to do some service for the people who are out of town and needed us to take care of their chickens. These chickens are sooooo much easier to catch than the Zulu's chickens XD. I remember that one day where you guys just watched us and laughed your heads off as we tried to catch those darn chickens. The next Exchange was with this Elder named Krashisnik. He is such a funny guy and pretty much writes down everything I say. He says he just loves the goofy way I say things sometimes and he wants to remember them and write them down in his journal. It's pretty funny.
So aside from all that I have so really big news. I'm getting transferred OUTTA HERE! and my new area is called . . . . . . . . EL DORADO!!! THE MAGNIFICENT! heheh ^_^ I have the soundtract if you haven't noticed. Anyway I believe that's the name of the ward that I am serving in and the town is called Lancaster I believe. I'll try to give you guys more information as time goes on, but I'm really excited. At the same time it is kind of sad though because I'm really going to miss my first area. Yesterday I visited all the ward families that I wanted to say goodbye too and took a couple of pictures. I gave Bro and Sister Anian a call and told them I wouldn't be able to visit them because I was really busy packing and stuff. They understood completely and Bro. Anian said some really nice things about me and my family. He told me that he was proud of me and that I bring happiness and love to his house, his daughters, and everywhere I go. That really touched me and I couldn't help but tell him that I love him. He is such a caring and charitable guy. I'm really am going to miss him. here is his address just in case you want to send him something < 612 Birmingham Rd. Burbank CA 91504 > on the same note here is Bro. Capellero and Sis. Christopherson's address <827 E. Harvard Burbank CA 91501> Bro. Capellero is the one who gave me his bike. He is really wonderful man and I keep him in my prayers a lot.
Anyway we visited the Eccle's family. They're the family who has the niece from mexico, Andrea, who we taught in spanish. They are probably the nicest families ever. They are the ones who give us dinner whenever possible, no matter what the circumstances and said that if we every come back on vacation that we have a place to stay at their house. They are so nice. Here is there address as well <909 Palm Ave. Burbank CA 91505> Alicia is from Mexico and James is from New Zealand and their whole familiy is just a bunch of fun.
We last visited Harper and Allisa. I enjoyed talking to them and sharing 2 Nephi 9:21 where it talks about Jesus Christ suffering for every living creature. I shared how I have enjoyed teaching them and feeling their wonderful light and faith. I also mentioned that sometimes I would come into their house feeling like I needed a nap and then later walking out feeling like I could conquer the world. I know that's the strength of the spirit right there ^_^. Harper also told me a lot of wonderful things and thanked me for guiding him on his journey. He compared the gospel as a puzzle and that it's not just something that you can solve right away. It's like dumping all the pieces out and then little by little forming the big picture. He said he may not know everything, but as he continues he will soon understand, learn and grow. I love how he mentioned that because sometimes I feel frustrated not knowing all the answeres, but I know that Heavenly Father will reveal all knowledge unto me sooner or later. He also mentioned the one time that me and Elder Uluoa taught him about prophets and his friend Jef was there. He said that Jef was very impressed with me and that he liked how I said everything with such sincerety and as if it came from the depths of my soul. That really touched me and I hope I can continue to do that with everyone that I come accross. We left their house after taking a couple of pictures and hugging each other goodbye. I'm going to try my best to stay in contact with them. Harpers e-mail, by the way, is harperjohnjones@gmail.com. Just in case you want it.
Well that's it for me.
Mom: Very funny e-mail XD. That took me like 40 seconds to read. Anyway glad things are going well, and glad I could help you Rachel and Dad out. I didn't know that you were going to read it out loud to everybody, but it seems like it really worked out ^_^. I love how much I am learning from other elders and from the people around me. there is just something about being exposed to so much of the world. It really puts a different perspective on things. Try not to fret to much about dad not being there. He will be back, and it seems as though he is doing pretty great. Just love and support him the best you can and stay possitive. Glad you enjoyed the Mother's day card. I'm really hoping that I continue on my artistic talents as I am on my mission. I love being able to express myself that way to others. In fact I made a similar card for Harper on his 26th birthday! I drew myself with my fist out and I cut a slit in the paper and stuck a Clark bar in there so it looks like I'm holding it. I got the idea off of some kid's valantine's day card XD. But he loved it a lot and it made him so happy ^_^. Anyway glad you enjoyed that and the pictures. I love you so much mom and I hope you aren't to stressed.
Dad: Off to Hong Kong again huh. I've told a lot of people who comment on the Asian ties I wear that you go there sometimes. Harper's girlfriend (yes it's official) Alissa actually served in Hong Kong and made us really freakin delicious Chinese food one time. There was scallops, beef with zucinni, and ginger chicken. It was absolutely wonderful. She even made the egg rolls too! She's very talented. She also knows both Cantonese and Manderin. She really impresses Asian people when she does that. She also is a huge fan of Bruce Lee like me. I really like this lady ^_^.
Anyway sounds awesome that your getting yet another computer at the scout action ^_^;. I suppose it's awesome that you can get such great prices and be able to support the scouts as well.
It's pretty cool that you are still playing some GT4. I'm thinking of really hitting that game hard when I get back on the mission, see if I can get really good at racing games and try to kick your trash at them some time! It will be so much fun! I can't wait.
Hope all goes well for you in Hong Kong. Try not to eat to many Pocky sticks. The people will laugh at you "Hooo hooo poocky!" heheh ^_^. Anyway I love you a lot Dad and once again am so greatful for all that you have taught me.
Rachel: Heeey! Hope all is going well for you as well. I'm glad you and Dad had a great heart to heart talk. Are you gonna start listening to some Kiss and stuff? Maybe some Alice Cooper or Rush? You and dad going to that Rush concert would be sooooo sweeeet! It would make me super Jelouse as well! How about Yotsuba? You thinking of getting the rest of the series? I'm really tempted to get it myself, but I'm not gonna. Missionary work comes first ;). Anyway I miss you as always sis. I absolutely can't wait to come back and maybet go to a Paramore concert with you! Man that would be soooo cuuuuuu! Waaaaah! Nuuuuu! Heheh :P just thought I would throw that in there for old times sake ^_^. Well keep listening to those great songs like Come Sail Away and Enter Sandman, and we shall PARTAY when I come back. I love you so much Sis. Take care!
I love you guys so much. I'll let you know how it goes in EL DORADO! EL DORAAAAAAAAAaaaaaDO! heheh ^_^. Peace!
-Elder Clark
(Micheal picking people for the baskitball team) "And Stanley, Of course." "why of course?" " . . . " XD
So this week was the last week of the transfer. It was a pretty cool week and we did lots of exchanges. I was re-united with Elder Alldredge (since he just moved down the hall last transfer and became a Zone Leader). It was really cool to be with him again. We got to do some service for the people who are out of town and needed us to take care of their chickens. These chickens are sooooo much easier to catch than the Zulu's chickens XD. I remember that one day where you guys just watched us and laughed your heads off as we tried to catch those darn chickens. The next Exchange was with this Elder named Krashisnik. He is such a funny guy and pretty much writes down everything I say. He says he just loves the goofy way I say things sometimes and he wants to remember them and write them down in his journal. It's pretty funny.
So aside from all that I have so really big news. I'm getting transferred OUTTA HERE! and my new area is called . . . . . . . . EL DORADO!!! THE MAGNIFICENT! heheh ^_^ I have the soundtract if you haven't noticed. Anyway I believe that's the name of the ward that I am serving in and the town is called Lancaster I believe. I'll try to give you guys more information as time goes on, but I'm really excited. At the same time it is kind of sad though because I'm really going to miss my first area. Yesterday I visited all the ward families that I wanted to say goodbye too and took a couple of pictures. I gave Bro and Sister Anian a call and told them I wouldn't be able to visit them because I was really busy packing and stuff. They understood completely and Bro. Anian said some really nice things about me and my family. He told me that he was proud of me and that I bring happiness and love to his house, his daughters, and everywhere I go. That really touched me and I couldn't help but tell him that I love him. He is such a caring and charitable guy. I'm really am going to miss him. here is his address just in case you want to send him something < 612 Birmingham Rd. Burbank CA 91504 > on the same note here is Bro. Capellero and Sis. Christopherson's address <827 E. Harvard Burbank CA 91501> Bro. Capellero is the one who gave me his bike. He is really wonderful man and I keep him in my prayers a lot.
Anyway we visited the Eccle's family. They're the family who has the niece from mexico, Andrea, who we taught in spanish. They are probably the nicest families ever. They are the ones who give us dinner whenever possible, no matter what the circumstances and said that if we every come back on vacation that we have a place to stay at their house. They are so nice. Here is there address as well <909 Palm Ave. Burbank CA 91505> Alicia is from Mexico and James is from New Zealand and their whole familiy is just a bunch of fun.
We last visited Harper and Allisa. I enjoyed talking to them and sharing 2 Nephi 9:21 where it talks about Jesus Christ suffering for every living creature. I shared how I have enjoyed teaching them and feeling their wonderful light and faith. I also mentioned that sometimes I would come into their house feeling like I needed a nap and then later walking out feeling like I could conquer the world. I know that's the strength of the spirit right there ^_^. Harper also told me a lot of wonderful things and thanked me for guiding him on his journey. He compared the gospel as a puzzle and that it's not just something that you can solve right away. It's like dumping all the pieces out and then little by little forming the big picture. He said he may not know everything, but as he continues he will soon understand, learn and grow. I love how he mentioned that because sometimes I feel frustrated not knowing all the answeres, but I know that Heavenly Father will reveal all knowledge unto me sooner or later. He also mentioned the one time that me and Elder Uluoa taught him about prophets and his friend Jef was there. He said that Jef was very impressed with me and that he liked how I said everything with such sincerety and as if it came from the depths of my soul. That really touched me and I hope I can continue to do that with everyone that I come accross. We left their house after taking a couple of pictures and hugging each other goodbye. I'm going to try my best to stay in contact with them. Harpers e-mail, by the way, is harperjohnjones@gmail.com. Just in case you want it.
Well that's it for me.
Mom: Very funny e-mail XD. That took me like 40 seconds to read. Anyway glad things are going well, and glad I could help you Rachel and Dad out. I didn't know that you were going to read it out loud to everybody, but it seems like it really worked out ^_^. I love how much I am learning from other elders and from the people around me. there is just something about being exposed to so much of the world. It really puts a different perspective on things. Try not to fret to much about dad not being there. He will be back, and it seems as though he is doing pretty great. Just love and support him the best you can and stay possitive. Glad you enjoyed the Mother's day card. I'm really hoping that I continue on my artistic talents as I am on my mission. I love being able to express myself that way to others. In fact I made a similar card for Harper on his 26th birthday! I drew myself with my fist out and I cut a slit in the paper and stuck a Clark bar in there so it looks like I'm holding it. I got the idea off of some kid's valantine's day card XD. But he loved it a lot and it made him so happy ^_^. Anyway glad you enjoyed that and the pictures. I love you so much mom and I hope you aren't to stressed.
Dad: Off to Hong Kong again huh. I've told a lot of people who comment on the Asian ties I wear that you go there sometimes. Harper's girlfriend (yes it's official) Alissa actually served in Hong Kong and made us really freakin delicious Chinese food one time. There was scallops, beef with zucinni, and ginger chicken. It was absolutely wonderful. She even made the egg rolls too! She's very talented. She also knows both Cantonese and Manderin. She really impresses Asian people when she does that. She also is a huge fan of Bruce Lee like me. I really like this lady ^_^.
Anyway sounds awesome that your getting yet another computer at the scout action ^_^;. I suppose it's awesome that you can get such great prices and be able to support the scouts as well.
It's pretty cool that you are still playing some GT4. I'm thinking of really hitting that game hard when I get back on the mission, see if I can get really good at racing games and try to kick your trash at them some time! It will be so much fun! I can't wait.
Hope all goes well for you in Hong Kong. Try not to eat to many Pocky sticks. The people will laugh at you "Hooo hooo poocky!" heheh ^_^. Anyway I love you a lot Dad and once again am so greatful for all that you have taught me.
Rachel: Heeey! Hope all is going well for you as well. I'm glad you and Dad had a great heart to heart talk. Are you gonna start listening to some Kiss and stuff? Maybe some Alice Cooper or Rush? You and dad going to that Rush concert would be sooooo sweeeet! It would make me super Jelouse as well! How about Yotsuba? You thinking of getting the rest of the series? I'm really tempted to get it myself, but I'm not gonna. Missionary work comes first ;). Anyway I miss you as always sis. I absolutely can't wait to come back and maybet go to a Paramore concert with you! Man that would be soooo cuuuuuu! Waaaaah! Nuuuuu! Heheh :P just thought I would throw that in there for old times sake ^_^. Well keep listening to those great songs like Come Sail Away and Enter Sandman, and we shall PARTAY when I come back. I love you so much Sis. Take care!
I love you guys so much. I'll let you know how it goes in EL DORADO! EL DORAAAAAAAAAaaaaaDO! heheh ^_^. Peace!
-Elder Clark
(Micheal picking people for the baskitball team) "And Stanley, Of course." "why of course?" " . . . " XD
"Love the sound of your voice"
Hey Family!
Well, I think just both of your guys letters that this one might be a short one because I got to talk to you guys on mothers day. Yay :D. I definately enjoyed hearing your voices just as much as you guys enjoyed hearing mine. Mom I love how you said that I had a unique laugh because that's what all the other elders tell me as well ^_^;. When Elder Braden was living with us he would try to restrain and tickle me all the time just to hear me laugh Heh ^_^; it was fun! It was really great talking to you guys though. Right after I got off the phone, me and Elder Pastor had to jam on over to Harper and Alissa's house for dinner. It was sooo AWESOME! Alissa made some totally lagit Chinese food. I keep forgetting the fact that she went to Hong Kong on her mission. She said that is where she learned how to cook chinese food. Everything was absolutely dilicious. There was this ginger chicken, some beef with zuccinni in it (I think that's how you spell it) and some scollops with green peppers and this sweet lemon sauce on it. She even made some egg roles and some sticky rice! She also told us how she is fluent in both Cantanese and Manderin. She had to learn Cantanese, but she ended learning Manderin in college afterward. She is also a HUGE fan of Bruce Lee as well. I love this lady! That day was also Harpers birthday! So we had Boston Cream Pie and sang happy birthday to him. He turned 26 yesterday. It was so great. As a present Alissa gave him a couple of tickets to take sailing lessons. Ahh man that sounds like fun.
Well besides that we had some pretty good times during the week. Like I mentioned on the phone we are really trying to work with this part member dad named Chris Alkasid. He seems a bit intimidated about praying about Joseph Smith and the Book of mormon, so hopefully we can resolve that doubt and see if he will at least try. As always I will keep you guys updated.
I just realized I forgot that I was supposed to give you Bro. Caballero's mailing address >_<. I'll try to give it to you as soon as I can ^_^;
Well besides that I hope all is going well. I'll skip addressing you guys individually since we've pretty much caught up by now. I hope you all have an awesome week. I love you guys so much and you guys mean the world to me. Take Care!
-Elder Clark
P.S. (Azumanga Daioh quote for rachel) "Wow! It's so cute I just want to . . ." *Shove* (Yukari shoving Chioh in penguin suit) XD
Micheal: "I'm just a messanger! You wouldn't put someone in jail for dilivering drugs from one person to another!"
P.S.S I've heard that Steve Correll is thinking of quiting out on the office. Is this true? D:
Well, I think just both of your guys letters that this one might be a short one because I got to talk to you guys on mothers day. Yay :D. I definately enjoyed hearing your voices just as much as you guys enjoyed hearing mine. Mom I love how you said that I had a unique laugh because that's what all the other elders tell me as well ^_^;. When Elder Braden was living with us he would try to restrain and tickle me all the time just to hear me laugh Heh ^_^; it was fun! It was really great talking to you guys though. Right after I got off the phone, me and Elder Pastor had to jam on over to Harper and Alissa's house for dinner. It was sooo AWESOME! Alissa made some totally lagit Chinese food. I keep forgetting the fact that she went to Hong Kong on her mission. She said that is where she learned how to cook chinese food. Everything was absolutely dilicious. There was this ginger chicken, some beef with zuccinni in it (I think that's how you spell it) and some scollops with green peppers and this sweet lemon sauce on it. She even made some egg roles and some sticky rice! She also told us how she is fluent in both Cantanese and Manderin. She had to learn Cantanese, but she ended learning Manderin in college afterward. She is also a HUGE fan of Bruce Lee as well. I love this lady! That day was also Harpers birthday! So we had Boston Cream Pie and sang happy birthday to him. He turned 26 yesterday. It was so great. As a present Alissa gave him a couple of tickets to take sailing lessons. Ahh man that sounds like fun.
Well besides that we had some pretty good times during the week. Like I mentioned on the phone we are really trying to work with this part member dad named Chris Alkasid. He seems a bit intimidated about praying about Joseph Smith and the Book of mormon, so hopefully we can resolve that doubt and see if he will at least try. As always I will keep you guys updated.
I just realized I forgot that I was supposed to give you Bro. Caballero's mailing address >_<. I'll try to give it to you as soon as I can ^_^;
Well besides that I hope all is going well. I'll skip addressing you guys individually since we've pretty much caught up by now. I hope you all have an awesome week. I love you guys so much and you guys mean the world to me. Take Care!
-Elder Clark
P.S. (Azumanga Daioh quote for rachel) "Wow! It's so cute I just want to . . ." *Shove* (Yukari shoving Chioh in penguin suit) XD
Micheal: "I'm just a messanger! You wouldn't put someone in jail for dilivering drugs from one person to another!"
P.S.S I've heard that Steve Correll is thinking of quiting out on the office. Is this true? D:
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Wow! What a wonderful successful week I have had!
Hola Otra Ves Mi Familia!
Wow! What a wonderful successful week I have had! Me and Elder Pastor have taught probably more lessons in a week then I have ever had so far! It was great. I'll tell you about two of these people that we taught and then about a wonderful experience I had just yesterday (Sunday)
So we taught Andrea again. Elder Pastor once again spoke excellent spanish (with theta included) and I did my best to comprehend and teach the parts I was meant to teach. We taught the 10 commmandments, with emphasis on obedience and keeping the sabboth day holy. It went very well and it's always so cool to see how more comfortable and calm and with the spirit Elder Pastor is when he teaches in Spanish. I think he worries to much when he teaches in english because he hasn't taught that much in English. He speaks it extroadinarily well. He even knows slang phrases and has a pretty good vocabulary. Anyway It went very well and the spirit was strong as usual.
This week we also taught a part member family. His name is Chris Alcasid, and he's the husband of a member named Jennifer Hansen (a lot of these people here keep their respective last names). We had been trying to get him to accept the lessons for a while and he just recently, and reluctantly accepted. I had been waiting so long to teach this family, and now we have to chance too. So we got in and began teaching. We taught a wonderful first with the climax of The Restoration coming to me. I told the story of Joseph Smith and recited the first vision. As I was reciting the first vision, Elder Pastor randomly pulled out a picture of the first vision he had in his back pack. It kind of distracted me at first because I had no idea what he was pulling out and extending towards Chris, I looked back and though "Oh! A picture . . . cool. XD" and I continued. I bore testimony and later we challanged him to pray to know if what we taught was true. He was kind of sceptical, but he accepted. He thanked Heavenly Father for a lot, gave a long pause and then said Ahmen. It was kind of a downer, but I understand. It seems he's a bit worried or something about taking a big step like that. So it seems that we need to just get him over that doubt that he has. At the end me and elder Pastor bore testimony of why we are here. I was almost to tears saying that It would mean the world to share what I know to others. I saw in Chris' eyes that he was touched by our testimonies. I'm sure if we keep him spiritually fed all will be well. I'm sure his wife Jennifer will help as well.
Last but definately not least I want to share what I wrote in my journal after a very interesting experience I had just yesterday. Afterwards I will address you guys seperately.
We were driven by Elder Alldredge and Elder Anderson to Shane's house which had burned down the previous night. This morning they recieved a message from him that this had happened and he had went to the hospital due to Carbon momoxide poisoning. When we arrived at the house my heart sank at the sight. of it. He had lost everything . . . This man who was so innocent, and dealt with so much including his son stealing money and showing disrespect to him (this was the same guy I visited on Feb 5 2010). Now all of his belongings had burned away excepft for a select few things in the garage. Shane went to the 7/11 to grab a drink and I talked to this old lady who was a relative of Shane. She told me how it all happened and how Shane scrambled to get her out of the house ane save as many things as possible, which wasn't much until the smoke got to him. The old lady showed me to the back, where the source of the fire was. The scene was horrific. Everything was burnt. Broken glass and ash littered the ground. THe orange tree was charred and blackened. It was such a sad sight to see. Amongst the sadness though a thought came into my head. How easily these things were burnt . . . Shane even said it himself "You never think it will happen to you, and when it does it happens so fast." How true that is. I asked myself "What is left that this man has?" The asnwer came to me immediately. The love of our savior. His support and his gospel is eternal. Nothing can burn that. The love we have for our family and our friends cannot be distroyed . One may pass before the other, but in the end we will all be together. It's indistructable! Nothing can distroy it, and I have my Lord and Savior to thank for that. On the car ride hiome the song "There is a Green Hill Far Away" was playing. I love the last lines which says something along the lines of "We must trust in his reedeming blood and try his works to do." There are so many things I don't understand in this world, but this I do know. Jesus' Atonement is forever. This is why I am on a mission. If I can give someone that gift, the gift that never goes away, that can never be burned, broken, or distroyed. If I can give that to someone, I have given them an Eternal gift, one that wil never diminish, so that the man who may lose all of his temperal belongings will still have that eternal gift, that Jesus Christ lives. That his church is on the earth and we can witness the blessings of his atoning sacrifice, and recieve the comfort that comes from his eternal love for us. I know that he loves us and knows what all of us is going through and I longed for them to have what I have, to know what I know. I want them to be able to have that comfort that he Holy Ghosty can bring especially in those times of trouble.
One last think I want to mention. The Eternal perspective is sucha great way to view the world. For example: THings such as hobbies, and other side things can parish. NOt that those things are wrong, but such as family, friends, and our heavenly father, those things are insignificant in comparison. Looking unto those who love us wil give us everlasting joy that will never go away. Despite all odds, even with all the powers and fires of Hell ascending up towards us, it fairs no match to the eternal love of those who care about us, especially our Heavenly Father, who will love us always. I love this church, my family, and all that Heavenly father has given me, especially his love. I know this church is true, and I know Jesus lives. I want nothing more than the world to come to the same conclusions I have come to, and live in happiness as brothers and sisters of our Heavenly Father together in happiness. The worth of souls is great in the eyes og God, and I'm starting to see why. I love my brothers and my sisters. I want them to be happy. I'm going to do what it takes.
That was the journal entry I hope you enjoyed it. It trully made a huge impact on me. Well time to address you guys
Dad: Nice to hear that your tennis, video games, and computer repairing week was a good one ^_^;. Don't apologize for the jumble of thoughts. I just enjoy reading what you have to say in general. Speaking of tennis I really miss hitting with you dad. I've probably said this already, but I really wish I could've taken more advantage of the time we had to play tennis. Oh well, when I get back we will totally play as much as possible. I've been playing a lot with Elder Pastor. He is actually from Madrid Spain, to answer your question. Anyway, my serve is starting to improve as I practice it more often. Thank you so much for teaching me Dad, you have no idea how much that means to me. Other then that my back hand is looking really good, but my forehand is really sucking. I'm able to hit the grounders with no problem, but the ones that are a bit above my head either go into the net or far out. Do I need to fix my swing or my timing or something? Ahh, I'll figure it out. Anyway, glad to here your keeping yourself busy. Hope all is well for you, and as always I love you.
Mom: Wow! Sounds like you had an awesome time in Utah. I'm glad you got to see Dallen H Oaks! He's a pretty genuine speaker. He doesn't have the same power of Jeffery R. Holland, but he definately has the calm, simple, and genuine testimony that really hits ya if you listen. That's pretty cool you went to a concert as well. I have a couple of Micheal McLean songs and he is pretty good. I'm glad you had such a great time. Oh, and before I forget, I am also very VERY excited to talk to you guys on Mother's Day ^_^. I am able to use the cell phone that the give us to use so it won't be hard for me to call multiple times. On Sunday church services go from 1 to 4. So I could possible call around then wich will probably be 8 or 9 o'clock your guys time. I'm pretty sure you guys will be there at that time. Good thing I'm not in China or anything or calling you guys would be a bit difficult ^_^;. Well anyway thanks for the card you sent me! I do enjoy getting tangable mail every now and then. I love you very much mom. I hope this week goes well for you
Rachel: Heeeey! thanks so much for giving me the update. I'm so glad you and Brady had an awesome time at the prom. I completely forgot my anti-grinding dance XD. Ohhh how I laughed when you mentioned that ^_^. You need to spread my legacy Rachel! Teach them! heheh ^_^. Anyway by how you talk about Brady and how he seems to treat you and protect you from the 10 o'clock grinders at the prom he seems like a really good guy, and more importantly he's more close to your age ;) heheheh XD. You mentioned how you asked dad what he thought of him. You got to understand Rachel guys don't really get into the details. We pretty much see the big picture and that's it. So yeah, Ben wasn't that bad of a person. He, like dad said, was insane in the membrand :P heheh. I wish I could've been there when he said he was psychotic XD. Well, you also expressed concern for connecting with dad. Hmm. . . well it was true that it was easier for me and lance because we can do stuff like play tennis and video games with him. I'll tell you something that Elder Alldredge, my trainer, taught me. If you really want to connect with someone you have to open your mind and expose your stuff to the things that other people like. For example you know that song by Metro Statcion "Shake it"? Well I pretty much HATE that song. But lots of people love it! He taught me that if I look at the positives of that song, and concintrate on the things that I like about that song, because there are good things in that song, then I will come to appreciate and even like that song. By having that different perspective, a whole new genre of music can be opened to me and I can connect with more people because we have more in common. It's all about getting over the things that you don't like, and focusing on the good. So maybe try playing some games, listening to some Rush or Kiss, and maybe trying to go to the Tennis courts with Dad once and a while. I know that's when me and dad were able to talk to the most. Out on the tennis courts and playing some games. Other then that, just try not worry about it. Dad loves you and he shows it in many ways. Just try to focus on that. Other then that I hope you do well and school and that you have a great week. I know you can do it sis. I defantely can't wait to call you this Sunday and here those wonderful 4 words from you mouth "boom Boom BOOM. . . MUFFINS!!!" XD I love you so much Rachel. You mean so much to me, and it's true. These next few years will go by so fast. So enjoy it while it lasts and live for the day! Take Care
Well have a great week guys. I love you all
-Elder Clark
P.S. I have decided to shun Andy. It's an Amish techinique. It's like slapping someone with silence
Wow! What a wonderful successful week I have had! Me and Elder Pastor have taught probably more lessons in a week then I have ever had so far! It was great. I'll tell you about two of these people that we taught and then about a wonderful experience I had just yesterday (Sunday)
So we taught Andrea again. Elder Pastor once again spoke excellent spanish (with theta included) and I did my best to comprehend and teach the parts I was meant to teach. We taught the 10 commmandments, with emphasis on obedience and keeping the sabboth day holy. It went very well and it's always so cool to see how more comfortable and calm and with the spirit Elder Pastor is when he teaches in Spanish. I think he worries to much when he teaches in english because he hasn't taught that much in English. He speaks it extroadinarily well. He even knows slang phrases and has a pretty good vocabulary. Anyway It went very well and the spirit was strong as usual.
This week we also taught a part member family. His name is Chris Alcasid, and he's the husband of a member named Jennifer Hansen (a lot of these people here keep their respective last names). We had been trying to get him to accept the lessons for a while and he just recently, and reluctantly accepted. I had been waiting so long to teach this family, and now we have to chance too. So we got in and began teaching. We taught a wonderful first with the climax of The Restoration coming to me. I told the story of Joseph Smith and recited the first vision. As I was reciting the first vision, Elder Pastor randomly pulled out a picture of the first vision he had in his back pack. It kind of distracted me at first because I had no idea what he was pulling out and extending towards Chris, I looked back and though "Oh! A picture . . . cool. XD" and I continued. I bore testimony and later we challanged him to pray to know if what we taught was true. He was kind of sceptical, but he accepted. He thanked Heavenly Father for a lot, gave a long pause and then said Ahmen. It was kind of a downer, but I understand. It seems he's a bit worried or something about taking a big step like that. So it seems that we need to just get him over that doubt that he has. At the end me and elder Pastor bore testimony of why we are here. I was almost to tears saying that It would mean the world to share what I know to others. I saw in Chris' eyes that he was touched by our testimonies. I'm sure if we keep him spiritually fed all will be well. I'm sure his wife Jennifer will help as well.
Last but definately not least I want to share what I wrote in my journal after a very interesting experience I had just yesterday. Afterwards I will address you guys seperately.
We were driven by Elder Alldredge and Elder Anderson to Shane's house which had burned down the previous night. This morning they recieved a message from him that this had happened and he had went to the hospital due to Carbon momoxide poisoning. When we arrived at the house my heart sank at the sight. of it. He had lost everything . . . This man who was so innocent, and dealt with so much including his son stealing money and showing disrespect to him (this was the same guy I visited on Feb 5 2010). Now all of his belongings had burned away excepft for a select few things in the garage. Shane went to the 7/11 to grab a drink and I talked to this old lady who was a relative of Shane. She told me how it all happened and how Shane scrambled to get her out of the house ane save as many things as possible, which wasn't much until the smoke got to him. The old lady showed me to the back, where the source of the fire was. The scene was horrific. Everything was burnt. Broken glass and ash littered the ground. THe orange tree was charred and blackened. It was such a sad sight to see. Amongst the sadness though a thought came into my head. How easily these things were burnt . . . Shane even said it himself "You never think it will happen to you, and when it does it happens so fast." How true that is. I asked myself "What is left that this man has?" The asnwer came to me immediately. The love of our savior. His support and his gospel is eternal. Nothing can burn that. The love we have for our family and our friends cannot be distroyed . One may pass before the other, but in the end we will all be together. It's indistructable! Nothing can distroy it, and I have my Lord and Savior to thank for that. On the car ride hiome the song "There is a Green Hill Far Away" was playing. I love the last lines which says something along the lines of "We must trust in his reedeming blood and try his works to do." There are so many things I don't understand in this world, but this I do know. Jesus' Atonement is forever. This is why I am on a mission. If I can give someone that gift, the gift that never goes away, that can never be burned, broken, or distroyed. If I can give that to someone, I have given them an Eternal gift, one that wil never diminish, so that the man who may lose all of his temperal belongings will still have that eternal gift, that Jesus Christ lives. That his church is on the earth and we can witness the blessings of his atoning sacrifice, and recieve the comfort that comes from his eternal love for us. I know that he loves us and knows what all of us is going through and I longed for them to have what I have, to know what I know. I want them to be able to have that comfort that he Holy Ghosty can bring especially in those times of trouble.
One last think I want to mention. The Eternal perspective is sucha great way to view the world. For example: THings such as hobbies, and other side things can parish. NOt that those things are wrong, but such as family, friends, and our heavenly father, those things are insignificant in comparison. Looking unto those who love us wil give us everlasting joy that will never go away. Despite all odds, even with all the powers and fires of Hell ascending up towards us, it fairs no match to the eternal love of those who care about us, especially our Heavenly Father, who will love us always. I love this church, my family, and all that Heavenly father has given me, especially his love. I know this church is true, and I know Jesus lives. I want nothing more than the world to come to the same conclusions I have come to, and live in happiness as brothers and sisters of our Heavenly Father together in happiness. The worth of souls is great in the eyes og God, and I'm starting to see why. I love my brothers and my sisters. I want them to be happy. I'm going to do what it takes.
That was the journal entry I hope you enjoyed it. It trully made a huge impact on me. Well time to address you guys
Dad: Nice to hear that your tennis, video games, and computer repairing week was a good one ^_^;. Don't apologize for the jumble of thoughts. I just enjoy reading what you have to say in general. Speaking of tennis I really miss hitting with you dad. I've probably said this already, but I really wish I could've taken more advantage of the time we had to play tennis. Oh well, when I get back we will totally play as much as possible. I've been playing a lot with Elder Pastor. He is actually from Madrid Spain, to answer your question. Anyway, my serve is starting to improve as I practice it more often. Thank you so much for teaching me Dad, you have no idea how much that means to me. Other then that my back hand is looking really good, but my forehand is really sucking. I'm able to hit the grounders with no problem, but the ones that are a bit above my head either go into the net or far out. Do I need to fix my swing or my timing or something? Ahh, I'll figure it out. Anyway, glad to here your keeping yourself busy. Hope all is well for you, and as always I love you.
Mom: Wow! Sounds like you had an awesome time in Utah. I'm glad you got to see Dallen H Oaks! He's a pretty genuine speaker. He doesn't have the same power of Jeffery R. Holland, but he definately has the calm, simple, and genuine testimony that really hits ya if you listen. That's pretty cool you went to a concert as well. I have a couple of Micheal McLean songs and he is pretty good. I'm glad you had such a great time. Oh, and before I forget, I am also very VERY excited to talk to you guys on Mother's Day ^_^. I am able to use the cell phone that the give us to use so it won't be hard for me to call multiple times. On Sunday church services go from 1 to 4. So I could possible call around then wich will probably be 8 or 9 o'clock your guys time. I'm pretty sure you guys will be there at that time. Good thing I'm not in China or anything or calling you guys would be a bit difficult ^_^;. Well anyway thanks for the card you sent me! I do enjoy getting tangable mail every now and then. I love you very much mom. I hope this week goes well for you
Rachel: Heeeey! thanks so much for giving me the update. I'm so glad you and Brady had an awesome time at the prom. I completely forgot my anti-grinding dance XD. Ohhh how I laughed when you mentioned that ^_^. You need to spread my legacy Rachel! Teach them! heheh ^_^. Anyway by how you talk about Brady and how he seems to treat you and protect you from the 10 o'clock grinders at the prom he seems like a really good guy, and more importantly he's more close to your age ;) heheheh XD. You mentioned how you asked dad what he thought of him. You got to understand Rachel guys don't really get into the details. We pretty much see the big picture and that's it. So yeah, Ben wasn't that bad of a person. He, like dad said, was insane in the membrand :P heheh. I wish I could've been there when he said he was psychotic XD. Well, you also expressed concern for connecting with dad. Hmm. . . well it was true that it was easier for me and lance because we can do stuff like play tennis and video games with him. I'll tell you something that Elder Alldredge, my trainer, taught me. If you really want to connect with someone you have to open your mind and expose your stuff to the things that other people like. For example you know that song by Metro Statcion "Shake it"? Well I pretty much HATE that song. But lots of people love it! He taught me that if I look at the positives of that song, and concintrate on the things that I like about that song, because there are good things in that song, then I will come to appreciate and even like that song. By having that different perspective, a whole new genre of music can be opened to me and I can connect with more people because we have more in common. It's all about getting over the things that you don't like, and focusing on the good. So maybe try playing some games, listening to some Rush or Kiss, and maybe trying to go to the Tennis courts with Dad once and a while. I know that's when me and dad were able to talk to the most. Out on the tennis courts and playing some games. Other then that, just try not worry about it. Dad loves you and he shows it in many ways. Just try to focus on that. Other then that I hope you do well and school and that you have a great week. I know you can do it sis. I defantely can't wait to call you this Sunday and here those wonderful 4 words from you mouth "boom Boom BOOM. . . MUFFINS!!!" XD I love you so much Rachel. You mean so much to me, and it's true. These next few years will go by so fast. So enjoy it while it lasts and live for the day! Take Care
Well have a great week guys. I love you all
-Elder Clark
P.S. I have decided to shun Andy. It's an Amish techinique. It's like slapping someone with silence
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
How do you spell Cinnamen?
Hey Guys!
Alriiiiight! I bit of a more eventful week this week.
This week we got to do some service for the library. We moved a whole bunch of books and set them up so that the library could sell them. They were so nice to us. They let us pick out 2 or 3 for us to take home. I took a spanish text book so that I could practice more and get better. It reminds me of my high school days of studying spanish. "Hola! Como estas?" heheh ^_^;. Afterwards we got some Panda Express and the guys put me up to a Cinnaman (however you spell it) Challange. I had nooooo idea what I was getting myself into >_<. The Challange consists of the person takeing a table spoon of Cinnamen putting in their mouth and trying to swallow it all. My whole stratagy was to swollow it nice and quick. Baaaaaad idea >_<. The Cinnomen (wow lots of ways to spell it :D) dried up EVERYTHING in my mouth and it was pretty much impossible to get it down. I gagged on the stuff and that's when the hot spicyness came it (try to imagine a Big Red piece of gum and multiply that by 100) I ran to the sink and coughed and hacked and spit and everything. Cinnomen was pretty much everywhere! Even in my nose >_<. For the rest of the day I was blowing my nose and Cinnomen was coming out. Even to the next morning I had cinnomen coming out of there. It was awful. Something I plan on not doing again anytime soon ^_^;;.
So anyway on another note. I got to teach Andrea (the niece of a family who are members from Mexico) again. We taught the plan of Salvation and I got to practice up my spanish again. It was pretty good, but Elder Pastor as usual helped me out and was able to fill in the gaps. He also had some cool visual aids this time. I was trying my absolute best to understand all he was saying and all that Andrea and her Aunt where saying. After we left Elder Pastor revealed to me that Andrea's mom had passed away 3 years ago. Apparently she really needed that lesson and it seemed that she liked it a lot. We gave her some book of mormon reading and invited her to church. Which she ended up doing. Her aunt is trying to get her to study English and practice it, but it seems to be kind of difficult to her. When she came to church, she came to our Gospel Princeples class (the class for invistigators and recent converts) It was kind of bad timing because the lesson was about Priesthood Organization. Greaaaat. It still went kind of well though.
We Also got to start on the Recent Convert lessons with Harper. He is such a spiritual Giant. We got to watch the Restoration DVD with him and he absolutely loved it. We were all nearly in tears by the end of the movie. Me and Elder Pastor bore testimony and then I felt prompted to ask Harper if he remember the time that he prayed about Joseph Smith. He said yes as he smiled and looked down as tears filled his eyes. I reminded him of a comment that he made during our Gospel Principles class. He said that if we write things down we can remember the feelings of the Holy Ghost and better get to know how to recognize those feelings. I Reminded him of that and reminded how precious of a gift it is to be able to have truth and comfort manafested unto us by the Holy Ghost. He appreciated that and we ended the lesson with a kneeling prayer. Harper gave it and it was absolutely beautiful. He ended and we departed. I gave Harper a hug and then TOTALLY BY ACCIDENT I gave Alissa a hug too. She said "Ohh wait, aren't you not allowed?
" and I was like "Oh . . . dang it that's right >_<" THey all thought that was really funny and laughed. I guess when I get emotional like that I can sometimes let my emotions get the best of me ^_^;;.
Well that was pretty much the highlight of my week. I hope you enjoyed them. Now time to address you guys seperately as usual ^_^
Mom: Wow happy 50th birthday. I'm so happy to hear that you had such a great time. The gifts, the good wishes, and the carrot cake! Yum! ^_^. I'm glad Rachel was able to make up for my sense of humor. She has learned from the best ^_^. Happy Birthday Mom! I'm really sorry for not sending something or saying anything about it. I'll try to make it up to you. You can count on that. Thank you for pointing out how much I am blessing people. Sometimes I don't realize how many people I am affecting at this moment. I'm glad that everyone appreciates my letters ^_^. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week, and I hope that you enjoy each and every day. I love you so much.
Dad: I'm glad that you got to join in on the festivities. Way to go on getting Mom a nice bracelet and a sweet card. She deffinately liked that. You definately have a way with words *nudge nudge* ^_^. Sorry to hear about the car. Freakin I85! I've had a couple of flat tires too come to think of it. It's such a pain fixing it up, but it's pretty cool to get to know how to take apart a bike and how to do some simple maintenence and stuff. Elder Pastor is very good with bikes. He could pretty much take one all the way apart and put it back together again. Glad your still enjoying games as usual. The Sabatuer sounds pretty sweet. I can't wait to try that when I get home. But the game I most excited about trying is definately Final Fantasy XIII. Let Me know if you get a chance to play that one. I'm glad to hear the great work you are doing in the church as well. You seem to be a very good asset when it comes to church electronics and purchasing things for the church as well. Thanks for all you do for them dad, and thank you for teaching me as I grew. I was actually thinking about you when me and Elder Pastor where coming back from playing Tennis. I told him how much me and you played and how much I really enjoyed it. I feel bad now that I didn't take advantage of the time to play tennis with you. I really wish I could've played more with you, but I'm sure we'll get plenty of oppurtunities when I get back from the mish. By then I will probably played enough to maybe stand a chance against you ^_^;. Well that's about it. I love you Dad and I always think of you. Take Care
Rachel: Woooooo~ Prom girl! Heheh. How was prom by the way Rachel? Did you have a good time? I love how you made Mom's day during her birthday as well. You are always so good at coming up with those creative gift ideas (Hot flash extinguisher XD) Ahhh good one! I can't believe you got Mom to wear the tiara all day as well. Way to go! I hope all is going well for you Rachel and I hope you know that as always I miss you a whole lot. I hope things go well with Brady and with school. I know you will do well, just remember to not be lazy and apply yourself. If you do it now, you won't regret it later trust me. I love you Rachel. I hope you have an EXCELLENT week.
I love you all so much. Every day I realize how much of a blessing you guys are. I guess it's true what they say. You don't realize how important something is until you don't have it anymore. I realize how important of a roll all of you guys play, and I make sure to thank God for all that he has given me and all that you guys have done for me. Take care everyone and have a wonderful week
-Elder Clark
P.S. "Everytime I'm about to do something I ask myself 'Would an idiot do that?' and if he would. I do not do that thing." -Dwight
Alriiiiight! I bit of a more eventful week this week.
This week we got to do some service for the library. We moved a whole bunch of books and set them up so that the library could sell them. They were so nice to us. They let us pick out 2 or 3 for us to take home. I took a spanish text book so that I could practice more and get better. It reminds me of my high school days of studying spanish. "Hola! Como estas?" heheh ^_^;. Afterwards we got some Panda Express and the guys put me up to a Cinnaman (however you spell it) Challange. I had nooooo idea what I was getting myself into >_<. The Challange consists of the person takeing a table spoon of Cinnamen putting in their mouth and trying to swallow it all. My whole stratagy was to swollow it nice and quick. Baaaaaad idea >_<. The Cinnomen (wow lots of ways to spell it :D) dried up EVERYTHING in my mouth and it was pretty much impossible to get it down. I gagged on the stuff and that's when the hot spicyness came it (try to imagine a Big Red piece of gum and multiply that by 100) I ran to the sink and coughed and hacked and spit and everything. Cinnomen was pretty much everywhere! Even in my nose >_<. For the rest of the day I was blowing my nose and Cinnomen was coming out. Even to the next morning I had cinnomen coming out of there. It was awful. Something I plan on not doing again anytime soon ^_^;;.
So anyway on another note. I got to teach Andrea (the niece of a family who are members from Mexico) again. We taught the plan of Salvation and I got to practice up my spanish again. It was pretty good, but Elder Pastor as usual helped me out and was able to fill in the gaps. He also had some cool visual aids this time. I was trying my absolute best to understand all he was saying and all that Andrea and her Aunt where saying. After we left Elder Pastor revealed to me that Andrea's mom had passed away 3 years ago. Apparently she really needed that lesson and it seemed that she liked it a lot. We gave her some book of mormon reading and invited her to church. Which she ended up doing. Her aunt is trying to get her to study English and practice it, but it seems to be kind of difficult to her. When she came to church, she came to our Gospel Princeples class (the class for invistigators and recent converts) It was kind of bad timing because the lesson was about Priesthood Organization. Greaaaat. It still went kind of well though.
We Also got to start on the Recent Convert lessons with Harper. He is such a spiritual Giant. We got to watch the Restoration DVD with him and he absolutely loved it. We were all nearly in tears by the end of the movie. Me and Elder Pastor bore testimony and then I felt prompted to ask Harper if he remember the time that he prayed about Joseph Smith. He said yes as he smiled and looked down as tears filled his eyes. I reminded him of a comment that he made during our Gospel Principles class. He said that if we write things down we can remember the feelings of the Holy Ghost and better get to know how to recognize those feelings. I Reminded him of that and reminded how precious of a gift it is to be able to have truth and comfort manafested unto us by the Holy Ghost. He appreciated that and we ended the lesson with a kneeling prayer. Harper gave it and it was absolutely beautiful. He ended and we departed. I gave Harper a hug and then TOTALLY BY ACCIDENT I gave Alissa a hug too. She said "Ohh wait, aren't you not allowed?
" and I was like "Oh . . . dang it that's right >_<" THey all thought that was really funny and laughed. I guess when I get emotional like that I can sometimes let my emotions get the best of me ^_^;;.
Well that was pretty much the highlight of my week. I hope you enjoyed them. Now time to address you guys seperately as usual ^_^
Mom: Wow happy 50th birthday. I'm so happy to hear that you had such a great time. The gifts, the good wishes, and the carrot cake! Yum! ^_^. I'm glad Rachel was able to make up for my sense of humor. She has learned from the best ^_^. Happy Birthday Mom! I'm really sorry for not sending something or saying anything about it. I'll try to make it up to you. You can count on that. Thank you for pointing out how much I am blessing people. Sometimes I don't realize how many people I am affecting at this moment. I'm glad that everyone appreciates my letters ^_^. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week, and I hope that you enjoy each and every day. I love you so much.
Dad: I'm glad that you got to join in on the festivities. Way to go on getting Mom a nice bracelet and a sweet card. She deffinately liked that. You definately have a way with words *nudge nudge* ^_^. Sorry to hear about the car. Freakin I85! I've had a couple of flat tires too come to think of it. It's such a pain fixing it up, but it's pretty cool to get to know how to take apart a bike and how to do some simple maintenence and stuff. Elder Pastor is very good with bikes. He could pretty much take one all the way apart and put it back together again. Glad your still enjoying games as usual. The Sabatuer sounds pretty sweet. I can't wait to try that when I get home. But the game I most excited about trying is definately Final Fantasy XIII. Let Me know if you get a chance to play that one. I'm glad to hear the great work you are doing in the church as well. You seem to be a very good asset when it comes to church electronics and purchasing things for the church as well. Thanks for all you do for them dad, and thank you for teaching me as I grew. I was actually thinking about you when me and Elder Pastor where coming back from playing Tennis. I told him how much me and you played and how much I really enjoyed it. I feel bad now that I didn't take advantage of the time to play tennis with you. I really wish I could've played more with you, but I'm sure we'll get plenty of oppurtunities when I get back from the mish. By then I will probably played enough to maybe stand a chance against you ^_^;. Well that's about it. I love you Dad and I always think of you. Take Care
Rachel: Woooooo~ Prom girl! Heheh. How was prom by the way Rachel? Did you have a good time? I love how you made Mom's day during her birthday as well. You are always so good at coming up with those creative gift ideas (Hot flash extinguisher XD) Ahhh good one! I can't believe you got Mom to wear the tiara all day as well. Way to go! I hope all is going well for you Rachel and I hope you know that as always I miss you a whole lot. I hope things go well with Brady and with school. I know you will do well, just remember to not be lazy and apply yourself. If you do it now, you won't regret it later trust me. I love you Rachel. I hope you have an EXCELLENT week.
I love you all so much. Every day I realize how much of a blessing you guys are. I guess it's true what they say. You don't realize how important something is until you don't have it anymore. I realize how important of a roll all of you guys play, and I make sure to thank God for all that he has given me and all that you guys have done for me. Take care everyone and have a wonderful week
-Elder Clark
P.S. "Everytime I'm about to do something I ask myself 'Would an idiot do that?' and if he would. I do not do that thing." -Dwight
"....and just trying to do my best."
Hey Family!
Well yet another week on the mish! This week was kind of slow all and all. there were some pretty good experiences this week, but in a way it was kind of frustrating. I know every week can't be super exciting and full of success, so I'm just gonna be patient and take one week at a time, and just trying to do my best.
Me and Elder Pastor are working very well together. I don't think I've mentioned this, but I've heard that it's pretty hard to go from your first companion to your 2nd because your trainer has taught you to teach a certain way, and then when you get to your second companion he teaches you to teach in a whole different way. That's kind of what happened, but I have not been fighting against it at all. I'm taking what I can learn from him and using that with what I have learned from my trainer, Elder Alldredge. It's pretty cool to see how embracing two styles can really increase teaching effectiveness. It really is something
To answer a couple questions that Dad asked about Elder Pastor. He is actually from Madrid Spain. He does have a "Theta" (I think that is what it's called) when he speaks spanish. It's pretty funny to hear him speak that way. He says that Mexican spanish is way different, and that he has to speak slowly to them because it's that different. Plus he says lots of English words have worked into Mexican spanish like "Movar" to say "To move". It's pretty funny. He told me a lot of stories of his past and what he used to do in spain. He said he went to a lot of dances that were in the local clubs in Spain. He also says that he watched a lot of Simpsons. It's really funny to rattle off some Simpsons quotes because he gets to hear what the Simpsons sound like in English. He then tells me what the translaters say in Spanish. For example: On the episode where N'Sync made a guest appearance there is this part where Milhouse says "It's N'Sync!", N'Sync comes in and one of them says "Word!" Elder Pastor didn't understand why he said "Word." "What does that mean?" he asked. I told him it's the same as saying "Dude" or "Yeah!" He understood and I asked him what they said in spanish. He said they said something like "Que hay!" I thought that was halerious, so anytime I walk into a room or something I look at Pastor and say "Que Hay!"
So in Work news we did a lot of tracting this week. Like I said it was kind of frustrating because we got a lot of people getting mad at us. This one lady pulled in as we were knocking on her door. She had a dog inside that was barking at the time and she said "What are you doing? You guys messing with my dog or something?" I explained what we were doing and she got short with me and said "No, get out of here, don't you ever mess with my dog again!" Yeah lady, you caught us. We were taunting your dog by knocking on the door. :P Pff. Me and Elder Pastor made jokes about that the whole day that day. Elder Pastor would knock on a door and if a dog started barking I would yell "Elder Pastor! Stop messing with the dog!" Heh Ohhh the halerity ^_^. We had maybe 1 or 2 people be nice to us, and one of them we had a good chat with. I have a good feeling that she may invistigate the church sometime. I don't know, maybe we planted a couple of seeds this week, who knows. I'm just going to put my faith in the Lord and continue forward.
This week actually we got in with 1 less active family and a Part member family that we normally don't get in with. One part member family, The Hansens, are really nice people. The Father,who is not a member, works for Disney Land and also volunteers for the fire department that they have in Disney Land as well. He showed us videos that he took with his sweet High definition video camara made by V-Hold (Dad you should check them out). It was a camara that he was able to attatch to his helmet and take video of him doing training against kitchen fires and such. It was really cool to watch. I especially like how all the firefighters had the word "Disney" written on their uniforms. It was funny ^_^. We got them to let us come a couple more times to start giving the discussions. The Father is a Catholic, but only because he was born that way. He says he doesn't like some of the hypocrasy and such, so it seems like he's really interested in hearing what we believe. The wife is very strong in the church, so I think that she will be a great aid for us because she can bare testimony and be a good example for him.
We also got in with the Mersola Family. This is a very interesting case. The Father is borderline Athiest and the Mother discribed herself as a "Jack Mormon". She said this when she was telling us how good she was at Black Jack and how she was able to either brake even or gain lots of money. Apparantly when she was around 14 years old she was beginning to be a bit rebilious. She was skipping school and other little rebellious things like that. The bishop told her that she was kind of straying on to the wrong path and this offended her, and so she had never been to church since. She also had a big problem with the church telling her to vote for Prop 8. She is quite the open minded individual and she believes that Gay people have just as much right to marry as straight people do. I really admire that, but sometimes that kind of attitude can really cause corruption and lead to other things that may be straying from the path. She also told us that her son was on the baseball team and that he was good at every position. She said that she trained him how to not be afraid of the ball by chucking balls at him. She said that it may sound abbusive, but that it did cure him of his fear and now he is a very great baseball player. Already with this lady I am sensing a great bit of pride. I hope that we can help her out. She has a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and she really enjoys our visits. We'll see what will happen with them.
I'm really supprised to see the ammount of less active people that I have come in contact with leave the church because of being offended. In fact, EVERY less active family I have met with left because of being offended. It's usually a combined case of members persicuting those who are different, and the less active person being easily offended. I really wish that members would realize that we should love all of our brothers and sisters, and not judge them for their weaknesses or follies, but rather love and support them, and I really wish that those who fall away could realize that it's not the members that make the church. It's Jesus Christ, who is the chief cornerstone of our church that reigns at the head. Oh what a different world we would live in if that were the case, however we are all not perfect, and I forgive them, and I will do my best to love and support all of them the best that I can.
Well that's enough of me rambling. I gonna talk to you guys seperately. "You gotta keep em seperated" (Offspring quote) XD
Mom: Thank you so much for keeping me updated with how everyone at DFS is doing. It really warms my heart to know how much of an impact I've made with these people. I think I will try to write them a letter, just to let them know that I am thinking about them. Let them know that I am still thinking about them. I admit I haven't really had that much time to practice my forms, but I will try to practice them just to keep the moves fresh in my mind ^_^;. I'm glad that Chris is really learning, and I hope that he does well in the Marines. He is a strong willed man and I know he will do great in whatever he puts his mind to. I hope you have an awesome time at that conference. I'm glad you get the oppurtunity to sing in the choir. I actually get to sing in the ward choir during a special stake conference where one of the 70 is coming into town to speak to all of us on May 3rd. It's going to be an awesome experience. Elder Pastor may actually sing with me too, since he has a good voice as well. Well glad that everything is going well and you are enjoying spring. I hear that Summer is really hot here in southern California, but not nearly as humid as Georgia. Guess I'll find out soon enough eh ^_^;;. I Love you mom and I can't wait until Mother's day as well ^_^.
Dad: Glad to hear everything was going well with you. Thanks for sharing another one of your mission stories with me. I hope that if that happens to me, that I will be a fit enough "referee" to help the couple out ^_^;. I also really enjoyed reading about your open mic night with Al. I so wish I could've been there when you layed down some Phat slab bass beats man! Ahh, I bet you felt like the coolest guy in the club, the cats pajamas, the bees knees 8). (that's a smiley with sunglasses by the way XD). Anyway glad to hear everything is going good. Hope you have an EXCELLENT week *guitar solo*. I love you dad
Rachel: Hope all is going well with you and Brady. I printed out the picture of you on horse back. I'm so glad you go that oppurtunity to bring back memories of you when you were 5 ^_^. Hope you do well in school. I know you can do it sis. DO IT FOR STAKE! heheh ^_^ I love you sister more then wards can say.
I love you all. Take care!
-Elder Clark
Well yet another week on the mish! This week was kind of slow all and all. there were some pretty good experiences this week, but in a way it was kind of frustrating. I know every week can't be super exciting and full of success, so I'm just gonna be patient and take one week at a time, and just trying to do my best.
Me and Elder Pastor are working very well together. I don't think I've mentioned this, but I've heard that it's pretty hard to go from your first companion to your 2nd because your trainer has taught you to teach a certain way, and then when you get to your second companion he teaches you to teach in a whole different way. That's kind of what happened, but I have not been fighting against it at all. I'm taking what I can learn from him and using that with what I have learned from my trainer, Elder Alldredge. It's pretty cool to see how embracing two styles can really increase teaching effectiveness. It really is something
To answer a couple questions that Dad asked about Elder Pastor. He is actually from Madrid Spain. He does have a "Theta" (I think that is what it's called) when he speaks spanish. It's pretty funny to hear him speak that way. He says that Mexican spanish is way different, and that he has to speak slowly to them because it's that different. Plus he says lots of English words have worked into Mexican spanish like "Movar" to say "To move". It's pretty funny. He told me a lot of stories of his past and what he used to do in spain. He said he went to a lot of dances that were in the local clubs in Spain. He also says that he watched a lot of Simpsons. It's really funny to rattle off some Simpsons quotes because he gets to hear what the Simpsons sound like in English. He then tells me what the translaters say in Spanish. For example: On the episode where N'Sync made a guest appearance there is this part where Milhouse says "It's N'Sync!", N'Sync comes in and one of them says "Word!" Elder Pastor didn't understand why he said "Word." "What does that mean?" he asked. I told him it's the same as saying "Dude" or "Yeah!" He understood and I asked him what they said in spanish. He said they said something like "Que hay!" I thought that was halerious, so anytime I walk into a room or something I look at Pastor and say "Que Hay!"
So in Work news we did a lot of tracting this week. Like I said it was kind of frustrating because we got a lot of people getting mad at us. This one lady pulled in as we were knocking on her door. She had a dog inside that was barking at the time and she said "What are you doing? You guys messing with my dog or something?" I explained what we were doing and she got short with me and said "No, get out of here, don't you ever mess with my dog again!" Yeah lady, you caught us. We were taunting your dog by knocking on the door. :P Pff. Me and Elder Pastor made jokes about that the whole day that day. Elder Pastor would knock on a door and if a dog started barking I would yell "Elder Pastor! Stop messing with the dog!" Heh Ohhh the halerity ^_^. We had maybe 1 or 2 people be nice to us, and one of them we had a good chat with. I have a good feeling that she may invistigate the church sometime. I don't know, maybe we planted a couple of seeds this week, who knows. I'm just going to put my faith in the Lord and continue forward.
This week actually we got in with 1 less active family and a Part member family that we normally don't get in with. One part member family, The Hansens, are really nice people. The Father,who is not a member, works for Disney Land and also volunteers for the fire department that they have in Disney Land as well. He showed us videos that he took with his sweet High definition video camara made by V-Hold (Dad you should check them out). It was a camara that he was able to attatch to his helmet and take video of him doing training against kitchen fires and such. It was really cool to watch. I especially like how all the firefighters had the word "Disney" written on their uniforms. It was funny ^_^. We got them to let us come a couple more times to start giving the discussions. The Father is a Catholic, but only because he was born that way. He says he doesn't like some of the hypocrasy and such, so it seems like he's really interested in hearing what we believe. The wife is very strong in the church, so I think that she will be a great aid for us because she can bare testimony and be a good example for him.
We also got in with the Mersola Family. This is a very interesting case. The Father is borderline Athiest and the Mother discribed herself as a "Jack Mormon". She said this when she was telling us how good she was at Black Jack and how she was able to either brake even or gain lots of money. Apparantly when she was around 14 years old she was beginning to be a bit rebilious. She was skipping school and other little rebellious things like that. The bishop told her that she was kind of straying on to the wrong path and this offended her, and so she had never been to church since. She also had a big problem with the church telling her to vote for Prop 8. She is quite the open minded individual and she believes that Gay people have just as much right to marry as straight people do. I really admire that, but sometimes that kind of attitude can really cause corruption and lead to other things that may be straying from the path. She also told us that her son was on the baseball team and that he was good at every position. She said that she trained him how to not be afraid of the ball by chucking balls at him. She said that it may sound abbusive, but that it did cure him of his fear and now he is a very great baseball player. Already with this lady I am sensing a great bit of pride. I hope that we can help her out. She has a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and she really enjoys our visits. We'll see what will happen with them.
I'm really supprised to see the ammount of less active people that I have come in contact with leave the church because of being offended. In fact, EVERY less active family I have met with left because of being offended. It's usually a combined case of members persicuting those who are different, and the less active person being easily offended. I really wish that members would realize that we should love all of our brothers and sisters, and not judge them for their weaknesses or follies, but rather love and support them, and I really wish that those who fall away could realize that it's not the members that make the church. It's Jesus Christ, who is the chief cornerstone of our church that reigns at the head. Oh what a different world we would live in if that were the case, however we are all not perfect, and I forgive them, and I will do my best to love and support all of them the best that I can.
Well that's enough of me rambling. I gonna talk to you guys seperately. "You gotta keep em seperated" (Offspring quote) XD
Mom: Thank you so much for keeping me updated with how everyone at DFS is doing. It really warms my heart to know how much of an impact I've made with these people. I think I will try to write them a letter, just to let them know that I am thinking about them. Let them know that I am still thinking about them. I admit I haven't really had that much time to practice my forms, but I will try to practice them just to keep the moves fresh in my mind ^_^;. I'm glad that Chris is really learning, and I hope that he does well in the Marines. He is a strong willed man and I know he will do great in whatever he puts his mind to. I hope you have an awesome time at that conference. I'm glad you get the oppurtunity to sing in the choir. I actually get to sing in the ward choir during a special stake conference where one of the 70 is coming into town to speak to all of us on May 3rd. It's going to be an awesome experience. Elder Pastor may actually sing with me too, since he has a good voice as well. Well glad that everything is going well and you are enjoying spring. I hear that Summer is really hot here in southern California, but not nearly as humid as Georgia. Guess I'll find out soon enough eh ^_^;;. I Love you mom and I can't wait until Mother's day as well ^_^.
Dad: Glad to hear everything was going well with you. Thanks for sharing another one of your mission stories with me. I hope that if that happens to me, that I will be a fit enough "referee" to help the couple out ^_^;. I also really enjoyed reading about your open mic night with Al. I so wish I could've been there when you layed down some Phat slab bass beats man! Ahh, I bet you felt like the coolest guy in the club, the cats pajamas, the bees knees 8). (that's a smiley with sunglasses by the way XD). Anyway glad to hear everything is going good. Hope you have an EXCELLENT week *guitar solo*. I love you dad
Rachel: Hope all is going well with you and Brady. I printed out the picture of you on horse back. I'm so glad you go that oppurtunity to bring back memories of you when you were 5 ^_^. Hope you do well in school. I know you can do it sis. DO IT FOR STAKE! heheh ^_^ I love you sister more then wards can say.
I love you all. Take care!
-Elder Clark
Saturday, April 17, 2010
My new companion from Spain-Elder Pastor
Heeey Family!
Yet another great week! This week I kind of got to lead because Elder Pastor (My new companion from spain) really didn't know the area all that well. So I got to make all the plans, set up the appointments, go tracting and everything. It was pretty hectic ^_^;. I wanted to make sure that I didn't everything that I could to to make every hour count. Elder Pastor said that I've done a really good job.
I do miss working with Elder Alldredge, but it's not to bad because he just moved from the Burbank 2nd ward area (The one I'm in) to the Burbank 3rd ward area. Burbank 2nd and 3rd ward Elder's share an appartment so pretty much Elder Alldredge just moved across the hall. So I still get to see him! Yay!
Anyway I wish I could tell you guys a really good spiritual story that happened with a single person, but really all that happened where a couple of small miracles.
One that I remember the most was when this lady pulled up to us in her car, somewhat on the verge of tears, and asked us to pray for her boyfriend. It was kind of a sad story. She said that he had a tendency to stay away from addictions and then, due to some outside influence, slip back into them. My campion told about how he used to have addiction problems as well and that all it took was a change of lifestyle that made him stay on the right path (i.e. moving from spain to Utah) She seemed to like that advice. I was prompted to say that sometimes all we really can do is be an example to others and be the best that we can be. By following the example of Jesus Christ and then guiding others to do the same is the best thing that we can do, and it's pretty much what I do as well. This seemed to really touch her because she said that taht was the answer that she has been getting for 5 months now, and that I just confirmed it. She recognized that the words that we were saying were trully God's words. I was stunned, amazed, and filled with the spirit. I guess sometimes I don't give myself enough credit in certain situations, but yes, I realize that by trusting in the lord we can all speak with the "tounge of angels" and speak the words of god.
Me and Elder Pastor also taught the Eccles family's niece. Her name is Andrea and she moved from Mexico. The Eccles' are members, but the niece is not. We decided to begin teaching her by showing her "The Restoration" DVD. She really enjoyed it and didn't have a problem with it all. She is still trying to learn English so she had a hard time understanding when I spoke English. Elder Pastor spoke spanish to her and I tried my best to understand everything. Suprisingly I caught a lot of things he was saying and was able to somewhat follow the conversation. It was awesome. This last Sunday we taught her again and we watched "The Testaments" which makes me cry at the end every time. Again we talked to her in spanish and I was able to bear my testimony in Spanish. Oh how awesome it was to speak another language and feel the same spirit that I had felt all my life. I felt as though my words were being guided as well, that even though I wasn't speaking my native tounge I still knew what to say. It was wonderful and I loved the feeling that I had the whole time.
Well, those where the main things that happened. Time to talk to you guys seperately now
Rachel: It was awesome to recieve a letter from you telling about your awesome experience in "SWEET HOME ALABAAAAMA!" heheh ^_^. I immediately was thrown back in time when you mentioned that you went horse back riding. I had a Sister in my MTC district that loved riding horses. She said that riding by yourself in the awesome scenery of the woods was like speeding around with your best friend. I hope that you felt that way too as you cantered along (yes I still remember some of the terms). I also like to comment on the way you discribed your experience with Uncle Jef. You sounded just like a well known author. You have great writing skills Rachel. Keep it up! Anyway I'm glad you had a great time and I hope to hear more from you. Keep up the good work and know that I love you very much. You have definately been there from me when I needed you. I don't think I can say those things enough ^_^.
Mom: I'm glad you had a great time with dad. Thanks so much for the spiritual thoughts. I love visualizing Jesus Christ's arms incircling us in our times of need whenever we need him. It's such a comforting feeling. Glad you guys got to feel young again and take a night out on the town with Dad rockin the bass. Sounds like fun and I miss hearing him play. It trully was a treat to hear him and his awesome skills. Well, I hope you have a great week mom. Hope everything i well with you, and I hope you don't get to stressed. One day at a time. I love you so much mom and I can't wait until Mother's day as well ^_^
Dad: Sounds like you had quite the hecktic week like me ^_^;. I hope your next weekend will be a little more relaxing. I'm glad you got to play Bass in front of a bunch of screaming fans. Woot! heheh ^_^;. Maybe not exactly, but still fun. You still considering doing that one man band thing? I really hope that works out. Oh! Speaking of which I don't think I've mentioned one of the members that I have been Teaching. His name is Micheal Skews and he used to be in a band called Fatel Attraction. He's met Motley Crue and Ted Nugent! He is so awesome! He is also a HUUUUUGE fan of Kiss. He's got all their murchandise and everything. Pin ball machines, belt buckles, you name it! Heheh just thought I would mention that. Well I hope you have a good week. I love you so much dad and I can't wait to get home and recieve a world class guitar solo to the face again XD.
well Family I love you to pieces! Hope everything will be EXCELLENT *Guitar solo*
-Elder Clark
P.S. "put them in the Iron Maiden"
"Execute them"
". . .booogus"
(this one is for Rachel)
"Ask what place I got!"
Yet another great week! This week I kind of got to lead because Elder Pastor (My new companion from spain) really didn't know the area all that well. So I got to make all the plans, set up the appointments, go tracting and everything. It was pretty hectic ^_^;. I wanted to make sure that I didn't everything that I could to to make every hour count. Elder Pastor said that I've done a really good job.
I do miss working with Elder Alldredge, but it's not to bad because he just moved from the Burbank 2nd ward area (The one I'm in) to the Burbank 3rd ward area. Burbank 2nd and 3rd ward Elder's share an appartment so pretty much Elder Alldredge just moved across the hall. So I still get to see him! Yay!
Anyway I wish I could tell you guys a really good spiritual story that happened with a single person, but really all that happened where a couple of small miracles.
One that I remember the most was when this lady pulled up to us in her car, somewhat on the verge of tears, and asked us to pray for her boyfriend. It was kind of a sad story. She said that he had a tendency to stay away from addictions and then, due to some outside influence, slip back into them. My campion told about how he used to have addiction problems as well and that all it took was a change of lifestyle that made him stay on the right path (i.e. moving from spain to Utah) She seemed to like that advice. I was prompted to say that sometimes all we really can do is be an example to others and be the best that we can be. By following the example of Jesus Christ and then guiding others to do the same is the best thing that we can do, and it's pretty much what I do as well. This seemed to really touch her because she said that taht was the answer that she has been getting for 5 months now, and that I just confirmed it. She recognized that the words that we were saying were trully God's words. I was stunned, amazed, and filled with the spirit. I guess sometimes I don't give myself enough credit in certain situations, but yes, I realize that by trusting in the lord we can all speak with the "tounge of angels" and speak the words of god.
Me and Elder Pastor also taught the Eccles family's niece. Her name is Andrea and she moved from Mexico. The Eccles' are members, but the niece is not. We decided to begin teaching her by showing her "The Restoration" DVD. She really enjoyed it and didn't have a problem with it all. She is still trying to learn English so she had a hard time understanding when I spoke English. Elder Pastor spoke spanish to her and I tried my best to understand everything. Suprisingly I caught a lot of things he was saying and was able to somewhat follow the conversation. It was awesome. This last Sunday we taught her again and we watched "The Testaments" which makes me cry at the end every time. Again we talked to her in spanish and I was able to bear my testimony in Spanish. Oh how awesome it was to speak another language and feel the same spirit that I had felt all my life. I felt as though my words were being guided as well, that even though I wasn't speaking my native tounge I still knew what to say. It was wonderful and I loved the feeling that I had the whole time.
Well, those where the main things that happened. Time to talk to you guys seperately now
Rachel: It was awesome to recieve a letter from you telling about your awesome experience in "SWEET HOME ALABAAAAMA!" heheh ^_^. I immediately was thrown back in time when you mentioned that you went horse back riding. I had a Sister in my MTC district that loved riding horses. She said that riding by yourself in the awesome scenery of the woods was like speeding around with your best friend. I hope that you felt that way too as you cantered along (yes I still remember some of the terms). I also like to comment on the way you discribed your experience with Uncle Jef. You sounded just like a well known author. You have great writing skills Rachel. Keep it up! Anyway I'm glad you had a great time and I hope to hear more from you. Keep up the good work and know that I love you very much. You have definately been there from me when I needed you. I don't think I can say those things enough ^_^.
Mom: I'm glad you had a great time with dad. Thanks so much for the spiritual thoughts. I love visualizing Jesus Christ's arms incircling us in our times of need whenever we need him. It's such a comforting feeling. Glad you guys got to feel young again and take a night out on the town with Dad rockin the bass. Sounds like fun and I miss hearing him play. It trully was a treat to hear him and his awesome skills. Well, I hope you have a great week mom. Hope everything i well with you, and I hope you don't get to stressed. One day at a time. I love you so much mom and I can't wait until Mother's day as well ^_^
Dad: Sounds like you had quite the hecktic week like me ^_^;. I hope your next weekend will be a little more relaxing. I'm glad you got to play Bass in front of a bunch of screaming fans. Woot! heheh ^_^;. Maybe not exactly, but still fun. You still considering doing that one man band thing? I really hope that works out. Oh! Speaking of which I don't think I've mentioned one of the members that I have been Teaching. His name is Micheal Skews and he used to be in a band called Fatel Attraction. He's met Motley Crue and Ted Nugent! He is so awesome! He is also a HUUUUUGE fan of Kiss. He's got all their murchandise and everything. Pin ball machines, belt buckles, you name it! Heheh just thought I would mention that. Well I hope you have a good week. I love you so much dad and I can't wait to get home and recieve a world class guitar solo to the face again XD.
well Family I love you to pieces! Hope everything will be EXCELLENT *Guitar solo*
-Elder Clark
P.S. "put them in the Iron Maiden"
"Execute them"
". . .booogus"
(this one is for Rachel)
"Ask what place I got!"
Saturday, April 10, 2010
My First Baptism in the Field
Heeey Family,
Well Transfers came and gone and I am goooiiiiiiing no where :P. I'm staying here in Burbank for another 6 weeks with a new companion named Elder Pastor! He's from Spain! Sounds exciting eh? I'll let you guys know how he is. He's gonna be coming today from Van Nuys. I hope we will get along and that I can learn lots of spanish from him, since Elder Alldredge never served in a spanish area.
Anyway I bet you guys are dying to know how my baptism went! I'm telling you guys right now that it was the best day of my entire life. Right when I walked in and got dressed I began to erupt in excitement. My heart was racing and I just couldn't wait to perform that wonderful ordinance for Harper. I was also chosen to lead the music as well so it was quite a busy baptism for me ^_^;. Harpers Girlfriend (Alissa)'s, Dad gave the talk on the Baptism. It was a nice talk that was very well organized and much like the missionary discussion on baptism. He definately knew what he was talking about. Allisa spoke on the Holy Ghost and decided to share a couple of stories of her mission in Hong Kong. I'm so jelouse (yes I know I butchered the spelling) that she got to go to Hong Kong. She bore wonderful testimony of the reality and the wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost. The musical number was next. This guy played a basoon to this hymn (I really wish I could remember, but I can't. Don't worry I wrote all the details in my journal and saved the program). Anyway after the musical number it was time for the baptism.
I lead Harper into the water, I placed my hands in the right positions and I gave the prayer loud, clear, and slowly. After doing so, I plunged him into the water and brought him out. His first reaction was to look towards the glass where the children were and then at me. He almost seemed as though he were startled and a bit confused. I looked up into his eyes and saw absolute peace in his countenace. I offered a hug and he grabbed me squeezing me tightly. He gave two sobs and whispered "Thank you. . ." My heart was very full as I lead him out of the water and into the changing room. We changed in silence out of reverence of what just happened. Harper told me that this reminded him of Ian's Baptism (a baptism we took him to see before his baptism about 2 weeks ago) and how one of the speakers said that afterwards that Ian was the most sinless person on the planet. I replied to that statement saying "It's an awesome feeling huh?" He answered "Yeah, it has to be." We quickly finished and went back into the relief society room. There we listened to the last bit of my companion Elder Alldredge's testimony.
It was time for confirmation after Elder Alldredge's words. Allisa's dad did the comfirmation and it was very genuine and beautiful. Afterwords Harper got up hugged Allisa's Dad and shook hands with everyone else. I stuck out my hand for a handshake but he grabbed me and gave me a big hug instead. He's such a great guy ^_^
Harper had the oppurtunity to bear his testimony at the end. He told the story of his conversion and how before he felt alone and incomplete, but after meeting the missionaries he felt like it was right. He told of how he moved and then met us. He specifically commented on how I taught him to search for experiences that he can look for that will strengthen his relationship with Christ. He says that he has and that he was so grateful.
Guys, being able to see the absolute joy and peace that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring pretty much sealed my testimony. I cannot deny the truth of this church and the power that I hold as a priesthood holder. I am so grateful to have that power and to be able to see someone achieve absolute joy and peace in their lives by me exercising that power and bringing them unto Christ. I know this is a true church and that Chirst set the perfect example. By following his example we can live happier and fuller lives.
Alright time for some one on one
Mom: I'm glad that things are going well with work still. I still think it's awesome that you get to work with my boss. Bobby Stone is so awesome to work with. I kinda wish I could've worked harder now that I look back on it. I did do a lot, but I think I could've given more, but dwelling on the past never got me anywhere ^_^;;. I hope that you will be able to enjoy that job each day and view it as a pleasure rather than a burden.
I saw the pictures that Dad sent of the Beltmore mansion. Those are some awesome pictures, and you guys already look kind of different heh ^_^; It's gonna be wierd coming back and seeing what you guys look like after 2 years! Maybe Rachel will have grown out her hair! Woaah! heheh ^_^;. Anyway I love you mom and I hope all is going well for you
Dad: Thanks for the update on everything. I'm glad you are fixen the PA system problem. It sucks that you got a speeding ticket. Speeding tickets here aren't as common, but parking tickets OH MAN! Don't get me started. The other Elders get one every transfer. Sometimes it's hard to tell because street cleaners clean random streets and the signs aren't placed very well sometimes. Peh! But the speed trap things sounds way more annoying. Sorry to hear about that ^_^;
Thanks for sending the rackets! I will let you know if they get here on April 7th.
Good luck in Tomb Raider and GT4. I know how much you like those, despite your complaints sometimes heh ^_^. Have you checked out Final Fantasy XIII? I heard it's pretty dang amazing. Let me know if you get a chance to play it. I don't think you have got into any RPG's in a while have you? Heh get on it!
Well as always I love you Dad. I can't wait to see you again and play some sweet Tennis. Until THen!
Rachel: I hope that all is going well for you. I hope you have fun in Alabama with Kayla! Seems like you guys are really great friends. What about your boyfriend Braden? How is he doing? Heh fill me in sis. I love you so much Rachel. I miss you every day and I will never forget how much of a help you were to me. Always willing to listen to my complaints and stuff ^_^;. Take care Rachel and always do your best.
I love you all and I wish nothing but the best for you guys. I hope you guys have a wonderful week and will always remember the missionaries in your prayers. They need them. It's tough, but with Heavenly Father, anything is possible. Take Care and Live for the day!
-Elder Clark
Well Transfers came and gone and I am goooiiiiiiing no where :P. I'm staying here in Burbank for another 6 weeks with a new companion named Elder Pastor! He's from Spain! Sounds exciting eh? I'll let you guys know how he is. He's gonna be coming today from Van Nuys. I hope we will get along and that I can learn lots of spanish from him, since Elder Alldredge never served in a spanish area.
Anyway I bet you guys are dying to know how my baptism went! I'm telling you guys right now that it was the best day of my entire life. Right when I walked in and got dressed I began to erupt in excitement. My heart was racing and I just couldn't wait to perform that wonderful ordinance for Harper. I was also chosen to lead the music as well so it was quite a busy baptism for me ^_^;. Harpers Girlfriend (Alissa)'s, Dad gave the talk on the Baptism. It was a nice talk that was very well organized and much like the missionary discussion on baptism. He definately knew what he was talking about. Allisa spoke on the Holy Ghost and decided to share a couple of stories of her mission in Hong Kong. I'm so jelouse (yes I know I butchered the spelling) that she got to go to Hong Kong. She bore wonderful testimony of the reality and the wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost. The musical number was next. This guy played a basoon to this hymn (I really wish I could remember, but I can't. Don't worry I wrote all the details in my journal and saved the program). Anyway after the musical number it was time for the baptism.
I lead Harper into the water, I placed my hands in the right positions and I gave the prayer loud, clear, and slowly. After doing so, I plunged him into the water and brought him out. His first reaction was to look towards the glass where the children were and then at me. He almost seemed as though he were startled and a bit confused. I looked up into his eyes and saw absolute peace in his countenace. I offered a hug and he grabbed me squeezing me tightly. He gave two sobs and whispered "Thank you. . ." My heart was very full as I lead him out of the water and into the changing room. We changed in silence out of reverence of what just happened. Harper told me that this reminded him of Ian's Baptism (a baptism we took him to see before his baptism about 2 weeks ago) and how one of the speakers said that afterwards that Ian was the most sinless person on the planet. I replied to that statement saying "It's an awesome feeling huh?" He answered "Yeah, it has to be." We quickly finished and went back into the relief society room. There we listened to the last bit of my companion Elder Alldredge's testimony.
It was time for confirmation after Elder Alldredge's words. Allisa's dad did the comfirmation and it was very genuine and beautiful. Afterwords Harper got up hugged Allisa's Dad and shook hands with everyone else. I stuck out my hand for a handshake but he grabbed me and gave me a big hug instead. He's such a great guy ^_^
Harper had the oppurtunity to bear his testimony at the end. He told the story of his conversion and how before he felt alone and incomplete, but after meeting the missionaries he felt like it was right. He told of how he moved and then met us. He specifically commented on how I taught him to search for experiences that he can look for that will strengthen his relationship with Christ. He says that he has and that he was so grateful.
Guys, being able to see the absolute joy and peace that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring pretty much sealed my testimony. I cannot deny the truth of this church and the power that I hold as a priesthood holder. I am so grateful to have that power and to be able to see someone achieve absolute joy and peace in their lives by me exercising that power and bringing them unto Christ. I know this is a true church and that Chirst set the perfect example. By following his example we can live happier and fuller lives.
Alright time for some one on one
Mom: I'm glad that things are going well with work still. I still think it's awesome that you get to work with my boss. Bobby Stone is so awesome to work with. I kinda wish I could've worked harder now that I look back on it. I did do a lot, but I think I could've given more, but dwelling on the past never got me anywhere ^_^;;. I hope that you will be able to enjoy that job each day and view it as a pleasure rather than a burden.
I saw the pictures that Dad sent of the Beltmore mansion. Those are some awesome pictures, and you guys already look kind of different heh ^_^; It's gonna be wierd coming back and seeing what you guys look like after 2 years! Maybe Rachel will have grown out her hair! Woaah! heheh ^_^;. Anyway I love you mom and I hope all is going well for you
Dad: Thanks for the update on everything. I'm glad you are fixen the PA system problem. It sucks that you got a speeding ticket. Speeding tickets here aren't as common, but parking tickets OH MAN! Don't get me started. The other Elders get one every transfer. Sometimes it's hard to tell because street cleaners clean random streets and the signs aren't placed very well sometimes. Peh! But the speed trap things sounds way more annoying. Sorry to hear about that ^_^;
Thanks for sending the rackets! I will let you know if they get here on April 7th.
Good luck in Tomb Raider and GT4. I know how much you like those, despite your complaints sometimes heh ^_^. Have you checked out Final Fantasy XIII? I heard it's pretty dang amazing. Let me know if you get a chance to play it. I don't think you have got into any RPG's in a while have you? Heh get on it!
Well as always I love you Dad. I can't wait to see you again and play some sweet Tennis. Until THen!
Rachel: I hope that all is going well for you. I hope you have fun in Alabama with Kayla! Seems like you guys are really great friends. What about your boyfriend Braden? How is he doing? Heh fill me in sis. I love you so much Rachel. I miss you every day and I will never forget how much of a help you were to me. Always willing to listen to my complaints and stuff ^_^;. Take care Rachel and always do your best.
I love you all and I wish nothing but the best for you guys. I hope you guys have a wonderful week and will always remember the missionaries in your prayers. They need them. It's tough, but with Heavenly Father, anything is possible. Take Care and Live for the day!
-Elder Clark
Monday, April 5, 2010
2 transfers down!!
Hey Hey Family!
Another wonderful P-day and it's the last week before another transfer! Yep, that's right, next week is transfers and I think some things are going to go down. I think that I might be transfered out, or my companion might be transfered out. Either way I'll go wherever I need to go and do whatever I need to do ^_^.
Anyway this last week has been absolutely awesome!
We got a lot of lessons in this last week. We taught Harper and Alissa again. We taught them the 4th lesson which has all of the commandments and Harper was more than willing to keep them all. We then made plans for him to get his baptismal (spelling corrected hopefully ^_^;) interview the following Sunday, but before that we came by and taught him about temples as well. We talked about what is done and there and how we can help those who have passed on and are in the spirit world. He got really excited and thanked us for that lesson. He was wondering how things worked in the spirit world. He asked how people where taught in the spirit world and how they can recieve ordanances. D&C 186 (I think) Explains that exact thing very well and he really understood. Turns out he is really eager to do temple work for his father who has recently passed away. This guy is amazing! I absolutely love him. Here's the greatest news as well. This Sunday after his baptismal interview Harper came up to me and asked if I would be the one who would baptize him. I was absolutely honored to do so. You don't understand how AMAZINGLY excited I am. Ohhh man that day is going to take forever to get here. So the baptism is this Saturday between conference sessions (which I hope you guys will watch ;)) and I will take lots of pictures (which on a side note I'm thinking of sending the card home so that you guys can put them all on my blog or something because sending them by e-mail is just way to time consuming).
Anyway that was the highlight. Also this week we payed a visit to Sister Forrand again who is an 80 year old woman living in a retirement home. We have visited her many times and on this particular visit we re told the Joseph Smith story. At the end she offered to give to prayer again (which made me happy because like I have said in the past she gives the most genuine prayers I have ever heard) She gave lots of thanks to heavenly father for us to "visit an old woman" like herself. She really enjoyed the spirit and it really makes her happy when we come over. I assume that she doesn't get that many visitors at all. I am so happy that I can do that for someone, especially for a sole as lonely as hers. She really has inspired me to persue my medical career and to find charity events that I can help out in. She had worked as a nerse in St. Joseph's hospital. She told us a story of how she dressed up as a clown one day so that she could cheer up some of the patients. She would respond to people by only honking a horn. That story really warmed my heart and made me want to perform acts of service like that.
Well that's pretty much the highlights of my week. Guess I'll talk to you guys seperately
Mom: I'm so glad that you are enjoying your new job at DFS. Thank you for telling me about my students especially the Donahues (I don't know how to spell there name ^_^;) They are a really nice family and I hope that I can stay in touch with them. Tell them that I really miss them and their familiy. Tell LB and Micheal that I said hi and that I hope that they will soon get their 3rd degree so that they can be all caught up to me ^_^ heheh I bet they would like that. I'm glad you are having a great time with that.
Well as usual take care of yourself and know that I love you more than words can even discribe. You are always in my prayers and I wish only the best for you.
Dad: Sorry to hear about the PA system. Hopefully you can get stuff sorted out with that. Sorry to hear about the loss in the tennis match ^_^;. I've gotten to play some actually and I'm suprised how much of your teaching I have kept. I really can't wait to come back and whup you because I have been practicing on my mission :P heheh! I really can't wait to play tennis with you again dad. Those are some of my favorite memories with you. Hope works not killing ya. Hang in there. I love you!
Rachel: Hey rachel! I hope things are going good with school and Braaaady~. You guys go on that many dates yet? Anyway I love you so much Rachel. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Well family I hope you have a great week and know that I love you a lot. Wish me luck this next transfer. Make sure to feed the missionaries guys, and to give them lots of refferals. They are the Lord's messangers! Take care! Until next time!
-Elder Clark
Another wonderful P-day and it's the last week before another transfer! Yep, that's right, next week is transfers and I think some things are going to go down. I think that I might be transfered out, or my companion might be transfered out. Either way I'll go wherever I need to go and do whatever I need to do ^_^.
Anyway this last week has been absolutely awesome!
We got a lot of lessons in this last week. We taught Harper and Alissa again. We taught them the 4th lesson which has all of the commandments and Harper was more than willing to keep them all. We then made plans for him to get his baptismal (spelling corrected hopefully ^_^;) interview the following Sunday, but before that we came by and taught him about temples as well. We talked about what is done and there and how we can help those who have passed on and are in the spirit world. He got really excited and thanked us for that lesson. He was wondering how things worked in the spirit world. He asked how people where taught in the spirit world and how they can recieve ordanances. D&C 186 (I think) Explains that exact thing very well and he really understood. Turns out he is really eager to do temple work for his father who has recently passed away. This guy is amazing! I absolutely love him. Here's the greatest news as well. This Sunday after his baptismal interview Harper came up to me and asked if I would be the one who would baptize him. I was absolutely honored to do so. You don't understand how AMAZINGLY excited I am. Ohhh man that day is going to take forever to get here. So the baptism is this Saturday between conference sessions (which I hope you guys will watch ;)) and I will take lots of pictures (which on a side note I'm thinking of sending the card home so that you guys can put them all on my blog or something because sending them by e-mail is just way to time consuming).
Anyway that was the highlight. Also this week we payed a visit to Sister Forrand again who is an 80 year old woman living in a retirement home. We have visited her many times and on this particular visit we re told the Joseph Smith story. At the end she offered to give to prayer again (which made me happy because like I have said in the past she gives the most genuine prayers I have ever heard) She gave lots of thanks to heavenly father for us to "visit an old woman" like herself. She really enjoyed the spirit and it really makes her happy when we come over. I assume that she doesn't get that many visitors at all. I am so happy that I can do that for someone, especially for a sole as lonely as hers. She really has inspired me to persue my medical career and to find charity events that I can help out in. She had worked as a nerse in St. Joseph's hospital. She told us a story of how she dressed up as a clown one day so that she could cheer up some of the patients. She would respond to people by only honking a horn. That story really warmed my heart and made me want to perform acts of service like that.
Well that's pretty much the highlights of my week. Guess I'll talk to you guys seperately
Mom: I'm so glad that you are enjoying your new job at DFS. Thank you for telling me about my students especially the Donahues (I don't know how to spell there name ^_^;) They are a really nice family and I hope that I can stay in touch with them. Tell them that I really miss them and their familiy. Tell LB and Micheal that I said hi and that I hope that they will soon get their 3rd degree so that they can be all caught up to me ^_^ heheh I bet they would like that. I'm glad you are having a great time with that.
Well as usual take care of yourself and know that I love you more than words can even discribe. You are always in my prayers and I wish only the best for you.
Dad: Sorry to hear about the PA system. Hopefully you can get stuff sorted out with that. Sorry to hear about the loss in the tennis match ^_^;. I've gotten to play some actually and I'm suprised how much of your teaching I have kept. I really can't wait to come back and whup you because I have been practicing on my mission :P heheh! I really can't wait to play tennis with you again dad. Those are some of my favorite memories with you. Hope works not killing ya. Hang in there. I love you!
Rachel: Hey rachel! I hope things are going good with school and Braaaady~. You guys go on that many dates yet? Anyway I love you so much Rachel. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Well family I hope you have a great week and know that I love you a lot. Wish me luck this next transfer. Make sure to feed the missionaries guys, and to give them lots of refferals. They are the Lord's messangers! Take care! Until next time!
-Elder Clark
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Biking mishaps!!
Hi Family,
So this week was kind of a down week. Not much happened because we hit some snags and stuff.
My tire innertub BUSTED! I was so mad, but I guess it was bound to happen because we ride so often. Plus I kind of biffed it trying to bunny hop it onto the curb. Heh ^_^; guess I'm not a very good bicycle stunt man.
Anyway if I were to mention a couple things that happened I would mention that we taught Harper again! He had a friend over named Jef and he joined in on the lesson. During the week they got to be on the Price is Right, and guess what. HE WON! That's right. I know someone who WON on the Price is Right! I think he will be on TV on April or something so keep your eyes pealed for Harper on The Price is Right, because I'm teaching that guy! Heheh! Anyway, we teaching him the 4th lesson which is the commandments. The commandment we talked to him that day was Follow the Prophet. It was a great lesson and his friend Jef really liked it too. We taught him and then read an article in the Ensign where Thomas S. Monson talks about doing service and good deeds for people daily. I think the article is called "Have I done something today" or something along those lines. I can't remember ^_^;;. But it was really good and the spirit was very strong. By the end of the lesson I asked if he would commit to following the prophet. He answered "Absolutely" as if I was asking him an obvious question. Man I love this guy. He trully has felt the spirit manifest the truth to him, and him and his girlfriend Allisa could not be any happier. Seeing their happiness and their joy as we teach and they continue on their path has really strangthened my testimony of the gospel and how it can strangthen people and their relationship. I can just see the immense love Harper and Allisa have for each other, and I know they can't wait to be sealed in the temple with each other for all eternity. I can only imagine the joy that can be felt at that time in thier life. Anyway, Jef really enjoyed it too, and he wanted to get in contact with some missionaries! He lives in Indiana and he was visiting for Spring break. So we gave him some pass along cards and some phone numbers he could call. It was so great! Oh! and I forgot to mention that on that day I took the lead because we did exchanges and my trainer went into another area. It's pretty hectic, but it's not that hard once you do it a couple of times. It's really cool and I can't wait until missionary work beccomes as natural as breathing to me ^_^;. I think that will happen at about 6 or 9 months ^_^;.
Well besides that I got to visit Lancaster as well. The Zone leader needed me to go on splits with him so he could babtise someone he taught up in Lancaster. So I got to go. They were the most sincere and happy family I have met. The Grandmother hasen't even met me and she thanked me so much for being there. I said the pleasure was all mine, and that they were a very nice familiy. They said that they appreciated the missionaries "putting up" with their family. Their family are not very normal. They are very loud and boisterous and they even applauded when their son Dustin was babized, but I think it was ok, because that means that they are sincere, because that's just what they feel is right, and as long as they feel the spirit and are happy then I am. They are such a wonderful family. That babtism was such a wonderful babtism, and Lancaster is a pretty cool place. It's supposed to be all deserty and stuff, but since it's spring, it actually had a bit of grass on the hills and stuff. I also think I saw a place around the hills where they supposidly shot Planet of the Apes. Sweet!
Anyway time again to talk to you guys seprately ^_^
Mom: Glad to to hear everything is going great at DFS. I bet it's so wonderful to work for Bobby and the others. They are really great. I miss that job every day, because every day we have to ride past this Tae Kwon Do class calld "JK Tae Kwon Do" They are always practicing in there and I watch them and think. Man! I miss my old job ^_^;;. But I'm glad that you are keeping in touch with Bobby and them. Did I tell you that they sent me a card? It was really nice of them ^_^. I really apprecited it. I sent them a thank you card. I Believe I sent it to Wendy Heath's address, so let me know if she's gotten it or not. Anyway, hope things are going well. Try not to cry every time you play Rock Band XD. Only if your playing a really passionate song. Then it's ok XD. Ahh well I love you mom and I hope all is going well with you.
Dad: Nice to hear from you as always. Glad you had the oppurtunity to get an awesome PA system. I really admire your ability to get the most bang for your buck. Keep it up Dad! Anyway a lot of the questions you asked are actually very funny ones to answer so here we go.
Biking mishaps huh? Well my companion actually has a joke for that. THe first few weeks I ran into a pole getting back on the sidewalk. It's the pole with the little button you push to cross the street. It wasn't that bad, but it knocked my reflector off. That was on a Thursday (remember that). The other time I was trying to hop a curve, but my companion swerved in my way, and he was going slow, so I slowed down and instead of hopping the curve I merely did a little wheely and had my front tire hit the curve >_<. My companion asked if I was alright and I said "Yeah, sure I'm great." He laughed and replied mockingly "Yeah sure, I do this every Thursday! It's my normal Thursday crash nothing special!" Heheh he's such a funny guy ^_^. So yeah, those are the biking mishaps. My companion told a 15 year old girl in our ward about it and she thought it was so funny that she drew little pictures during sacrament meeting and gave them to me. I'll send those home as memories today. Heheh ^_^.
As far as eating is concerned. It's funny that you should mention Roasty-toasty-tasty-tarter-tuna sandwiches because I just bought a bunch of tuna at Cosco the other day. So i'm pretty much good for a couple of months! But yeah, that's pretty much it. Tuna sandwiches, chunky soap, and all that quick and easy stuff I eat for lunch. For dinner, the ward has been slackin a bit, but they feed us well. We got corned beef on St. Patties day and some cabbage. It was pretty interesting. Other then that, it's pretty regular american food. Lasagnia. Fajitas, and stuff along those lines.
Well, I think that's it. How does it feel to get the most attention :P. I love you Dad. I hope you have a great week.
Rachel: Looks like your gonna be doing some chores. As Nelson would say "HA HA!" Heheh. Have you written my companion yet? He's really interested to hear from you. Well take care this week. I love you
I love you all so much and I miss you guys. Especially when I go to babisms. I'm so greatful that I was babized and that you guys raised me so well. You mean so much to me, now more than ever and I can't wait to come home and see you guys again. Take Care! and Keep ROCKIN!!!
-Elder Clark
So this week was kind of a down week. Not much happened because we hit some snags and stuff.
My tire innertub BUSTED! I was so mad, but I guess it was bound to happen because we ride so often. Plus I kind of biffed it trying to bunny hop it onto the curb. Heh ^_^; guess I'm not a very good bicycle stunt man.
Anyway if I were to mention a couple things that happened I would mention that we taught Harper again! He had a friend over named Jef and he joined in on the lesson. During the week they got to be on the Price is Right, and guess what. HE WON! That's right. I know someone who WON on the Price is Right! I think he will be on TV on April or something so keep your eyes pealed for Harper on The Price is Right, because I'm teaching that guy! Heheh! Anyway, we teaching him the 4th lesson which is the commandments. The commandment we talked to him that day was Follow the Prophet. It was a great lesson and his friend Jef really liked it too. We taught him and then read an article in the Ensign where Thomas S. Monson talks about doing service and good deeds for people daily. I think the article is called "Have I done something today" or something along those lines. I can't remember ^_^;;. But it was really good and the spirit was very strong. By the end of the lesson I asked if he would commit to following the prophet. He answered "Absolutely" as if I was asking him an obvious question. Man I love this guy. He trully has felt the spirit manifest the truth to him, and him and his girlfriend Allisa could not be any happier. Seeing their happiness and their joy as we teach and they continue on their path has really strangthened my testimony of the gospel and how it can strangthen people and their relationship. I can just see the immense love Harper and Allisa have for each other, and I know they can't wait to be sealed in the temple with each other for all eternity. I can only imagine the joy that can be felt at that time in thier life. Anyway, Jef really enjoyed it too, and he wanted to get in contact with some missionaries! He lives in Indiana and he was visiting for Spring break. So we gave him some pass along cards and some phone numbers he could call. It was so great! Oh! and I forgot to mention that on that day I took the lead because we did exchanges and my trainer went into another area. It's pretty hectic, but it's not that hard once you do it a couple of times. It's really cool and I can't wait until missionary work beccomes as natural as breathing to me ^_^;. I think that will happen at about 6 or 9 months ^_^;.
Well besides that I got to visit Lancaster as well. The Zone leader needed me to go on splits with him so he could babtise someone he taught up in Lancaster. So I got to go. They were the most sincere and happy family I have met. The Grandmother hasen't even met me and she thanked me so much for being there. I said the pleasure was all mine, and that they were a very nice familiy. They said that they appreciated the missionaries "putting up" with their family. Their family are not very normal. They are very loud and boisterous and they even applauded when their son Dustin was babized, but I think it was ok, because that means that they are sincere, because that's just what they feel is right, and as long as they feel the spirit and are happy then I am. They are such a wonderful family. That babtism was such a wonderful babtism, and Lancaster is a pretty cool place. It's supposed to be all deserty and stuff, but since it's spring, it actually had a bit of grass on the hills and stuff. I also think I saw a place around the hills where they supposidly shot Planet of the Apes. Sweet!
Anyway time again to talk to you guys seprately ^_^
Mom: Glad to to hear everything is going great at DFS. I bet it's so wonderful to work for Bobby and the others. They are really great. I miss that job every day, because every day we have to ride past this Tae Kwon Do class calld "JK Tae Kwon Do" They are always practicing in there and I watch them and think. Man! I miss my old job ^_^;;. But I'm glad that you are keeping in touch with Bobby and them. Did I tell you that they sent me a card? It was really nice of them ^_^. I really apprecited it. I sent them a thank you card. I Believe I sent it to Wendy Heath's address, so let me know if she's gotten it or not. Anyway, hope things are going well. Try not to cry every time you play Rock Band XD. Only if your playing a really passionate song. Then it's ok XD. Ahh well I love you mom and I hope all is going well with you.
Dad: Nice to hear from you as always. Glad you had the oppurtunity to get an awesome PA system. I really admire your ability to get the most bang for your buck. Keep it up Dad! Anyway a lot of the questions you asked are actually very funny ones to answer so here we go.
Biking mishaps huh? Well my companion actually has a joke for that. THe first few weeks I ran into a pole getting back on the sidewalk. It's the pole with the little button you push to cross the street. It wasn't that bad, but it knocked my reflector off. That was on a Thursday (remember that). The other time I was trying to hop a curve, but my companion swerved in my way, and he was going slow, so I slowed down and instead of hopping the curve I merely did a little wheely and had my front tire hit the curve >_<. My companion asked if I was alright and I said "Yeah, sure I'm great." He laughed and replied mockingly "Yeah sure, I do this every Thursday! It's my normal Thursday crash nothing special!" Heheh he's such a funny guy ^_^. So yeah, those are the biking mishaps. My companion told a 15 year old girl in our ward about it and she thought it was so funny that she drew little pictures during sacrament meeting and gave them to me. I'll send those home as memories today. Heheh ^_^.
As far as eating is concerned. It's funny that you should mention Roasty-toasty-tasty-tarter-tuna sandwiches because I just bought a bunch of tuna at Cosco the other day. So i'm pretty much good for a couple of months! But yeah, that's pretty much it. Tuna sandwiches, chunky soap, and all that quick and easy stuff I eat for lunch. For dinner, the ward has been slackin a bit, but they feed us well. We got corned beef on St. Patties day and some cabbage. It was pretty interesting. Other then that, it's pretty regular american food. Lasagnia. Fajitas, and stuff along those lines.
Well, I think that's it. How does it feel to get the most attention :P. I love you Dad. I hope you have a great week.
Rachel: Looks like your gonna be doing some chores. As Nelson would say "HA HA!" Heheh. Have you written my companion yet? He's really interested to hear from you. Well take care this week. I love you
I love you all so much and I miss you guys. Especially when I go to babisms. I'm so greatful that I was babized and that you guys raised me so well. You mean so much to me, now more than ever and I can't wait to come home and see you guys again. Take Care! and Keep ROCKIN!!!
-Elder Clark
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